The Dean's Donation Fund is available to all Engineering competitive design teams, outreach programs, conferences, clubs and student-led campus businesses which all bring distinction to Smith Engineering at Queen's University and provide invaluable teamwork, leadership, project planning, design, marketing and communication skills.

Dean Deluzio, therefore, is interested in providing financial support for these Engineering student-led initiatives. Through the Dean's Donation Fund, engineering student groups may apply each year.

When funding is provided by the Dean, please make sure Smith Engineering at Queen's University is listed as a sponsor at your conference, event, etc. 

2024-25 Deadlines:
Under Review

Questions regarding Application Package direct to: Smith Engineering Finance.

Please submit applications e-version (PDF) only to: Smith Engineering Finance.

Design Teams/Clubs Applications

  1. Please complete the Application Package
  2. Submit a Balanced Budget Template in Excel
  3. Complete Academic Advisor Approval Form
  4. Must adhere to the Off-Campus Activity Safety Policy (OCASP), if applicable

Download Application Package (PDF)

Download Budget Template (XLSX)

Academic Advisor Approval Form (PDF)

Conferences Applications

  1. Please complete the Application Form
  2. Submit a Balanced Budget Template in Excel
  3. Sponsorship Package must be included with submission
  4. Must adhere to the Off-Campus Activity Safety Policy (OCASP), if applicable

Online Application Form

Download Budget Template (XLSX)

Additional Resources