Chemical Engineering Chemistry (CEC) Department Student Council

The Chemical Engineering Chemistry (CEC) Department Student Council is a student club for students in the chemical engineering/engineering chemistry program. Our group aims to ensure students have the best experience in the Chem Eng Chem discipline possible, through social opportunities and academic support. We run activities such as the Chem Eng Chem BBQ, connecting students in every year of the discipline; thesis night, which informs third-year students about how to secure a thesis; and the year-end banquet that brings faculty, graduate students, and undergraduate together!


Typical events for this group include:

  • Smith Engineering Clubs and Design Teams

    Looking to get involved in clubs and design teams with Smith Engineering students from all disciplines? 

    Smith Engineering Clubs  

    Connect over shared interests with students from across Smith Engineering in one of the many clubs within the Engineering Society

    Smith Engineering Design Teams  

    Apply your knowledge outside the classroom and design unique engineering products. Design projects include a concrete canoe, a rocket, wearable bionic devices, a robotic sailboat, and many more.