6.1 General
6.2 Good Housekeeping
6.3 Promptly Report Accidents, Abnormal Wear, and Damage or Loss
6.4 Electrical Safety
6.5 Ergonomics

6.1 General

  • FIRE DOORS MUST be kept closed at all times.

  • Locate all safety equipment in your work area and become familiar with their use (telephone, exits, fire extinguishers, pull boxes, first aid kit, evacuation route and meeting site).

  • Keep your area locked to avoid unauthorized entry.

  • Only use the elevator during normal working hours (you may be trapped in case of a power failure or elevator breakdown).

  • The elevator is not a fire exit and shall not be used in the event of a fire.

  • If you hear the elevator alarm bell of the elevator ringing call the emergency report center at 36111.

  • Do not walk and read at the same time.

  • Use the handrail at all times when using the stairs. If you do not have a free hand, use the elevator.

  • Practice good housekeeping at all times. This is essential for the prevention of fires, accidents, and personal injury. A crowded or cluttered workplace is a dangerous place in which to work.

  • Never block emergency exits, emergency equipment or electrical panels.

  • Ensure drawers and doors are closed after use so they do not present a bump or trip hazard.

  • Ensure shelves and bookcases are secured to the wall to avoid tipping.

  • Check furniture for any loose parts or sharp edges.

  • Store heavy items on the lower and middle shelves of storage areas.

  • Never store any liquid above eye level.

  • Contact your supervisor or a member of the Department Safety Group or the Faculty of Engineering & Applied Science Joint Health & Safety Committee if you have any questions or concerns.

  • Report unsafe conditions and accidents promptly to your supervisor or the safety officer

6.2 Good Housekeeping

  • Maintain your working area in a neat and orderly condition at all times. Clean up as you work. Tidiness is an important factor contributing to safety, efficiency, and pleasant working conditions.

  • Promptly clean up chemicals and glassware, and dismantle equipment when no longer needed.

  • Keep aisles and floors clear and unobstructed.

  • Do not use fume hoods for storage.

  • Do not overcrowd storage areas and shelves.

  • Clean up spills immediately.

  • Put broken glass and small sharp objects into proper metal containers to be dumped by janitors. If you put other garbage into these containers, the janitors will not dump them and you will have to.

  • Benches and other surfaces shall not be littered with newspapers, paper towels, scrap paper, and outer clothing (coats, hats, boots, umbrellas).

  • Packing material is to be placed with non hazardous waste disposal. Boxes are to be flattened and left in hallway.

6.3 Promptly Report Accidents, Abnormal Wear, and Damage or Loss

Report minor accidents, wastage of materials, and abnormal wear or malfunction of equipment, hazards to your project supervisor, or if they are unavailable, to one of:

Departmental Chemical Technologists

Dani Sanderson or Srijit Nair

Department Manager
Lynn O'Malley
Department Head
Robin Hutchinson

6.4 Electrical Safety

  • If a circuit breaker or fuse blows for unknown reason, have the equipment checked by a qualified person before installing a new fuse or resetting the circuit breaker.

  • Take equipment with frayed or broken plugs out of service and have them repaired.

  • Avoid the use of extension cords on the floor as this creates a trip hazard.

  • Never remove the ground pin from a 3 pronged plug.

  • Use only trained and qualified people to construct, repair or modify electrical or electronic equipment.

  • Do not use portable space heaters in proximity of combustible and flammable material.

  • If electrical equipment emits smoke or a burning smell, promptly shut off the power immediately and take it out of service for repair.

  • Use only carbon dioxide, halon, or dry chemical extinguishers on electrical fires.

  • All electrical equipment must be certified by an approved authority such as CSA, UL, or the Electrical Safety Authority. Electrical Equipment

6.5 Ergonomics

The study of ergonomics is concerned with the way a job, task, or workplace "fits" the worker. Some problems which may arise if this is overlooked are; fatigue; repetitive motion injuries; monotonous work; biomechanical stresses such as strains, aches, or injuries, eye strain from video display terminals. Design your workspace to avoid these potential problems. If problems do exist, contact your supervisor, or a member of the Department Safety Working Group.