An overview of academic support resources at Smith Engineering.
First Year Registration: First years do not need to register in courses. First years will have all their courses (and even admission credits) pre-loaded in SOLUS.
Submit the Late Course Add form.
A student may add a course to their program only within the first two weeks of classes in the course. The addition of a course after the prescribed deadline requires approval of the course instructor, the department in which the student is registered and the Dean.
When it is used: The student must obtain permission to add a course after the deadline.
Student Responsibilities: The student must complete the form and obtain the approval/signatures of the course instructor, and their Undergraduate Chair. Submissions should include rationale for the request and any appropriate supporting documentation. Once the form is complete, the student must submit the form to the Faculty Office, along with the $60 administrative fee (cheque, money order, debit, or credit card only)
Submit the Late Course Drop form.
Withdrawal from a course after the prescribed deadlines requires the approval of the department and the Operations Committee, and will only be permitted in exceptional circumstances. Late withdrawals will be indicated on the student's transcript by the designation DR.
When it is used: The student must obtain permission to drop a course after the deadline.
Student Responsibilities: The student must complete the form and obtain the signatures of the course instructor, and their Undergraduate Chair. Submissions should include rationale for the request and any appropriate supporting documentation. Once the form is complete, the student must submit the form to the Faculty Office, along with the $60 administrative fee (cheque, money order, debit, or credit card only)
Verify that you haven’t missed the deadline to add. Please refer to the Important Dates in the Academic Calendar.
If you have missed the deadline:
You will need to submit a Late Add Request form.
If you haven’t missed the deadline:
And you meet all prerequisite requirements, and have no time conflicts, you should be able to add most OPEN upper year courses in SOLUS, unless there are departmental blocks. If there are departmental blocks, you will need to contact the offering department in order to have the course added.
But you do not have the necessary prerequisites, you will need to complete a Course Registration Request Form.
But you have schedule conflicts, you will need to complete a Schedule Conflict Course Registration Request Form.
And you would like to add a first-year course, you will need to reach out to our First Year Advisors at engineering.first.year@queensu.ca.
Verify that you haven’t missed the deadline to drop without academic penalty. Please refer to the Sessional Dates in the Academic Calendar.
If you have missed the deadline:
You will need to submit a Late Drop Request form.
If you have not missed the deadline:
You should be able to drop all upper year courses in SOLUS, unless there are departmental blocks. If there are departmental blocks, you will need to contact the offering department in order to have the course dropped.
And you would like to drop a first-year course, you will need to reach out to our First Year Advisors at engineering.first.year@queensu.ca.
Verify that you haven’t missed the deadline to drop without financial penalty. Please refer to the Sessional Dates in the Academic Calendar.
If you have missed the deadline, you may be eligible for a partial refund, please see the Office of the Registrar for information on the Drop Date Schedule for Undergraduate Programs.
Note: if after the drop (either before or after the deadline to drop without financial penalty) you are taking 16.1 credits or more per term, you will not receive a refund.
Submit the Course Substitution Request form.
An upper year student may request permission for substitution of a course in their program by a similar course, either at Queen's or elsewhere, by application to the Operations Committee prior to enrolling in the substitute course. Approval for a request for a course substitution must be recommended by the instructor of the prescribed course and the department. For courses other than Complementary Studies, the request will normally only be considered if the institution offering the course has an accredited engineering program and if the student has a cumulative average of at least 60 percent. If a request to take a substitute course at another institution is approved, Smith Engineering at Queen's will issue a Letter of Permission to allow the student to enroll in the course.
When it is used: The student wishes to take another course either at Queen's which is not currently part of their prescribed curriculum, or at another university.
Student responsibilities for a substitution of a Queen's course: The student must complete the form and obtain the approval/signatures of the course instructor of the course to be substituted, and their Undergraduate Chair. Once the form is complete, the student must submit the form to the Faculty Office.
Student responsibilities for a substitution of a course taken at another university: The student must complete the form and obtain the approval/signatures of the Queen's course instructor (if applicable)*, and their Undergraduate Chair. Once the form is complete, the student must submit the form to the Faculty Office, along with the course syllabus and grading scale for the course to be taken at another university, and the $60 administrative fee (cheque, money order, debit or credit card only). Note: No fee is required if the student's requests are related participation in an approved Queen's Exchange Program. If the request is approved by the Academic Progress Committee, upon completion of the course, the student must ensure that an official transcript is sent to the Faculty Office in order to process the course credit.
*Queen's course instructor approval/signature not required for complementary studies or technical elective courses.
Submit the Designation of Substitution Request form.
When it is used: Student has failed a course and now would like to take another course to replace the failed course in their average
Both courses will show up in their transcript and the substituted course must be taken during the current academic session.
In SOLUS the course that was failed will have the notation 'Excluded in GPA' under the course and the new course will have the notation 'Included in GPA'
Student Responsibilities: The student must complete the form and obtain the approval/signatures of the course instructor for the original course, and their Undergraduate Chair. Submissions should include rationale for the request and any appropriate supporting documentation. Once the form is complete, the student must submit the form to the Faculty Office.
Queen’s Course:
You need to complete a Course Substitution Request form (PDF). The form requires that you obtain the approval/signatures of the course instructor of the course to be substituted, and your Undergraduate Chair.
Once the form is complete, please email to engineering.committees@queensu.ca
Course taken at another university:
You need to complete a Course Substitution Request form. The form requires that you obtain the approval/signatures of the course instructor of the course to be substituted, and your Undergraduate Chair.
Once the form is complete, please submit the form to engineering.committees@queensu.ca along with the course syllabus and grading scale for the course to be taken at another university.
For courses taken outside Queen’s University, there is also a $60 fee per letter of permission to help defray administrative costs. A separate letter of permission is required for each institution. There is no limit to the number of courses on a letter. If requests for courses at the same institution are not included on a single application, there will be a charge for each subsequent application. Payment must be made via credit card (at Smith Engineering Online Store), cheque or money order made payable to Queen’s University.
Note: No fee is required if the student's requests are related participation in an approved Queen's Exchange Program.
If the request is approved by the Academic Progress Committee, upon completion of the course, you must ensure that an official transcript is sent to the Student Services Office in order to process the course credit.
Engineering students can take courses in the summer.
For registration dates/deadlines for summer courses, please refer to the Sessional Dates in the Academic Calendar.
For information on online summer courses offered through Smith Engineering at Queen's, please see the Academic Calendar.
For information on online summer courses offered through the Faculty of Arts and Science, please see Arts and Science Online.
Courses offered through the Faculty of Arts and Science are typically used for your Complementary Studies requirements. Please ensure that you first check the Complementary Studies list in the Academic Calendar to ensure the course will meet this requirement.
Note: You will be charged tuition to take courses. Information on tuition can be found on the Office of the Registrar website.
Upper year students may request permission to take a course at another university by completing a Course Substitution Request form. This request must be approved (and signed) by the instructor of the Queen’s course and your department. A $60 Letter of Permission fee is required.
Please note, for courses other than Complementary Studies, the institution offering the course must be an accredited engineering program and you must have an Engineering Cumulative GPA of 1.6 or higher.
For further information, please refer to Regulation 2(e) in the Faculty Policies and Regulations Section of the Academic Calendar.
SOLUS will not allow you to add a course that conflicts with anything else in your timetable. The Faculty discourages timetable conflicts, however, it recognizes that occasionally these may be necessary. If you feel that it is absolutely necessary that you add a course that conflicts with your present timetable, you can do this using the Course Registration Request Form (CRRF). This is a document that you can use to request permission to add a conflicting course. The steps for this are as follows:
You will be removed from any block loaded core course with a missing prerequisite or co-requisite. You will not be able to add a course if you have not fulfilled the prerequisite or co-requisite requirements. To request permission to waive a prerequisite or a co-requisite, use the Course Registration Request Form, print your timetable to a file, and follow the same steps as outlined above for Timetable Conflicts.
Make sure that you have no blocks on your account. If you have a block on your account, you will not be able to register/be registered in courses until it is resolved.
If you do not/no longer have a block on your account, you can add courses yourself in SOLUS during your enrolment appointment and during open enrolment time.
For information about enrolment appointments and open enrolment, please see Office of the Registrar website.
For specific courses you will need to take for your program, please see the Academic Calendar.
For further questions and assistance, please contact your Undergraduate Assistant.
Please see the APSC 200/293 Wiki:
If you are interested in taking a graduate-level course at Queen’s University, please note that the regulations in the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs require that you meet these conditions:
Please note that graduate-level courses taken as part of an undergraduate program will not count for credit in a graduate degree program. Please see the School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs for further details.
Please reach out to our First Year Advisors at engineering.first.year@queensu.ca for assistance.
You can retake a course that you have passed; however, please be advised priority for the course will be given to students who still need to complete the requirement and the most recent grade (not best grade) will count in your GPA. This means that if your grade goes down from the original grade it will be the lower grade that will count in your GPA.
Send an email requesting the type of letter needed to engineering.reception@queensu.ca.
Log onto the Smith Engineering Online Store and process the payment of $30 for a ‘Document Fee.’
Send the confirmation of payment to engineering.reception@queensu.ca.
Once the letter is complete and signed, you will be notified by email.
An overview of academic support resources at Smith Engineering.
Our Academic Support guide gathers resources on tutoring, English support, study skills support, and more.