Please call 911 in any emergency situation where police, fire or paramedic assistance is required immediately.

Our Mission

Smith Engineering works collaboratively with the Queen's community to support a safe and secure campus environment and to develop students' professional engineering safety skills.

Smith Engineering Safety

Professional engineers have a clearly defined duty to society, which is to regard the duty to public* welfare as paramount, above their duties to clients or employers.


* Public: Anyone who is affected in any way, at any time, now or in the future, by an Engineer/Engineering Student's work in any engineering field.


Report an Incident 

All types of incidents must be documented and reported to Environmental Health and Safety. This includes, but is not limited to, near misses, first aid emergencies, and major spills. 

Fill out a report

Looking for a staff member to contact about a safety concern? See below for the list of Joint Health and Safety Committee members, and the list of Safety Officers.

Joint Heath and Safety Committee Safety Officers

Joint Health and Safety Commitee (JHSC)

The Smith Engineering Joint Health and Safety Committee (JHSC) is a legislated non-partisan committee of management and non-management personnel whose mission it is to provide health and safety oversight and to support to every member of the Queen’s Engineering community.

  • Health and Safety Rules, Protocols, and Procedures are in place for everyone’s protection. Not following the rules can endanger not only yourself, but others.
  • Following all rules, protocols, and procedures is obligatory. Choosing not to follow rules, protocols, and procedures could result in suspension of lab privileges.
  • Improving the Health and Safety rules, protocols, and procedures must be done by working with your supervisor / instructor and the Joint Health and Safety Committee.

See below for a list of the Smith Engineering JHSC members

Name Department
Ying Zhang (for Nicolas Hudon during leave) Chemical Engineering
Noushin Rajabalinia Chemical Engineering
Natalie Niro Civil Engineering
Graeme Boyd Civil Engineering
Peter Rowsome Electrical and Computer Eng.
Gabrielle Whan Mechanical & Materials Eng.
Larry Steele Robert M Buchan Dept of Mining
  VACANT Smith Engineering
John McKay Smith Engineering
Eric Tremblay Smith Engineering
Stephanie Wilson Smith Engineering
Kyle Strike Smith Engineering
Matthew Lee USW
Samantha Samson USW

Safety Officers

Queen’s University’s Departmental Safety Officers are representatives of a faculty, department, unit or school who are familiar and knowledgeable about the operations in their areas, as well as any related or potential hazards and required controls. They play an important role in supporting the university’s commitment to healthy and safe work environments.

Name Department
Dani Sanderson Chemical Engineering
Srijit Nair Chemical Engineering
Graeme Boyd Civil Engineering
Peter Rowsome Electrical and Computer Eng.
Patrick Given Engineering Physics
Gary Neff Mechanical & Materials Eng.
Adam Cordick Mechanical & Materials Eng.
Heather Drouillard Robert M Buchan Dept of Mining
Andrew Michael Bowles  Smith Engineering 385 Princess
Claudia Hasan-Nielsen  Smith Engineering 385 Princess
Ramzi Asfour Smith Engineering Ingenuity Labs
Patrick Given Smith Engineering ILC