
STEM Indigenous Academics (STEMInA) is an academic support and community-building program for Indigenous students enrolled in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) -based undergraduate degree programs at Queen’s University. Students are from the Faculties of Arts and Science, Engineering and Applied Science, and Health Science.


The intent of STEMInA is to create a strong and successful community of Indigenous STEM students at Queen’s through services, programming, and events. Building on the decade of experience of the Indigenous Futures in Engineering initiative, STEMInA seeks to provide students with both a strong academic and social foundation in their first year and throughout their time at Queen's. In addition to ensuring Indigenous STEM students have the tools they need to be successful in their degree programs, STEMInA intends to alleviate the experience of isolation felt by many Indigenous STEM students through building a distinct Indigenous STEM community.


Transition Week

Transition Week is an on-campus orientation program for Indigenous STEM students, one week prior to general move-in. It starts with a family orientation over two days, and continues throughout the week to welcome first year undergraduate students to their new surroundings, academic programs, and community in Kingston. Accommodations and food for both the family orientation and transition week are provided by the STEMInA program, and students get to move directly into their new homes in residence!

Individual guidance and tutoring

Academic support begins in the form of small group tutorials for first year students. Tutoring is ongoing and specialized according to academic discipline, and students can reliably access academic help organized by the STEMInA program coordinator.



STEMInA hosts a series of workshops and events throughout the year revolving around subjects of interest to Indigenous STEM students. Some of these events are open to all eligible students, while others specifically focus on the intersectionality of being Indigenous women in STEM. STEMInA events are meant to encourage the development and success of Indigenous students in STEM. Mentors and facilitators help to build a circle of support and encourage the sharing of challenges and triumphs within the group.


For more information on the STEMInA program, please contact