Yong Jun Lai PhD, P.Eng


Faculty, Mechanical and Materials Engineering
Phone: 613-533-6535
McLaughlin Hall, Room: 226

Website: MEMS Lab

Expertise: Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems
Yong Jun Lai
Research Teaching Publications Awards & Grants Graduate Students Open Positions

Research Interests: 

  • MEMS, BioMEMS 
  • Wearable sensors 
  • Biosensors 
  • Instrumentation 
  • Micromachining (micromilling, hot embossing, etc) 
  • MECH423 Introduction to Microsystems 
  • MECH 823 MEMS 
  • MECH321 Solid Mechanics II 

Journal papers 

[49]. Jino Fathy, Zongchao Jia,  Yongjun Lai, Real-Time Ultra-Low Bacterial Detection with Gap-Method Microcantilever Biosensor, IEEE Sensors Journal, DOI:  10.1109/JSEN.2023.3336806. 2023
[48].David Ells, Chris Mechefske, Yongjun Lai, Comparative Study of Operating Modes for Low-power Wireless Sensor Networks in Vibration-based Machine Condition Monitoring. International Journal of Sensor Networks and Data Communications. 2023,  DOI: 10.37421/2090-4886.2023.12.239
[47]. Zain Shabbir Khan Niazi, Sohail Iqbal and Yong Jun Lai, Design and characterization of non-linear electromagnetic energy harvester with enhanced energy output, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 228(9), 2023 Nov.
[46]. Rick Helgason, Jino Fathy, Yongjun Lai, The Effect of Laser Cutting on the Young’s Modulus and of PDMS. Journal of Micromanufacturing, 2022 
[45]. Rick Helgason, Yongjun Lai, Increased sensitivity of smart contact lenses for continuous intraocular pressure measurement using ring-shaped design. Flexible and Printed Electronics, 2022 May. https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.1088/2058-8585/ac73ca 
[44]. Jino Fathy and Yongjun Lai, A V-Shaped Microcantilever Sensor Based on a Gap Method for Real-Time Detection of E. coli Bacteria, Biosensors2022, 12(4), 194; https://doi.org/10.3390/bios12040194 
[43]Sohail Iqbal, Yongjun Lai, Rana Shakoor, Muhammad Raffi, and Shafaat Bazaz. Design, Analysis and Experimental Investigation of Micro Displacement Amplification Compliant Mechanism for Micro Transducers. 2021 Review of Scientific Instruments 
 [42]. Angelica Campigotto, Rick Helgason, Yongjun Lai, Effect of variations of corneal physiology on novel non-invasive intraocular pressure monitoring soft contact lens,  Biomedical Microdevices, 2021, DOI10.1007/s10544-021-00555-2 
[41]. Rick Helgason, Angelica Campigotto, Yongjun Lai, The development of a pressure sensor using a technique for patterning silver nanowires on 3-dimensional curved PDMS membranes, 2020 Journal of Micromechanics and Microenging, https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6439/aba226 
[40]. Angelica Campigotto, Yongjun Lai, A Novel Non-invasive wearable sensor for Intraocular Pressure Measurement, Medical Devices & Sensors,2020,10.1002/mds3.10086 
[39]. Jino Fathy and Yongjun Lai, Utilizing A Coil to Realize 3D Electrodes for Dielectrophoresis-based Particle Concentration, 2020, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering https://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1361-6439/ab6c71 
[38]. Rick Helgason, Ayan Choudhury, Yongjun Lai, Repeatable and High-Efficiency Patterning of Silver Nanowires on PDMS Using Micro-Milled Aluminum Moulds, Journal of Micro- and Nano-Manufacturing, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1115/1.4045007 (2019) 
[37]. Angelica Campigotto, Stephane Leahy, Guowei Zhao, Robert J Campbell, and Yongjun Lai, Non-invasive Intraocular Pressure monitoring with contact lens, British Journal of Ophthalmology, 2019 0:1-5. doi: 10.1136/bjophthalmol-2018-313714. 
[36]. Sohail Iqbal, Rana Iqtidar Shakoor, Yongjun Lai, Afzaal M. Malik, Shafaat Ahmed Bazaz, Experimental evaluation of force and amplification factor of three different variants of flexure based micro displacement amplification mechanism, Microsystem Technologies, pp 1–18 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s00542-019-04313-6 
[35]. Helgason R., Banavali A., and Lai Y., Cohesive dry ECG sensor using silver nanowires and PDMS tuned for adhesion, Med Devices Sens. 2019;2:e10025. https:// doi.org/10.1002/mds3.10025 
[34].Rana I. Shakoor, Marc Burnie, Sohail Iqbal, Yongjun lai Experimental evaluation of resonant frequencies with associated mode shapes and power analysis of thermally actuated vibratory microgyroscope, Microsystems Technologies, 2018, 24(9), pp 3601–3613 
[33].Angelica Campigotto, Stephane Leahy, Ayan Choudhury, Guowei Zhao, Yongjun Lai, A novel strain sensor using a microchannel embedded in PDMS,  Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 4(2) May 2018 
[32].Leahy S., Lai Y., Doubling the quality factor of cantilevers in liquid through fluid coupling-based actuation, Journal of Applied Physics, 124(16), 164507 (2018); 
[31]. Leahy S., Lai Y., A cantilever biosensor based on a gap method for detecting Escherichia coli in real time, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical 246 pp. 1011-1016 (2017) 
[30]. Leahy S., Lai Y., A gap mehtod for increasing the sensitivity of cantilever biosensors, Journal of Applied Physics, 122(6), 2017, pp064502-064509 
[29]. Lai Y., Elkaseh, H. Compbell R. (2017) Development of an Adjustable Suture for Trabeculectomy, Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 3(2) 2017, pp55-61  
[28]. Kawun P. Leahy S. Lai Y. (2016) A thin PDMS nozzle/diffuser micropump for biomedical applications,Sensors and Actuators: A. Physical, 249(1), 2016, pp. 149–154 
[27]. Leahy S., Lai Y., (2016) A cantilever biosensor exploiting electrokinetic capture to detect Escherichia coli in real time, Sensors & Actuators: B. Chemical, 238 pp. 292-297. 10.1016/j.snb.2016.07.069 
[26]. Elkaseh H., Acosta E.V., and Lai Y., 2016 Rapid Fabrication of Nylon Surgical Sutures by 3D Printing, Invention Journal of Research Technology in Engineering and Management 
[25]. Leahy S. Banavali A, Kong W, and Lai Y, (2016) Characterizing the thermal ablation of cells for silicon biosensors, Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Informatics, 2(2), pp109-117.  
[24]. Richardson A, Rendall J, Lai Y (2016) Light-Weight Energy Consumption Model and Evaluation for Wireless Sensor Networks. Sensor Netw Data Commun 5:137. doi:10.4172/2090-4886.1000137 
[23]. Leahy S. and Lai Y, (2015). Regenerating silicon biosensors through thermal ablation with a hot plate. Sensing and Biosensing Research. 6, pp. 25-27. 
[22]. Leahy S. and Lai Y. (2015). An hourglass design with electrokinetic sampling and electrothermal actuation for micro biosensors. Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical. 223, pp.123-130 
[21]. Guo,X., Xie, K., Campbell,R., and Lai, Y.,3D stepped electrodes on a flexible substrate with permanently bonded PDMS channels for moving micro-fluid, J.Vac.Sci.Tech. B 2013, 31(2) 
[20]. Tomkins,M., Chow,J., Lai, Y., and Docoslis, A., A coupled cantilever-microelectrode biosensor for enhanced pathogen detection, Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, 2013, 176: 248-252 
[19]. Chen,J., Yu,Y., Li, J., Lai, Y., and Zhou, J., Size-variable droplet actuation by interdigitated electrowetting electrode, Applied Physics Letters, 2012, 101(23):234102-4 
[18]. Guo, X., Xie, K., Campbell, JR., and Lai, Y., A Study on Three-Dimensional Electrode Arrays Fabricated by PolyMUMPs® for AC Electro-Osmotic Pumping, Microelectronic Eng. 2011 88(10): 3113-3118. 
[17] Xie, K., Lai, Y., Guo, X., and Campbell, JR, A three-phased circular electrode array for electro-osmotic microfluidic pumping, Microsystem Technologies, 2011,17(3), 367-372. 
[16] Xie, K., Lai, Y., Guo, X., and Campbell, JR, A Three-Phase Serpentine Micro Electrode Array for AC Electroosmotic Flow Pumping, Microsystem Technologies, 2010, 16(10), 1825-1830 
[15] Shakoor, R. I., Bazaz, S., Burnie, M., Lai, Y. and Hassan, M., Electrothermally Actuated Resonant Rate Gyroscope Fabricated using the MetalMUMPs, Microelectronics Journal, 2010 
[14] Chow, J. and Lai, Y, Exciting higher-order flexural modes of free-standing microstructures with square wave driving signals. Review of Scientific Instruments 2010, 81(6) 
[13] Stevenson, M., Waldman, S. and Lai, Y., Development of a multi-axial mechanical cell stimulator, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2010, 21(2), 213-220 
[12] Xie, K., Lai, Y., Indirectly heated micro-electrothermal actuator with a monolithically integrated displacement sensor, Microsystem Technologies. 2009,15(9), 1365-1371. 
[11] Shakoor, R. I., Bazaz, S., Kraft, M., Lai, Y. and Hassan, M. M., Thermal Actuation Based 3-DoF Non-Resonant Microgyroscope Using MetalMUMPs, Sensors 2009, 9(4), 2389-2414; 
[10] Chow, J. and Lai, Y., Displacement Sensing of a Micro-Electro-Thermal Actuator Using a Monolithically Integrated Thermal Sensor, Sensors and Actuators A: Physical. 150(1), 2009, 137-143; 
[9] Lai, Y., and Bordatchev, E. "Modelling and Fabrication of Mechanical Cell Stimulator" , CSME Transcation, vol. 31, No. 4, (2008) pp. 433-443.  
[8] Yang, P., Stevenson, M., Lai, Y , Mechefske, C., Kujath, M., Hubbard, T., "Design, modeling and testing of a unidirectional MEMS ring thermal actuator", Sens. Actuators A: Phys. 143, (2), 2008, pp. 352-359 
[7] Stevenson, M., Yang, P., Lai, Y., and Mechefske, C., "Development of a bidirectional ring thermal actuator", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 17 (2007), 2049-2054. 
[6] Bordatchev, E V , Lai, Y, and Nikumb, S K , "Comparative analysis of microactuators fabricated by femtosecond and nanosecond laser micromachining " Journal of Physics: Conference Series 59 (2007) 700-703. 
[5] Lai, Y., Bordacthev, E. and Nikumb, S., "Metallic capacitive sensor by laser fabrication technology", Journal of Microsystem Technologies, 2006, 12(8), pp.778-785. 
[4] Lai, Y., Bordatchev, E.V., Nikumb, S.K., Hsu, W., Performance Characterization of In-plane Electro-Thermally Driven Linear Microactuators, Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2006, 17 (10), pp. 919-929 
[3] Lai, Y., Kujath, M., and Hubbard, T., "Modal Simulation and Testing of a Micromanipulator", ASME Trans. Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurements and Control, 127(3), Sept. 2005, pp. 515-519.) 
2] Lai, Y., MacDonald, J., Hubbard, T. and Kujath, M., "Force, Deflection and Power Measurements of Toggled Micro Thermal Motors", Journal of Micromechanics and MicroEngineering, 14(1), Jan. 2004, pp. 49-56. 
[1] Lai, Y., Sameoto, D., Hubbard, T., and Kujath, M., "Testing for the work envelope of 3 DOF micro manipulators", Canadian Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering, 27(1), Jan. 2002, pp. 23-26. 


 [25] Syed Ali Raza Bukhari,Yongjun Lai. ultra sensitive microsensor for rapid bacteria detection, uTAs 2024, Oct, Montreal.
[24] Zhaokai Wang, Syed Ali Raza Bukhari, Diancheng Li, Matthew A. Robertson, Yong Jun Lai, Xian Wang, A needle biopsy inspired microcatheter for repid tissue mechanical measurement, , uTAs 2024, Oct, Montreal.
[23] Syed Ali Raza Bukhari, Claire Floras, Tanzila Afrin, Yongjun Lai, Contact Lens-based Intraocular Pressure Sensor, 3rd International Electronic Conference on Biosensors, June 2023
[22] Lai, Y., Campigotto A., and Campbell. R. IOP Monitoring Soft Contact Lens, The International Congress on Wavefront & Presbyopic Refractive Correction 2021. (invited) 
[21] Campigotto A., Tim Ratzlaff, Robert Campbell, Yongjun Lai Read Intraocular Pressure Non-Invasively,Proceedings of The Joint Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering and CFD Society of Canada International Congress 2019, CSME-CFDSC Congress 2019, June2-5 London ON Canada 
[20] Xie K., Elkaseh H.,  Campbell R., and Lai Y., Study of Laser Adjustable Sutures for Trabeculectomy, CANCAM June 2015, London Ontario 
[19] Chow, J., and Lai, Y., Air Bubble Assisted Detection for Micro Mass Sensors, CANCAM June 2015, London Ontario 
[18] Chow, J. and Lai, Y., E. coli detection by amplitude modulation of a fluidic-MEMS resonator, CANCAM June 2013, Saskatoon 
[17]Chow, J. and Lai, Y., Enhancing mass detection sensitivity of a MEMS resonator by method of mode selection with mode-optimized mass loading, CANCAM June,2013, Saskatoon 
[16] Guo, X., Campbell R., and Lai, Y., A study on asymmetric ACEO electrodes fabricated by polyMUMPs process. CANCAM June,2013, Saskatoon 
[15] Chow, J. and Lai, Y., Using an In-Situ Micromirror to Assist the Measurement of In-plane Vibration of Microstructures, ASME DETC2010- 4th International Conference on Micro- and Nanosystems, Montreal, Aug. 2010. 
[14]Chow, J. and Lai,Y., Mass Measurement with Micromechanical Single Harmonic Oscillators, IEEE 2nd Microsystem and Nanoelectronics Research Conference, Ottawa, Oct. 2009. 
[13] Burnie, M., Shakoor, R., Lai, Y., and Bazaz, S., Design and Simulation of Thermally Driven Microgyroscopes, IEEE 2nd Microsystem and Nanoelectronics Research Conference, Ottawa, Oct. 2009. 
[12]Yang, P., Mechefske, C., and Lai, Y.,Micro Thermal Aactuator with Integrated Capactive Position Sensor, IEEE 2nd Microsystem and Nanoelectronics Research Conference, Ottawa, Oct. 2009. 
[11]Amjad, K., Bazaz, S.A., and Lai, Y., Design of an Electrostatic MEMS Microgripper System Integrated with Force Sensor, IEEE 20th International Conference on Microelectronics (ICM), Dec. 2008, Sharjah, UAE 
[10]Shakoor, R. I., Bazaz, S. A. Lai,Y., Hasan,M. M., Thermal Actuation Based 3-DoF Non-Resonant Microgyroscope Using MetalMUMPs, The 1st International Conference of CSMNT, Nov. 2008, Beijing, China 
[9] Moore, T., and Lai, Y., "AC Electroosmotic Micropumping with a Square Spiral Microelectrode Array", 1st Microsystems and Nanoelectronics Research Conference (MNRC 2008), Oct. 2008, Ottawa 
[8] Stevenson, M., and Lai, Y., "A Versatile Multi Axis Mechanical Stimulator for Tissue Engineered Articular Cartilage", Canadian Society for Mechanical Engineering Forum'08, June 2008, Ottawa 
[7] Lai, Y., and Bordatchev, E. "Modelling and Fabrication of Mechanical Cell Stimulator" 2007 CCToMM Symposium on Mechanisms, Machines, and Mechatronics, May 31, Longueuil, Quebec, Canada  
[6] Yang, P. Mechefske, C. and Lai, Y., "Design and simulation of a miniaturized tubular electro-thermal actuator", Proceedings of the ASME 2007 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference, DETC2007- 34668, September 4-7, 2007, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. 
[5] Lai, Y., and Bazaz, S., Engineering curriculum development in microsystems, Third CDEN/RCCI International Design Conference on Education, Innovation, and Practice in Engineering Design, pp.145-149. July 24-26, 2006, Toronto, Ontario, Canada 
[4] Bordatchev, E., Lai, Y., and Nikumb, S., "Comparative Analysis of Microactuators Fabricated by the Femtosecond and Nanosecond Laser Micromachining", 5th Intl. Conf. of Laser Ablation, Banff, Alberta, Canada, September 11-16, 2005, THPO 55.306, pp. 377. 
[3] Lai, Y., Belisle, A., Kujath, M. and Hubbard, T., "Micromachined Planar Grippers", IFToMM 11th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, April 1-4 2004, pp. 1432-1437, Tianjin, China. 
[2] Lai, Y., Kujath, M., and Hubbard, T., "Motion Control of a Compliant Micro Manipulator", 7th IFAC Symposium on Robot Control (SYROCO), September 2003, Wroclaw, Poland. 
[1] Lai, Y., Kujath, M., and Hubbard, T., "Dynamic Properties of Compliant Micro Manipulators", International Symposium on Multibody Systems and Mechatronics, Mexico City, 12-14 September 2002. 


[5] Lai, Y. "MEMS modularization - Challenges & Opportunities", Workshop on CMOS Emerging Technologies 2007, CMOSET'07, July 13 2007, Whistler, BC. 
[4] Stevenson, M. and Lai, Y., "MEMS gripper Testing at high frequency", 5TH Canadian Workshop on MEMS 2007, August 13, Montreal, QC 
[3] Stevenson, M. and Lai, Y., "Micro force sensors for minimally invasive surgery", The CMC Microsystems Annual Symposium 2006, October, 23 2006, Ottawa, ON. 
[2] Lai, Y., Belisle, A., Hubbard, T., and Kujath, M., "Design of Micro Ring Thermal Actuators", Canadian Workshop on MEMS '03, Aug. 22, Ottawa ON. 
[1] Hubbard, T., Lai, Y., and Kujath, M., "Focused Ion Beam manufacturing of MEMS devices", Keynote Presentation, IRM Workshop on SEM and FIB sample preparation techniques, June 21-22 2004, Halifax, NS, Canada 


Graduate students 

  • Dr. Tanzila Afrin, PDF
  • Syed Ali Raza Bukhari, PhD
  • Elham Alaei, PhD
  • David Alexander Ells, PhD


  • Lily Wang
  • Clair Floras
  • David van der Weg
  • Yasin Ladha
  • Jordan Rendall
  • Dr. Jino Fathy 
  • Dr. Angelica Campigotto
  • Alex Krstic
  • Dr. Rick Helgason 
  • Wayne Su 
  • Dr. Sohail Iqbal 
  • Hani Naanaa 
  • Ayan Choudhury 
  • Blanche Lu-Sullivan 
  • Dr. Guowei Zhao 
  • Amey Banavali 
  • Andrew Richardson 
  • Dr. Stephane Leahy 
  • Husam Elkaseh 
  • Wei Kong 
  • Dr. Emma Yue-Qiu Du 
  • Edgar Venegas Acosta 
  • Jacky Chow 
  • Jordan Rendall 
  • Paul Kawun 
  • Gustavo Barea 
  • Dr. Xiao Chen 
  • Daniel Chan 
  • Dr. Xin Guo 
  • Kevin Wang 
  • Charles Allan 
  • Henry Sukoudi 
  • Srikanth Venkateswaran 
  • Ryan Budd 
  • Thomas Moore 
  • Marc Burni 
  • Peng Yang 
  • Mathew Stevenson 
  • Dr. Rana Iqtidar Shakoor 
  • Branden Chen 
  • David Koiter 

PhD and MASc positions, as well as a couple of undergraduate research positions are available at this moment. If you are motivated and excited to explore the leading technologies in the fields of MEMS, BioMEMS, wearable sensors, dynamics, precise/micro/meso-manufacturing, please contact Dr. Lai at lai@queensu.ca . 


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