Scope and Mandate

Research Centres at Queen's University play an integral role in the advancement of the research mission of the University as well as to attract and retain leading researchers. Beginning in 2008, the Office of the Vice-Principal (Research) administered a portion of the Federal Indirect Costs of Research to help support Centres on a competitive basis. The last year for this fund was in 2012. Although limited to $10k to $40k/year, the majority of Centres used this funding to help balance their operating budgets. In January 2014, it was agreed by the Faculty Heads that the Faculty should set up a $150k/year fund to replace the monies previously awarded by VPR.

The following criteria will be used to assess the applications. The criteria below may not be relevant for all Centres, but each Centre is encouraged to report on as many indicators as possible:

  • Is the mandate and objectives of the Centre in support of the Faculty Academic Plan?

  • Is the level of activity consistent with the reported size and nature of the Centre?

  • Is the budget for the reporting year in-line with the level of activity?

  • Do the budgets for the reporting year and the coming year demonstrate fiscal responsibility?

  • For University-based Centres: a) has there been an effort to obtain funding from all participating Faculties? and b) what is the level of participation from faculty members?


All University and Faculty based Research Centres are eligible to apply.

Funding Details

Smith Engineering at Queen's provides $150,000 of funding each year to be allocated according to the adjudication process below.

Application Details

Application package

Applicants are asked to submit a memorandum from the Centre Director, addressed to the Associate Dean (Research and Graduate Studies), stating the amount requested together with a history of the funding received from the VPR fund since 2008 (and subsequently the Faculty fund), with an indication of what line item these monies were allocated to in the past (ie. “$20k used to supplement Centre Manager’s salary in 2012). It is assumed that these monies will be used to support staff salaries. If this is not the case, then an explanation must be provided in the memorandum. A copy of the Faculty Annual Report for Research Centres for the previous year must be attached.


Interested applicants are asked to send their submissions to by April 30th, in order to be considered for a funding allocation for the coming fiscal year (beginning May 1st of each year).

Adjudication Process

By May 15th, the Faculty Awards Committee, as Chaired by the Associate Dean (Research) with a faculty member from each of the five core engineering departments, will review the applications against the above criteria and make a recommendation with respect to the size of the award. It is anticipated that it will not be possible to fund all requests. These recommendations will be forwarded to the Dean for final approval. By May 30th, Centres will receive notification of their funding allotment for the coming year.