Queen's women in engineering logo

Women have faced significant obstacles in STEM careers over time and continue to be under-represented in these industries.  According to Engineers Canada, only 18 per cent of working engineers licensed in Canada are women.

Our goal is to increase both the number of women pursuing engineering and the retention of existing women in the field.

Queen's Women in Engineering 2024

Undergraduate Students
Graduate Students

Upcoming Event

IWED Luncheon
June 21, 2024

Celebrate the achievements of Queen's women in engineering over a FREE lunch downtown!

Contact Us

We want to hear from you! Do you have ideas for promoting women in engineering? A general inquiry?

Connect with us and share your thoughts.

Current Initiative

Women in Action
What does an engineer look like?

Join the women across Canada redefining the image of an engineer! View a gallery of women in engineering roles and hobbies.