Want to get a head start on your master's?

The Accelerated Master's Degree Program (also referred to as the BASc/MASc Program) allows strong students (GPA of A- or better) in the Chemical Engineering and Engineering Chemistry programs to work towards a master's degree while completing their undergraduate degree.

In this program, you’ll be able to begin taking graduate courses that cover the most recent developments in your field. Through participation in conferences, you will also have the opportunity to share your research findings. Students enrolled in this program may be more competitive for external scholarships and awards.

Program Overview

In this program, undergraduate students must successfully complete a fourth-year Research Project and may complete up to 6.0 graduate course credits that will count towards their MASc degree. Typically, the Research Project will be (co)supervised by the faculty member(s) who intend to become the student's MASc thesis supervisor(s).

The Accelerated Master's Program typically reduces the time to complete the MASc by one or two academic terms. Completing the standard MASc program in Chemical Engineering typically takes 6 terms (2 years). Students accepted to the accelerated program will complete their BASc with the rest of their class cohort and are expected to complete the MASc degree 16-20 months later.

To earn their MASc degree, the student is required to earn a minimum of 12.0 graduate course credits (including those graduate course credits earned as an undergraduate), prepare a MASc thesis which builds on the research pursued in the fourth-year research project, and successfully defend their MASc thesis.

Admission Requirements

Students must have first-class grades (GPA of 3.7 or higher) and complete an application form.

Required Courses

During their fourth year in the BASc/MASc program, students would take as technical electives a combination of graduate courses (800-level, worth 3.0 academic credits) and/or graduate course modules (900 –level, worth 1.5 academic credits each) for up to 6.0 credits toward the requisite 12.0 credits needed for the MASc degree. These credits will also count towards the completion of the BASc academic units. Please contact Liann Joanette for eligible graduate courses.

To continue as graduate students in the Accelerated Master’s Program, students must have achieved a minimum final grade of B- in each graduate course/module taken during their fourth year.

Research Work

Students must complete a research project in their fourth year of study: either CHEE 408 (CHE2), CHEE 421 (CHE1) or ENCH 417 (EngChem students). Students taking MINE 424 as option core instead of CHEE 408 or CHEE 421 will also be eligible for admission to the program, provided that they are supervised or co-supervised by a faculty member who is affiliated (appointed or cross-appointed) with the Department of Chemical Engineering. During the fourth year projects, students may make research progress on their MASc degree.

To be allowed to continue as a graduate student in the Accelerated Master’s Program, students must have a minimum final grade of a B+ in their undergraduate research project.


Promotion to the PhD Program

Students looking to be promoted to a PhD program would apply during the fifth year of study, just like a standard MASc student. Students can continue to a PhD program if they have a first-class average, the supervisor supports the transfer, and they successfully pass a promotion mini-defence.

Program Timeline

Year 3

Fall term: Information/recruitment session (Graduate Coordinator/Faculty members)
Winter term: Student (A- average or better) applies to the program

Year 4

Fall term: Apply to the School of Graduate Studies for admission to the graduate program. The application procedure is the same as all other prospective applicants.
Fall/Winter terms: Take up to 6.0 graduate course credits as electives.
Fall/Winter terms: Complete a fourth-year research project.
April: Graduate with a BASc degree.
May: Enter the graduate program and work towards completing the remaining graduate course credits while performing master's-level research. It is expected that the student will be able to complete the program 4-5 terms (16-20 months) later.