Heidi Ploeg, Queen’s Chair for Women in Engineering, the Dean of Engineering and Applied Science, Kevin Deluzio, and the Director of Ingenuity Labs, Joshua Marshall, today called for the Canadian government’s attention to the plight of the Afghan Girls Robotics Team.
The Girls Robotics Team, who visited Canada in 2018 to participate in a robotics competition, have expressed their desire to leave Afghanistan for Canada.
Read and sign the petition at change.org“We are contacting you with urgency to request that the Government of Canada prioritize assistance to the Afghan Girls Robotics Team members who remain in Afghanistan, some of whom you met in 2018 on their visit to Canada for a robotics competition,” Dr. Ploeg said in a petition posted to the website change.org, which is currently collecting signatures.
“As scientists, engineers, and roboticists, these young women are our future colleagues. They need our urgent support today. With this letter the undersigned implore you to take all steps possible to ensure their safe travel to Canada.”
The petition can be viewed and signed at http://chng.it/mwgcVV9K77.