Congratulations to Assistant Professor Dr. Cao Thang Dinh for once again making Clarivates™ 2024 list of “Highly Cited Researchers.” Exceptional researchers given this designation have published multiple highly cited papers, ranking in the top 1% by citations for field and year over the last decade. Clarivate describes these researchers as “one in 1,000”. Cao is one of only four Queen’s University researchers to receive the designation this year and one of only seven Canadians identified in the field of Chemistry.
Cao has been recognized as a Highly Cited Researcher since 2021. He has an exceptional publication record with over 100 publications in high-quality peer-reviewed journals including in Nature and Science. He has over 31,000 citations and an h-index of 67 according to Google Scholar.
This year, Clarivate recognized 6,886 scientists and social scientists from 59 countries and regions, including 206 from Canada. To learn more about Clarivate and how they determine highly cited researchers, visit their website.