Zhongwen Yao PhD, LL


Faculty, Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Phone: 613-533-3435
Fax: 613-533-6610
Nicol Hall, Room: 328A

Expertise: Mechanics of Materials, Nuclear Materials, Microanalysis and Microscopy
 Zhongwen Yao
Biography Research Teaching Publications Graduate Students Open Positions

BASc (Wuhan University) 

PhD (Ecole Polytechnique Federal de Lausanne) 

PDF (University of Oxford) 

Research Interests 

  • R&D on Ni-based superalloys, Oxide Dispersion-strengthened (ODS) Steels, Zr alloys, and other nuclear materials etc.  
  • Thin film coating technology;  
  • Transmission electron microscopy imaging technology;  
  • Nanostructure characterization in metals;  
  • Computational materials science 





  • MECH371 Fracture Mechanics and Dislocation Theory 
  • MECH483 Nuclear Materials 
  • MECH883 Advanced Nuclear Materials 
  • MECH851 Materials Characterization 
  • APSC161 Engineering Graphics 
  • APSC 100 Engineering Design and Practice 
  • MECH460 Team Project - Conceive and Design 
  • MECH396/8 Mechanical and Materials Engineering Laboratory 

[112] Microstructure and properties of Cr-AlN composite coating prepared by pack-cementation on the surface of Al-containing ODS steel X Hou, H Wang, Q Yang, Y Chen, L Chai, B Song, N Guo, S Guo, Z Yao Surface and Coatings Technology, 128842 2022 

[111] Revealing Microstructural, Textural, and Hardness Evolution of Ti–6Al–4V Sheet Cooled from Sub β-Transus Temperature at Different Rates L Chai, J Xia, KL Murty, X Gu, J Fan, Z Yao Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 53 (8), 3179-3193 2022 

[110] Preparation and property optimization of FeCrAl-based ODS alloy by machine learning combined with wedge-shaped hot-rolling L Deng, C Wang, J Luo, J Tu, N Guo, H Xu, P He, S Xia, Z Yao Materials Characterization 188, 111894 2022 

[109] Effect of Radiation Defects on Thermo–Mechanical Properties of UO2 Investigated by Molecular Dynamics Method Z Wang, M Yu, C Yang, X Long, N Gao, Z Yao, L Dong, X Wang Metals 12 (5), 761 2022 

[108] New mechanisms of dislocation line-loop interactions in BCC-Fe explored by molecular dynamics method Z Wang, M Yu, X Long, C Yang, N Gao, Z Yao, X Wang Results in Physics 34, 105226 2022 

[107] Identifying the true structure and origin of the water-quench induced hydride phase in Zr-2.5 Nb alloy F Long, Y Luo, NN Badr, O Shiman, M Topping, SY Persaud, Z Yao, M Daymond Acta Materialia 221, 117369 2021 

[106] Stability of vacancy and interstitial dislocation loops in α-zirconium: Atomistic calculations and continuum modelling C Dai, C Varvenne, P Saidi, Z Yao, MR Daymond, LK Béland Journal of Nuclear Materials 554, 153059 2021 

[105] Interstitialcy-based reordering kinetics of Ni3Al precipitates in irradiated Ni-based super alloys K Ferasat, TD Swinburne, P Saidi, MR Daymond, Z Yao, LK Béland Materialia 19, 101180 2021 

[104] Crystal structure of hydride platelets in hot rolled Zircaloy-2, characterized with synchrotron X-ray diffraction, S/TEM, and EELS N Badr, F Long, M Topping, P Saidi, S Persaud, Z Yao, M Daymond Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 19th International Symposium 2021 

[103] Effects of helium on irradiation-induced phase instability in a NiCrFeTiNbAl alloy H Zhang, ZW Yao, MA Kirk Tungsten 3 (1), 58-64 2021 

[102] Deformation mechanism characteristics in a Ni-based alloy X-750: Dislocation/precipitate interaction P Changizian, Z Yao, MR Daymond Materials Characterization 172, 110891 2021 

[101] Mechanisms for< 100> interstitial dislocation loops to diffuse in BCC iron N Gao, ZW Yao, GH Lu, HQ Deng, F Gao Nature communications 12 (1), 1-8 2021 

[100] Towards resolving a long existing phase stability controversy in the Zr-H, Ti-H systems F Long, NN Badr, Z Yao, MR Daymond Journal of Nuclear Materials 543, 152540 2021 

[99] Accelerated kinetic Monte Carlo: A case study; vacancy and dumbbell interstitial diffusion traps in concentrated solid solution alloys K Ferasat, YN Osetsky, AV Barashev, Y Zhang, Z Yao, LK Béland The Journal of Chemical Physics 153 (7), 074109 2020 

[98] Tunable chemical complexity to control atomic diffusion in alloys Y Osetsky, AV Barashev, LK Béland, Z Yao, K Ferasat, Y Zhang npj Computational Materials 6 (1), 1-8 1 2020 

[97] Characterization of phases in the Zr–Nb–Fe ternary system at the Zr–Nb rich side of the phase diagram F Long, M Griffiths, Z Yao, MR Daymond Journal of Nuclear Materials, 152142 2020 

[96] Oxidation behavior of 9Cr-4.5 Al ODS steel in 600° C supercritical water and the effect of pre-oxidation S Xu, F Long, SY Persaud, N Guo, Z Yao, MR Daymond, W Gao, L Zhang, ... Corrosion Science 165, 108380 2020 

[95] Influence of Al Addition Strategy on the Microstructure of a Low‐Cr Oxide Dispersion‐Strengthened Ferritic Steel S Xu, Z Zhou, F Long, H Jia, N Guo, Y Sun, Z Yao, MR Daymond Advanced Engineering Materials 22 (4), 1900879 2020 

[94] Effect of He on the Order-Disorder Transition in  under Irradiation P Saidi, P Changizian, E Nicholson, HK Zhang, Y Luo, Z Yao, CV Singh, ... Physical Review Letters 124 (7), 075901 2020 

[93] A method for calculation of bias factor in anisotropic mediums, application to α− zirconium P Saidi, Z Wang, Y Mao, LK Béland, Z Yao, MR Daymond Journal of Nuclear Materials 528, 151882 2020 

[92] In situ TEM and multiscale study of dislocation loop formation in the vicinity of a grain boundary Q Dong, P Saidi, LK Béland, Z Yao, C Dai, MR Daymond Journal of Nuclear Materials 528, 151872 2020 

[91] Effects of pulsed laser surface treatments on microstructural characteristics and hardness of CrCoNi medium-entropy alloy L Chai, K Xiang, J Xia, V Fallah, KL Murty, Z Yao, B Gan Philosophical Magazine 99 (24), 3015-3031 1 2019 

[90] Characterizing the crystal structure and formation induced plasticity of γ-hydride phase in zirconium F Long, NN Badr, Z Yao, MR Daymond Materialia 8, 100454 1 2019 

[89] Asymmetrical response of edge pyramidal dislocations in HCP zirconium under tension and compression: A molecular dynamics study C Dai, P Saidi, LK Béland, Z Yao, MR Daymond Computational Materials Science 170, 109183 2019 

[88] A mechanism for basal vacancy loop formation in zirconium C Dai, P Saidi, M Topping, LK Béland, Z Yao, MR Daymond Scripta Materialia 172, 72-76 2019 

[87] Influences of laser surface alloying with Cr on microstructural characteristics and hardness of pure Ti T Wang, L Zeng, Z Li, L Chai, T Cheng, L Zhang, V Fallah, Q Dong, Z Yao Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50 (8), 3794-3804 5 2019 

[86] In-situ study of heavy ion irradiation induced lattice defects and phase instability in β-Zr of a Zr–Nb alloy H Yu, Q Dong, Z Yao, HK Zhang, MA Kirk, MR Daymond Journal of Nuclear Materials 522, 192-199 1 2019 

[85] Deformation-free nanotwin formation in zirconium and titanium C Dai, P Saidi, Z Yao, LK Béland, MR Daymond Materials Letters 247, 111-114 1 2019 

[84] Microstructure Characterization and Mechanical Properties of Al Alloyed 9Cr ODS Steels with Different Al Contents S Xu, Z Zhou, H Jia, Z Yao steel research international 90 (7), 1800594 1 2019 

[83] Effect of the addition of Cu on irradiation induced defects and hardening in Zr-Nb alloys Q Dong, H Qin, Z Yao, Q Wang, MR Daymond Journal of Nuclear Materials 519, 10-21 1 2019 

[82] Highly Efficient Mechanoelectrical Energy Conversion Based on the Near‐Tip Stress Field of an Antifracture Slit Observed in Scorpions K Wang, J Zhang, H Song, Y Fang, X Wang, D Chen, L Liu, S Niu, Z Yao, ... Advanced Functional Materials 29 (22), 1807693 7 2019 

[81] A direct comparison of annealing in TEM thin foils and bulk material: Application to Zr-2.5 Nb-0.5 Cu alloy Q Dong, P Saidi, H Yu, Z Yao, MR Daymond Materials Characterization 151, 175-181 3 2019 

[80] Primary damage production in the presence of extended defects and growth of vacancy-type dislocation loops in hcp zirconium C Dai, F Long, P Saidi, LK Béland, Z Yao, MR Daymond Physical Review Materials 3 (4), 043602 1 2019 

[79] Radiation effect on nano-indentation properties and deformation mechanisms of a Ni-based superalloy X-750 P Changizian, Z Yao, C Lu, F Long, MR Daymond Journal of Nuclear Materials 515, 1-13 1 2019 

[78] Effects of heavy ion irradiation on Zr-2.5 Nb pressure tube alloy. II. Orientation dependent dislocation loop propagation and elemental redistribution Q Wang, L Balogh, Q Dong, N Guo, Z Yao, MR Daymond Journal of Applied Physics 125 (8), 085109 1 2019 

[77] Irradiation damage and hardening in pure Zr and Zr-Nb alloys at 573 K from self-ion irradiation Q Dong, H Qin, Z Yao, MR Daymond Materials & Design 161, 147-159 6 2019 

[76] Combination of back stress strengthening and Orowan strengthening in bimodal structured Fe–9Cr–Al ODS steel with high Al addition S Xu, Z Zhou, F Long, H Jia, N Guo, Z Yao, MR Daymond Materials Science and Engineering: A 739, 45-52 7 2019 

[75] Effect of Shear Strain Rate on Microstructure and Properties of Austenitic Steel Processed by Cyclic Forward/Reverse Torsion Z Zhang, Q Dong, B Song, H He, L Chai, N Guo, B Wang, Z Yao Materials 12 (3), 506 1 2019 

[74] Effect of pre-existing dislocations on the formation of dislocation loops: Pure magnesium under electron irradiation Q Dong, Z Yao, P Saidi, MR Daymond Journal of Nuclear Materials 511, 43-55 4 2018 

[73] Quantifying Irradiation Defects in Zirconium Alloys: A Comparison between Transmission Electron Microscopy and Whole-Pattern Diffraction Line-Profile Analysis L Balogh, F Long, Z Yao, M Preuss, M Daymond Zirconium in the Nuclear Industry: 18th International Symposium 1 2018 

[72] Superfast liquid transfer strategy through sliding on a liquid membrane inspired from scorpion setae D Chen, S Niu, J Zhang, Z Mu, H Chen, D Zhang, Z Yao, Z Han, L Ren Advanced Materials Interfaces 5 (20), 1800802 4 2018 

[71] A tomographic TEM study of tension-compression asymmetry response of pyramidal dislocations in a deformed Zr-2.5 Nb alloy F Long, J Kacher, Z Yao, MR Daymond Scripta Materialia 153, 94-98 5 2018 

[70] Effect of pack-chromizing temperature on microstructure and performance of AISI 5140 steel with Cr-coatings J Hu, Y Zhang, X Yang, H Li, H Xu, C Ma, Q Dong, N Guo, Z Yao Surface and Coatings Technology 344, 656-663 9 2018 

[69] Effects of temperature and point defects on the stability of C15 Laves phase in iron: A molecular dynamics investigation H Wang, N Gao, GH Lü, ZW Yao Chinese Physics B 27 (6), 066104 2 2018 

[68] Strengthening and toughening austenitic steel by introducing gradient martensite via cyclic forward/reverse torsion N Guo, Z Zhang, Q Dong, H Yu, B Song, L Chai, C Liu, Z Yao, ... Materials & Design 143, 150-159 14 2018 

[67] Nano-scale mechanical properties and microstructure of irradiated X-750 Ni-based superalloy P Changizian, A Brooks, Z Yao, MR Daymond Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 49 (2), 498-514 3 2018 

[66] In situ heavy ion irradiation in ferritic/martensitic ODS steels at 500°C Z Yao, KH Zhang, Z Zhou, MR Daymond, S Jublot-Leclerc, O Kaitasov Materials Science and Technology 34 (1), 42-46 4 2018 

[65] Stacking faults observed in {101− 2} extension twins in a compressed high Sn content Zr alloy H Yu, Q Dong, Z Yao, MR Daymond Scripta Materialia 141, 72-75 8 2017 

[64] Quasi in-situ energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy observation of matrix and solute interactions on YTiO oxide particles in an austenitic stainless steel under 1 MeV Kr2+ high … AJ Brooks, Z Yao, MR Daymond, H Yu, MA Kirk, Z Zhou, G Zhang Acta Materialia 141, 241-250 3 2017 

[63] Atomistic simulations of Ni segregation to irradiation induced dislocation loops in Zr-Ni alloys C Dai, P Saidi, Z Yao, MR Daymond Acta Materialia 140, 56-66 10 2017 

[62] Spectral and raw quasi in-situ energy dispersive X-ray data captured via a TEM analysis of an ODS austenitic stainless steel sample under 1 MeV Kr2+ high temperature irradiation AJ Brooks, Z Yao Data in brief 14, 707-712 1 2017 

[61] A test of a phenomenological model of size dependent melting in Au nanoparticles C Dai, P Saidi, H Song, Z Yao, MR Daymond, JJ Hoyt Acta Materialia 136, 11-20 12 2017 

[60] The stability of thermodynamically metastable phases in a Zr-Sn-Nb-Mo alloy: Effects of alloying elements, morphology and applied stress/strain H Yu, Z Yao, MR Daymond Journal of Nuclear Materials 493, 84-95 5 2017 

[59] Irradiation Induced Defect Clustering in Zircaloy-2 Z Yao, M Daymond, S Di, Y Idrees Applied Sciences 7 (8), 854 2017 

[58] Precipitate stability in a Zr–2.5 Nb–0.5 Cu alloy under heavy ion irradiation Q Dong, Z Yao, Q Wang, H Yu, MA Kirk, MR Daymond Metals 7 (8), 287 11 2017 

[57] In situ transmission electron microscopy study of the thermally induced formation of δ′-ZrO in pure Zr and Zr-based alloy H Yu, Z Yao, F Long, P Saidi, MR Daymond Journal of Applied Crystallography 50 (4), 1028-1035 5 2017 

[56] Accumulation of dislocation loops in the α phase of Zr Excel alloy under heavy ion irradiation H Yu, Z Yao, Y Idrees, HK Zhang, MA Kirk, MR Daymond Journal of Nuclear Materials 491, 232-241 10 2017 

[55] An embedded atom method interatomic potential for the zirconium-iron system P Saidi, C Dai, T Power, Z Yao, MR Daymond Computational Materials Science 133, 6-13 2 2017 

[54] Effect of heavy ion irradiation on thermodynamically equilibrium Zr-Excel alloy H Yu, J Liang, Z Yao, MA Kirk, MR Daymond Journal of Nuclear Materials 488, 33-45 3 2017 

[53] The habit plane of a-type dislocation loops in α-zirconium: an atomistic study C Dai, L Balogh, Z Yao, MR Daymond Philosophical Magazine 97 (12), 944-956 3 2017 

[52] Indentation behaviour of ion-irradiated X-750 Ni-based superalloy P Changizian, C Lu, Z Yao, LM Wang Philosophical Magazine Letters 97 (3), 101-109 4 2017 

[51] Study of microstructure and precipitates of a Zr-2.5 Nb-0.5 Cu CANDU spacer material Q Dong, H Yu, Z Yao, F Long, L Balogh, MR Daymond Journal of Nuclear Materials 481, 153-163 12 2016 

[50] Zirconium hydrides and Fe redistribution in Zr-2.5% Nb alloy under ion irradiation Y Idrees, Z Yao, J Cui, GK Shek, MR Daymond Journal of Nuclear Materials 480, 332-343 10 2016 

[49] Atomistic simulations of the formation of< c>-component dislocation loops in α-zirconium C Dai, L Balogh, Z Yao, MR Daymond Journal of Nuclear Materials 478, 125-134 16 2016 

[48] Metastable phases in Zr-Excel alloy and their stability under heavy ion (Kr2+) irradiation H Yu, K Zhang, Z Yao, MA Kirk, F Long, MR Daymond Journal of Nuclear Materials 469, 9-19 10 2016 

[47] Direct determination of trace elements in austenitic stainless steel samples by ETV-ICPOES GL Scheffler, AJ Brooks, Z Yao, MR Daymond, D Pozebon, ... Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 31 (12), 2434-2440 8 2016 

[46] Effect of simultaneous helium implantation on the microstructure evolution of Inconel X-750 superalloy during dual-beam irradiation P Changizian, HK Zhang, Z Yao Philosophical Magazine 95 (35), 3933-3949 4 2015 

[45] Effects of alloying elements on the formation of <c>-component loops in Zr alloy Excel under heavy ion irradiation Y Idrees, EM Francis, Z Yao, A Korinek, MA Kirk, M Sattari, M Preuss, ... Journal of Materials Research 30 (9), 1310-1334 13 2015 

[44] Deformation mechanism study of a hot rolled Zr-2.5Nb alloy by transmission electron microscopy. II. In situ transmission electron microscopy study of deformation … F Long, MR Daymond, Z Yao, MA Kirk Journal of Applied Physics 117 (10), 104302 8 2015 

[43] Deformation mechanism study of a hot rolled Zr-2.5 Nb alloy by transmission electron microscopy. I. Dislocation microstructures in as-received state and at different plastic … F Long, MR Daymond, Z Yao Journal of Applied Physics 117 (9), 094307 10 2015 

[42] Dislocation-accelerated void formation under irradiation in zirconium S Di, Z Yao, MR Daymond, X Zu, S Peng, F Gao Acta Materialia 82, 94-99 20 2015 

[41] Radiation induced microstructures in ODS 316 austenitic steel under dual-beam ions HK Zhang, Z Yao, Z Zhou, M Wang, O Kaitasov, MR Daymond Journal of Nuclear Materials 455 (1-3), 242-247 11 2014 

[40] Spatial ordering of nano-dislocation loops in ion-irradiated materials SL Dudarev, K Arakawa, X Yi, Z Yao, ML Jenkins, MR Gilbert, PM Derlet Journal of Nuclear Materials 455 (1-3), 16-20 35 2014 

[39] TEM characterization of in-reactor neutron irradiated CANDU spacer material Inconel X-750 HK Zhang, Z Yao, G Morin, M Griffiths Journal of Nuclear Materials 451 (1-3), 88-96 32 2014 

[38] Stability of Ni3(Al, Ti) Gamma Prime Precipitates in a Nickel-Based Superalloy Inconel X-750 Under Heavy Ion Irradiation HK Zhang, Z Yao, MA Kirk, MR Daymond Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45 (8), 3422-3428 12 2014 

[37] Convoluted dislocation loops induced by helium irradiation in reduced-activation martensitic steel and their impact on mechanical properties F Luo, Z Yao, L Guo, J Suo, Y Wen Materials Science and Engineering: A 607, 390-396 13 2014 

[36] Microstructure evolution during electron and ion irradiation in commercial purity magnesium AK Khan, Z Yao, MR Daymond Philosophical Magazine 94 (17), 1909-1923 7 2014 

[35] Elevated temperature irradiation damage in CANDU spacer material Inconel X-750 HK Zhang, Z Yao, MR Daymond, MA Kirk Journal of nuclear materials 445 (1-3), 227-234 22 2014 

[34] Cavity morphology in a Ni based superalloy under heavy ion irradiation with hot pre-injected helium. II He Zhang, Zhongwen Yao, Mark Daymond journal of applied physics 25 2014 

[33] Cavity morphology in a Ni based superalloy under heavy ion irradiation with cold pre-injected helium. I He Zhang1, Zhongwen Yao, Mark Daymond journal of applied physics 13 2014 

[32] Cavity morphology in a Ni based superalloy under heavy ion irradiation with hot pre-injected helium. II MRDMAK He Zhang1, Zhongwen Yao1,a) journal of applied physics 17 2014 

[31] Novel techniques of preparing TEM samples for characterization of irradiation damage HK Zhang, F Long, Z Yao, MR Daymond Journal of microscopy 252 (3), 251-257 2 2013 

[30] Microstructural evolution of CANDU spacer material Inconel X-750 under in situ ion irradiation HK Zhang, Z Yao, C Judge, M Griffiths Journal of nuclear materials 443 (1-3), 49-58 35 2013 

[29] Irradiation induced microstructural changes in Zr-Excel alloy Y Idrees, Z Yao, M Sattari, MA Kirk, MR Daymond Journal of nuclear materials 441 (1-3), 138-151 25 2013 

[28] Molecular dynamics simulations of irradiation cascades in alpha-zirconium under macroscopic strain S Di, Z Yao, MR Daymond, F Gao Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam … 42 2013 

[27] In situ study of defect accumulation in zirconium under heavy ion irradiation Y Idrees, Z Yao, MA Kirk, MR Daymond Journal of nuclear materials 433 (1-3), 95-107 59 2013 

[26] Ion irradiation-induced precipitation of Cr23C6 at dislocation loops in austenitic steel S Jin, L Guo, F Luo, Z Yao, S Ma, R Tang Scripta Materialia 68 (2), 138-141 21 2013 

[25] Effect of foil orientation on damage accumulation during irradiation in magnesium and annealing response of dislocation loops AK Khan, Z Yao, MR Daymond, RA Holt Journal of nuclear materials 423 (1-3), 132-141 16 2012 

[24] Irradiation damage in commercial purity magnesium AK Khan, Z Yao, MR Daymond, RA Holt Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam … 8 2012 

[23] The temperature dependence of heavy-ion damage in iron: A microstructural transition at elevated temperatures Z Yao, ML Jenkins, M Hernández-Mayoral, MA Kirk Philosophical Magazine 90 (35-36), 4623-4634 107 2010 

[22] Brittle–ductile transitions in polycrystalline tungsten A Giannattasio, Z Yao, E Tarleton, SG Roberts Philosophical Magazine 90 (30), 3947-3959 80 2010 

[21] Langevin model for real-time Brownian dynamics of interacting nanodefects in irradiated metals SL Dudarev, MR Gilbert, K Arakawa, H Mori, Z Yao, ML Jenkins, ... Physical Review B 81 (22), 224107 56 2010 

[20] Shape of prismatic dislocation loops in anisotropic α-Fe SP Fitzgerald, Z Yao Philosophical magazine letters 89 (9), 581-588 26 2009 

[19] Dynamic observations of heavy-ion damage in Fe and Fe–Cr alloys ML Jenkins, Z Yao, M Hernández-Mayoral, MA Kirk Journal of Nuclear Materials 389 (2), 197-202 125 2009 

[17] TEM characterisation of heavy-ion irradiation damage in FeCr alloys S Xu, Z Yao, ML Jenkins Journal of nuclear materials 386, 161-164 28 2009 

[16] The mechanical properties of tungsten grown by chemical vapour deposition JD Murphy, A Giannattasio, Z Yao, CJD Hetherington, PD Nellist, ... Journal of nuclear materials 386, 583-586 34 2009 

[15] Vacancy defects in Fe: Comparison between simulation and experiment MR Gilbert, Z Yao, MA Kirk, ML Jenkins, SL Dudarev Journal of nuclear materials 386, 36-40 26 2009 

[14] In situ transmission electron microscopy and ion irradiation of ferritic materials MA Kirk, PM Baldo, ACY Liu, EA Ryan, RC Birtcher, Z Yao, S Xu, ML Jenkins Microscopy research and technique 72 (3), 182-186 48 2009 

[13] Heavy-ion irradiations of Fe and Fe–Cr model alloys Part 2: Damage evolution in thin-foils at higher doses M Hernández-Mayoral, Z Yao, ML Jenkins, MA Kirk Philosophical Magazine 88 (21), 2881-2897 107 2008 

[12] Heavy-ion irradiations of Fe and Fe–Cr model alloys Part 1: Damage evolution in thin-foils at lower doses Z Yao, M Hernández-Mayoral, ML Jenkins, MA Kirk Philosophical Magazine 88 (21), 2851-2880 173 2008 

[11] Preparation of TEM samples of ferritic alloys Z Yao, S Xu, ML Jenkins, MA Kirk Journal of electron microscopy 57 (3), 91-94 17 2008 

[10] Study of cascades damage in Ni by MD with different interatomic potentials Z Yao, MJ Caturla, R Schäublin Journal of nuclear materials 367, 298-304 15 2007 

[9] Synergistic effects of PKA and helium on primary damage formation in Fe–0.1% He J Yu, G Yu, Z Yao, R Schäublin Journal of nuclear materials 367, 462-467 17 2007 

[8] Dislocation defect interaction in irradiated Cu R Schäublin, Z Yao, P Spätig, M Victoria Materials Science and Engineering: A 400, 251-255 12 2005 

[7] The tensile properties of irradiated Ni single crystals and their temperature dependence Z Yao*, R Schäublin, P Spätig, M Victoria Philosophical Magazine 85 (4-7), 745-755 1 2005 

[6] Irradiation-induced stacking fault tetrahedra in fcc metals R Schäublin*, Z Yao, N Baluc, M Victoria Philosophical magazine 85 (4-7), 769-777 73 2005 

[5] Tensile properties of irradiated Cu single crystals and their temperature dependence Z Yao, R Schäublin, M Victoria Journal of nuclear materials 329, 1127-1132 14 2004 

[4] Irradiation induced behavior of pure Ni single crystal irradiated with high energy protons Z Yao, R Schäublin, M Victoria Journal of nuclear materials 323 (2-3), 388-393 22 2003 

[3] The microstructure and tensile properties of pure Ni single crystal irradiated with high energy protons Z Yao, R Schäublin, M Victoria Journal of nuclear materials 307, 374-379 36 2002 

[2] The behavior of coatings and SiCf/SiC composites under thermal shock J Yu, Z Yao, G Yu, F Chu, X Tang, Y Zeng, T Noda Journal of nuclear materials 283, 1077-1080, 2000 

[1] Study on the technology and property for Y2BaCuO5 particle s artificial doping to obtain single-crystal domain melt -textured YBCO bulk superconductor J Sha, Z Yao, J Yu, G Yu, J Luo, H Wen, W Yang, S Li Acta Physica Sinica 49 (7), 1356-1361, 2000 


Book Chapters 

  1. Application of modern transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques to the study of phase transformations in steels Boyd, Z. Yao Phase Transformations in Steels 2, 507-531 2012 
  2. In-situ TEM Observation of Nanoscale Stacking Fault Tetrahedra in A Ni Based Superalloy Inconel X-750Z Yao, K. Zhang Microscopy: advances in scientific research and education 2016 



Dariush Kokabi (PhD) 


Nima Nikpoor Badr (PhD)  


Yueyuan Wang (PhD) 


Brock Nowak (MSc) 


Salinna Liu (MSc) 

Available upon request. 

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