What is QSuccess Engineering International Student Mentorship Program?

QSuccess Engineering International Student Mentorship is a student peer to peer support program funded by Smith Engineering at Queen's, and facilitated by the University Student Experience Office, QSuccess First-Year Mentorship Program. The QSuccess Engineering International Student Mentorship Program is dedicated to help first year engineering international students with academic, life, and cultural transition. In this program, first year engineering international students (the student mentees) will work one-on-one with upper year engineering students (the student mentors) and gain confidence and skills to be successful in their first-year life. In Smith Engineering, we have an academically strong and culturally diverse student peer mentor team willing to support their mentee buddies over the summer and through their first year.

Benefits of Program (How mentors can help)

QSuccess Engineering International Student Mentorship Program is open to all first-year engineering international students and can help you:

  • Develop academic skills, including time management, effective communication, collaboration, etc., essential to engineering students
  • Learn to balance academic and social life and successfully complete your high school to university transition in first year
  • Make friends with engineering peer students and find a sense of belonging in the student community
  • Connect to other campus resources to support your academic, life, and cultural transition, including but not limited to the international student advisors, academic advisors/coordinators, wellness counsellors, on/off campus housing, student associations and clubs, etc.

Most importantly, our international student mentors have lived through your first year experience in engineering and understand your challenges in the program. Working with an engineering mentor, you'll always have a patient listener with an empathetic mind willing to support you and to celebrate your achievement of your first year in Smith Engineering.



Meet the QSuccess Engineering International Student Mentors


Sudeepta Talukdar

Hi everyone! I am Sudeepta and I am going into my fourth year of Applied Math and Engineering this year! I was born in Bangladesh, and I spent a good chunk of my life in a boarding school in India. I was a mentor in my second year, and this will be my second year as a senior mentor for the International Engineering Mentorship program! Some of my hobbies include practicing Pilates and taking care of my plants! I am also a vid reader when time allows me to, and very interested in etymology. I am looking forward to another year of gaining more experience and meaningful skills through my time as a QSuccess Senior Mentor!





Jade Khau

Hi! I'm Jade, a Vietnamese Chinese who moved to Canada in grade 8. I enjoy K-dramas, cooking, and music. As a mentor, I'll provide academic and social support, stress management, and personal guidance to my mentees in their first year of engineering. Let's make it an amazing journey together!










Michael Leung

I am a third-year mechanical engineering student from Hong Kong and a returning mentor. I am interested in mechatronics and sports so I participate in those extracurricular activities often during school. As a mentor, my goal is to help you in all areas of life you feel comfortable sharing with me, whether that’s academics, physical health or your social life. 








Yahya Mohamed

I'm Yahya Mohamed, 2nd year mechatronics students and I have moved countries few times but originally Egyptian. I am passionate about anything mechatronics, and I do few extracurriculars, love to help you start with that. As a mentor my goal is to help you with your transition, by helping you with culture adaptation, managing academic load and work-life balance."









Viren Tated

Hello! I'm an international student from India, having experienced schooling in Malaysia. Currently studying Applied Mathematics and Engineering, I'm deeply enthusiastic about immersing myself in different cultures, embarking on exciting travels, embracing sports, and acquiring new skills. This past year, I've struggled but eventually developed valuable life skills like cooking and financial planning. I understand the struggles of first year and as your mentor, I'm here to share my experiences, offer guidance, and support your club involvement. Together, let's make your university experience an incredible adventure! 





Xiaoyu Ren

Hey there! I’m Xiaoyu Ren. I’m from Nanjing, China and I speak fluent Mandarin. I love taking photos, playing video games, and watching anime in my spare time. I understand first-year can be hard, especially for international students, and I’m more than willing to share my experience and skills I learnt to help with your transition!









Runqi Xie

I’m Runqi Xie, and I’m in third-year Mechatronics and Robotics Engineering. I was born in Shanghai China and went to a boarding high school in Whitby, Canada. I love singing, painting and doing sports like snowboarding and skiing. I’m very excited to meet and talk with my mentees and support them in their transition to the first year.








Yousef Alsaqa

My name is Yousef and I'm a third year Mechatronics and robotics student! I'm from Egypt and I've lived in Kingston for the last three years. Hope to see you soon!











Mentee Registration

All engineering international students are required to participate in the mentorship program in the first year. In early July, you will:

  • be automatically imported to MentorCity, the e-mentoring software
  • receive an email from QSuccess asking you to build your Mentee profile
  • be able to browse through the member database and start with self-match with your preferred mentors based on your needs/interests.

You also have the option to terminate a relationship, rematch yourself to another mentor, or opt out from the program during your fist year.


Interested to be a QSuccess Engineering International Student Mentor?

The International Student Mentor program has provided an opportunity for upper year international students and students with international experience to take leadership in student community, to extend help to international peers, and to represent the need of their race and culture in student services and academic administration.

All engineering undergraduate students (second year and above) are welcome to apply and join the mentor team. If interested, you may apply in the month of May each year following the instruction of the job posting sent to your Queen’s student email. If you have any questions about this program and mentor recruitment, please email to engineering.intladvisor@queensu.ca.