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The 19th Inquiry @ Queen’s Undergraduate Research Conference will be held March 6-7 in the 1966 Reading Room in Douglas Library. Courtesy of the Office of the Vice Principal (Research), the top two selected oral presentations will receive $1,000 awards. Students may also submit poster presentations.
You can also submit an abstract for this conference by February 14. Paper, presentation, and poster abstracts will be included in the I@Q conference proceedings. This journal is open access and will serve as a record of all contributions to the Inquiry@Queen's Undergraduate Research Conference. You can refer to it on your résumé and it can be cited by other researchers. See the I@Q website for details.
EngSoc Master's Networking and Info Night, March 11, 7-10PM at the Grad Club for undergraduate students considering graduate school. Learn how it works and connect with professors who are currently looking for new Master's students. Please RSVP by filling out this registration form as well as this mandatory AMS waiver form.