Yanwen Zhang PhD

Professor, Canada Excellence Research Chair in Impact of Radiation in Energy and Advanced Technologies

Mechanical and Materials Engineering, Faculty
Phone: 613-533-6000 ext. 76559

Yanwen Zhang
Biography Research Publications Open Positions

Dr. Yanwen Zhang is a Professor and Canada Excellence Research Chair in Radiation Impact on Energy and Advanced Technologies at Smith Engineering, Queen's University. She previously held positions at Idaho National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratory with a faculty appointment at the University of Tennessee, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, and Uppsala University in Sweden. She earned two PhDs from Lund University (Sweden) and form Beijing Normal University (China).

Dr. Zhang’s research focuses on defect dynamics, ion beam modification and radiation effects, aiming to tailor these processes for targeted complex materials’ functionality and properties. She was the recipient of the 2005 Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers, the highest honor bestowed by the U.S. government on outstanding scientists and engineers beginning their independent careers. She directed an Energy Frontier Research Center for Energy Dissipation to Defect Evolution from 2014-2020 to advance the understanding of energy dissipation mechanisms in complex alloys, with ultimate aims to control the evolution of defects in structural materials. Dr. Zhang has over 420 journal articles with close to 14,000 citations and an H-index of 53 based on the Web of Science and over 17,600 citations and an H-index of 62 based on Google Scholar. She has over 100 invited presentations and 65 other presentations at national and international scientific conferences, workshops, research institutions, and universities. Dr. Zhang is a Fellow of American Ceramic Society.

Education and degrees

Lund University, Sweden                       Docent      2004      Nuclear Physics

Beijing Normal University, China          Ph.D.       1999  Materials Science and Engineering

Lund University, Sweden                       Ph.D.        1998      Nuclear Physics

Beijing Normal University, China          M.S.         1993  Materials Science and Engineering

Beijing Normal University, China          B.S.         1990      Solid State Physics


May 2024 – present: Canada Excellence Research Chair in Impact of Radiation in Energy and Advanced Technologies, at Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (MME), Smith Engineering, Queen's University.

Nov. 2022 – May 2024: Directorate Fellow, Condensed Matter Physics, Energy and Environment Science & Technology, Idaho National Laboratory (INL).

2010 – Nov. 2022: Distinguished Research and Development (R&D) staff (since 2015), Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL); Joint Faculty in Materials Science and Engineering (MSE), University of Tennessee (UTK). Deputy Director of the UTK Ion Beam Materials Laboratory (http://ibml.utk.edu/), responsible for training students and postdocs and management of routine operations.

2003 – 2010:  Staff Scientist/Senior Research Scientist, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL).

2000 – 2002:  Assistant Professor, Division of Ion Physics, Uppsala University, Sweden.

1999 – 2000:   Postdoctoral researcher, Division of Ion Physics, Uppsala University, Sweden.

Dr. Zhang’s research focuses on fundamental and applied aspects of equilibrium and non-equilibrium defect dynamics, ion beam modification and radiation effects in materials, with an emphasis on how energy transport processes can be modified and applied to tailor functionality and properties of complex materials.

Exploring energy transport in materials across various time and length scales, along with nonlinear defect dynamics controlled by chemical disorder at the electronic and atomic levels, paves the way for materials discovery. This research studies the emergence of complex macroscopic phenomena from microscopic interactions, reveals defect states under non-equilibrium conditions, and investigates material behavior under dimensional constraints. Our work not only uncovers the potential of electronic and atomic disorder for enhancing material properties but also drives the development of functional materials through the creation of novel defect states and structures. Additionally, it informs the design of structural materials for advanced nuclear applications. These advancements have broader implications for uncovering exotic material properties and enhancing our understanding of condensed matter physics.

  1. Complex Ceramics and Alloys under Coupled Extreme Conditions

Understanding materials under extreme conditions is essential for societal needs such as energy production, environmental preservation, and national security, offering potential for groundbreaking discoveries. Extreme conditions include high temperature, pressure, radiation, and corrosive environments. Ion bombardment induces localized extremes, affecting electronic and atomic structures. This process generates defects, alters energy barriers, and enhances diffusion. Uncovering, predicting, and ultimately controlling energy transport and the response to external perturbations (e.g., radiation, mechanical loading) in crystalline structures are grand challenges across diverse fields in materials science and critical to many energy-related technologies. To design better materials to meet societal needs, an in-depth understanding of the underlying physics and chemistry of simple and complex systems at the level of electrons and atoms, beyond the typically decoupled studies, is essential. Some specific research directions are outlined below.

The role of electrons in damage evolution and structural deformation in ceramics and alloys  The complexity of the electronic and atomic structures can bring materials to extreme and often transient regimes where practical experience and fundamental knowledge are limited. Extreme disturbances can lead to unexpected material behavior, posing challenges for accurate predictions. Modifying material composition, especially in high-entropy ceramics (HECs, such as high-entropy borides, carbides, nitrides, and oxides) and high-entropy alloys (HEAs), offers unprecedented tunability of transformative responses. Lattice strains resulting from random elemental occupations are influenced by local electronic deformability, impacting defect formation and migration energies. Radiation studies in ceramics reveal varied responses due to the interplay between short-range covalent and long-range ionic forces. While metallic bonding in transition-metal alloys is conventionally described as positively charged nuclei surrounded by a cloud of valence electrons, recent studies have highlighted the presence of directional bonding and valence charge redistribution. Nonetheless, our understanding of ionization effects remains limited. These limitations underscore the need for further research to uncover new insights and opportunities for discovery.

Complex Materials with Mixed Chemical Bonds under Irradiation  Radiation effects on materials have been extensively studied, revealing diverse responses to defect production and damage accumulation. For example, similar oxides can display contrasting radiation performance, suggesting the importance of balancing short-range covalent and long-range ionic forces to resist amorphization. While debated, findings indicate that short-range covalently bonded semiconductors readily amorphized, whereas metals and metal alloys with long-range metallic bonding tend to resist it. However, the distinction between chemical bonds is less clear in complex materials. Our research focuses on bond characteristics and electronic deformability in ionically/covalently bonded ceramics with multiple cation substitutions, as well as in complex concentrated alloys (CSAs) or HEAs. Through modeling and experimental methods, we aim to uncover fundamental insights into materials with mixed bonding characteristics under irradiation.

Tunable chemical disorder in complex metallic alloys to tailor radiation performance  The microstructural changes observed in conventional alloys under radiation over the past half-century are consequences of complex interactions. While some alloys outperform metal counterparts in radiation resistance, understanding the underlying mechanisms at the most fundamental level (electrons and atoms) remains incomplete. CSAs exhibit intricate chemical disorder, offering a range of tunable characteristics. Modifying defect dynamics by tuning chemical disorder under non-equilibrium conditions leads to improved understanding of cascade evolution mechanisms, damage processes, and radiation energy dissipation. The impacts of differences in valence electron counts, electronic structures, magnetic moments, atomic volume, and mass can be assessed by controlling irradiation conditions. Leveraging accumulated knowledge from traditional alloys and recent advances in additive manufacturing is driving significant breakthroughs. Developing advanced alloys that depend on both chemical disorder and precisely engineered microstructures for specific properties represents a critical frontier in alloy development.

Tunable chemical disorder in high entropy borides, carbides and nitrides to tailor materials’ property and radiation performance  Insights into the complex electronic and atomic interactions under extreme energy deposition enable the design of radiation-tolerant materials and prediction of performance in harsh environments. Thus, understanding the role of tunable chemical disorder on radiation effects and mechanical properties in high-entropy borides, carbides, and nitrides, as well as mixed compositions, is essential. This knowledge will expand our ability to design materials and predict performance in severe radiation environments encountered in next generation nuclear applications, high-energy accelerators, and space exploration, as well as pave the way to better control fundamental processes and design new material functionalities for advanced technologies.

Understanding defect dynamics in complex alloys to link strong mechanical strength, superior radiation performance, and/or greater superconducting properties  Research on structural and concentrated alloys has primarily focused on phase stability and mechanical properties, with less attention given to their dynamic responses under radiation-induced nonequilibrium conditions. Mechanical strength in many alloys is linked to dislocation properties, influenced by bond switching and dynamic crack propagation. In CSAs containing various 3d transition metals, bond distortion and breaking are affected by d-band filling and lattice symmetry. CSAs with significant differences in electronegativity may exhibit enhanced radiation performance and superconductivity. However, the mechanisms underlying these phenomena are not fully understood. Electronic and magnetic contributions to defect production and solid-solution strength in CSAs composed of different TMs remain unclear. Understanding defect dynamics in complex alloys may elucidate their mechanical strength, radiation resistance, and superconducting properties.

  1. Functional Ceramics and Ultra-Wide-Bandgap Semiconductors — Application-Motivated Fundamental Studies

Scientific understanding and technical advances often go hand-in-hand in developing semiconductors and functional materials. Current knowledge of dopant activation, defect production, and microstructure evolution in functional ceramics and ultra-wide-bandgap semiconductors under ionizing irradiation is in its infancy. A unified understanding of underlying mechanisms, especially in utilizing ion–electron collisions and extreme ionization to modify functionality, remains lacking. Research in this direction can initiate industrial-academic collaborations.

Greater device performance via thermal equilibrium and athermal nonequilibrium processes  Ultra-wide-bandgap oxides and conventional wide-bandgap semiconductors are promising candidates for power electronics, optoelectronics, and electronic devices for harsh environment applications (e.g., nuclear, high-energy physics experiments, and space applications). While we have worked on Si, GaAs, InP, and SiC semiconductors in the past, the current effort aims to understand damage production and evolution mechanisms and dopant behaviors in wide-bandgap materials and to unravel the intricate correlations between atoms and electrons by altering bandgap and covalent/ionic characteristics. The significant implications include the use of non-equilibrium ion beam techniques to eliminate damage from implantation doping in advanced device fabrication processes, to develop ion beam processing as a key enabling tool for wide-bandgap semiconductor technology, and to functionalize thin films or surfaces.

Functionalities modification via nonequilibrium processes  Historically, the focus has been on separate aspects of energy processes, such as nuclear energy deposition and electronic energy deposition. However, recent advancements have highlighted the importance of understanding the varying roles of spatial and temporal processes in the response of functional materials to energy deposition and transfer. This understanding is essential for developing new materials based on novel defect states and structures far from equilibrium. By controlling and exploiting nonequilibrium electronic and atomic interactions, promising advancements can be made in energy and information-related technologies. Our goal is to understand functionalities modification by charged particle-induced nonequilibrium processes, utilizing ionizing ion and electron beams to reorder or amorphize the local atomic arrangement. Through simulations and experiments varying nuclear energy loss, electronic energy loss, and the electronic-to-nuclear energy loss ratio, we aim to investigate and understand athermal effects. The insights facilitate the application of guided ionizing beams to nanopatterning of functional phases with atomic precision and engineering of complex interfaces.

  1. Understanding Nonproportionality and Transport Properties to Predict Scintillation Detectors

Improved x-ray, gamma, and neutron detectors are essential for various fields, including national security, medical, and nuclear physics applications. However, progress on scintillator detectors has been slow due to limited understanding of nonproportionality, energy transport, and energy resolution. Conventional methods focusing solely on studying nonproportionality across different materials are unlikely to break through current knowledge barriers and discover new or advanced scintillator materials. A novel approach involves studying scintillation response to ion excitation across various ion energies and densities in various scintillators. By leveraging advanced film deposition or crystal growth techniques and ion-solid interactions, this research aims to predict scintillation performance. Using thin films/crystals and ion-induced modification or dopant implantation, we will identify and quantify contributions to nonproportionality and light yield. This approach, combined with theory/modeling, seeks to develop a predictive model for nonproportional response, facilitating accelerated and efficient detector material discovery while advancing our understanding of scintillation physics.

Dr. Zhang has authored or co-authored over 420 refereed journal articles and 9 book chapters, and served as the editor of 1 book. Her work has garnered close to 14,000 citations and an H-index of 53 according to the Web of Science, and over 17,600 citations with an H-index of 62 based on Google Scholar. A comprehensive list of publications is provided below.

Journal articles

  1. Lia Amalia, Yongkang Li, Hongbin Bei, Yan Chen, Dunji Yu, Ke An, Zongyang Lyu, Peter K. Liaw, Yanwen Zhang, Qingqing Ding, Yanfei Gao, Copper Effects on the Microstructures and Deformation Mechanisms of CoCrFeNi High Entropy Alloys, Applied Physics Letters 124 (2024).
  2. Y. Zhang, A.R. Khanolkar, K.K. Bawane, C.A. Dennett, Z. Hua, K. Gofryk, B. Kombaiah, W. Guo, Y. Liu, W.J. Weber, Y. Zhang, H.-T. Lin, Physical Properties and Their Influence on Irradiation Damage in Metal Diborides and in High-Entropy Materials, JOM Special Topic: Microstructures and Mechanical Behavior of High-entropy Materials. (2024). DOI: 10.1007/s11837-024-06486-6.
  3. S. Huang, J. Zhang, H. Fu, Y. Xiong, S. Ma, X. Xiang, B. Xu, W. Lu, Y. Zhang, W.J. Weber, S. Zhao, Irradiation Performance of High Entropy Ceramics: A Comprehensive Comparison with Conventional Ceramics and High Entropy Alloys, Progress in Materials Science 143 (2024) 10125. DOI: 10.1016/j.pmatsci.2024.101250.
  4. D. Kalita, I. Jóźwik, Ł. Kurpaska, Y. Zhang, K. Mulewska, W. Chrominski, J. O'Connell, Y. Ge, W. L. Boldman, P. D. Rack, Y. Wang, W. J. Weber, and J. Jagielski, The microstructure and He+ ion irradiation behavior of novel low-activation W-Ta-Cr-V refractory high entropy alloy for nuclear applications, Nuclear Materials and Energy 37: 101513 (2023).
  5. M. D. Mihai, D. Iancu, E. Zarkadoula, R. A. Florin, Y. Tong, Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, and G. Velişa, Athermal annealing of pre-existing defects in crystalline silicon, Acta Materialia 261: 119379 (2023).
  6. Miaomiao Jin, Jilang Miao, Yongfeng Zhang, Marat Khafizov, Kaustubh K. Bawane, Boopathy Kombaiah, Yanwen Zhang, David H. Hurley, Unfaulting mechanisms of interstitial Frank loops in fluorite-structured ThO2, Scripta Materialia 237 (2023) 115706.
  7. G. Velişa, F. Granberg, E. Levo, Y. Zhou, Z. Fan, H. Bei, F. Tuomisto, K. Nordlund, F. Djurabekova, W.J. Weber, Y. Zhang, Recent progress on understanding the temperature-dependent irradiation resistance ranking among NiFe, NiCoCr, and NiCoFeCr alloys: A review, Journal of Materials Research 38 (2023) 1510–1526.
  8. Boopathy Kombaiah, Yufan Zhou, Ke Jin, Anus Manzoor, Jonathan D Poplawsky, Jeffery A Aguiar, Hongbin Bei, Dilpuneet S Aidhy, Philip D Edmondson, Yanwen Zhang, Nanoprecipitates to Enhance Radiation Tolerance in High-Entropy Alloys, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 2023, 15, 3912−3924.
  9. Candice Kinsler-Fedon, Lauren Nuckols, Christopher T Nelson, Zehui Qi, Qing Huang, David Mandrus, Yanwen Zhang, William J Weber, Veerle Keppens, Effects of Au2+ irradiation induced damage in a high-entropy pyrochlore oxide single crystal. Scripta Materialia 220 (2022) 114916.
  10. Deceba Iancu, Eva Zarkadoula, MD Mihai, C Burducea, I Burducea, M Straticiuc, Yanwen Zhang, William J Weber, Gihan Velişa, Revealing two-stage phase transition process in defective KTaO3 under inelastic interactions, Scripta Materialia, 222 (2023) 115032.
  11. Pengyuan Xiu, Hongbin Bei, Yanwen Zhang, Lumin Wang, Kevin G Field, Towards Optimized Characterization of Dislocation Loops in Irradiated FCC Alloys Using On-Zone STEM Techniques, Microsc. Microanal. 28 (Suppl 1), 2022.
  12. Yanwen Zhang, Lumin Wang, and William J. Weber, Charged Particles: Unique Tools to Study Irradiation Resistance of Concentrated Solid Solution Alloys. Journal of Materials Science & Technology 140 (2023) 260–276.
  13.    Liuqing Yang, Youxing Chen, Jimmie Miller, William J. Weber, Hongbin Bei, Yanwen Zhang, Deformation mechanisms in single crystal Ni-based concentrated solid solution alloys by nanoindentation. Materials Science & Engineering A 856 (2022) 143685.
  14. Xing Wang, Ke Jin, Chun-Yin Wong, Di Chen, Hongbin Bei, Yongqiang Wang, Maxim Ziatdinov, William J. Weber, Yanwen Zhang, Jonathan Poplawsky, and Karren L. More, Understanding effects of chemical complexity on helium bubble formation in Ni-based concentrated solid solution alloys based on elemental segregation measurements, Journal of Nuclear Materials 569 (2022) 153902.
  15.    Timothy G. Lach, Chinthaka M. Silva1, Yufan Zhou, Walker L. Boldman, Philip D. Rack, William J. Weber, and Yanwen Zhang, Dynamic substrate reactions during room temperature heavy ion irradiation of CoCrCuFeNi high entropy alloy thin films. npj Materials Degradation, 6 (2022) 60.
  16. Yanwen Zhang, Reassembled nanoprecipitates resisting radiation, News and Views‒ Structural Alloys, Nature Materials, 22 (2023) 423-424. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41563-022-01283-5.
  17. Yufan Zhou, Gihan Velişa, Saro San, Miguel L. Crespillo, Zhe Fan, Hongbin Bei, William J. Weber, Pengyuan Xiu, Lumin Wang, F. Tuomisto, Wai-Yim Ching, Yanwen Zhang, Role of Chemical Disorder on Radiation-Induced Defect Production and Damage Evolution in NiFeCoCr, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 565 (2022) 153689.
  18. Yanwen Zhang, Chinthaka Silva, Timothy G. Lach, Matheus A. Tunes, Yufan Zhou, Lauren Nuckols, Walker L. Boldman, Philip D. Rack, Stephen E. Donnelly, Li Jiang, Lumin Wang, and William J. Weber, Role of Electronic Energy Loss on Defect Production and Interface Stability: Comparison between Ceramic Materials and High-Entropy Alloys, Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science, 26 (2022) 101001.
  19. L. Kurpaska, F.J. Dominguez-Gutierrez, Y. Zhang, K. Mulewska, H. Bei, W.J. Weber, A. Kosińska, W. Chrominski, I. Jozwik, R. Alvarez-Donado, S. Papanikolaou, J. Jagielski, M. Alava, Effects of Fe atoms on hardening of a nickel matrix: Nanoindentation experiments and atom-scale numerical modeling, Materials & Design 217 (2022) 110639.
  20. Yanwen Zhang, Yury N. Osetsky, and William J. Weber, Tunable Chemical Disorder in Concentrated Alloys: Defect Physics and Radiation Performance, Chemical Reviews 122, 789–829 (2022).
  21. Manabu Ishimaru, Ryusuke Nakamura, Yanwen Zhang, William J. Weber, George G. Peterson, Natale J. Ianno, Michael Nastasi, Electron diffraction radial distribution function analysis of amorphous boron carbide synthesized by ion beam irradiation and chemical vapor deposition, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2 (2022) 376–382.
  22.    S. Zhao, Y. Zhang and W. J. Weber, Engineering defect energy landscape of CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloys by the introduction of additional dopants, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 561 (2022) 153573.
  23. M. L. Crespillo, J. T. Graham, F. Agulló-López, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Effect of themochemical treatments on laser-induced luminescence spectra from strontium titanate: comparison with swift ion-beam irradiation experiments, The European Physical Journal D 75: 314 (2021).
  24. Matheus A. Tunes, Graeme Greaves, Philip D. Rack, Walker L. Boldman, Cláudio G. Schön, Stefan Pogatscher, Stuart A. Maloy, Yanwen Zhang and Osman El-Atwani, Irradiation stability and induced ferromagnetism in a nanocrystalline CoCrCuFeNi highly-concentrated alloy, Nanoscale, 13(48), 20437-20450 (2021).
  25. C.A. Dennett, B.R. Dacus, C.M. Barr, T. Clark, H. Bei, Y. Zhang, M.P. Short, and K. Hattar. The dynamic evolution of swelling in nickel concentrated solid solution alloys through in situ property monitoring, Applied Materials Today 25 (2021) 101187.
  26. Mingyang Li, Yuanhang Guo, Wuming Li, Yanwen Zhang, Yongqin Chang, Property enhancement of CoCrNi medium-entropy alloy by introducing nano-scale features, Materials Science and Engineering: A 817 (2021) 141368.
  27. Chenyang Lu, Mingyang Li, Pengyuan Xiu, Xing Wang, Gihan Velişa, Li Jiang, Karren L. More, Jonathan D. Poplawsky, Yongqin Chang, Yanwen Zhang, Lumin Wang, High radiation tolerance of an ultrastrong nanostructured NiCoCr alloy with stable dispersed nanooxides and fine grain structure, Journal of Nuclear Materials 557 (2021) 153316.
  28. Y. N. Osetsky, A. Barashev, Y. Zhang, Sluggish, Chemical Bias and Percolation Phenomena in Atomic Transport by Vacancy and Interstitial Diffusion in Ni-Fe alloys. Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci. 25 (2021) 100961.
  29. S. San, Y. Tong, H. Bei, B. Kombaiah, Y. Zhang, W.-Y. Ching, First-principles calculation of lattice distortions in four single phase high entropy alloys with experimental validation, Materials & Design 209 (2021) 110071.
  30. M.R. Gilbert, K. Arakawa, Z. Bergstrom, M.J. Caturla, S.L. Dudarev, F. Gao, A.M. Goryaeva, S.Y. Hu, X. Hu, R.J. Kurtz, A. Litnovsky, J. Marian, M.-C. Marinica, E. Martinez, E.A. Marquis, D.R. Mason, B.N. Nguyen, P. Olsson, Y. Osetskiy, D. Senor, W. Setyawan, M.P. Short, T. Suzudo, J.R. Trelewicz, T. Tsuru, G.S. Was, B.D. Wirth, L. Yang, Y. Zhang, S.J. Zinkle, Perspectives on multiscale modelling and experiments to accelerate materials development for fusion, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 554 (2021)153113.
  31. 391.    F. Granberg, X. Wang, D. Chen, K. Jin, Y. Wang, H. Bei, W.J. Weber, Zhang, K.L. More, K. Nordlund, F. Djurabekova, Origin of increased helium density inside bubbles in Ni(1−x)Fex alloys, Scripta Materialia, 191, (2021) 1-6.
  32. F. X. Zhang, G. Velisa, H. Xue, N. Sellami, C. Trautmann, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Ion irradiation induced strain and structural changes in LiTaO3 perovskite, J. Physics: Condensed Matter 33: 185402 (2021).
  33. 389.    P. Xiu, H. Bei, Y Zhang, L. Wang, K.G. Field, STEM Characterization of Dislocation Loops in Irradiated FCC Alloys, Journal of Nuclear Materials 544, 152658 (2021).
  34. 388.    Z. Fan, W. Zhong, K. Jin, H. Bei, Y.N. Osetsky, Y. Zhang, Diffusion-mediated chemical concentration variation and void evolution in ion-irradiated NiCoFeCr high-entropy alloy, Journal of Materials Research 36 (1), 298-310 (2021).
  35. G. Velisa, E. Zarkadoula, D. Iancu, M. D. Mihai, C. Grygiel, I. Monnet, B. Kombaiah, Y. Zhang and W. J. Weber, Near-surface modification of defective KTaO3 by ionizing ion irradiation, J. Physics D: Applied Physics 54: 375302 (2021).
  36. L. Nuckols, M. L. Crespillo, Y. Yang, J. Li, E. Zarkadoula, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Effects of recoil spectra and electronic energy dissipation on defect survival in 3C-SiC, Materialia 15: 101023 (2021).
  37. M. L. Crespillo, J. T. Graham, F. Agulló-López, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Real-Time Identification of Oxygen Vacancy Centers in LiNbO3 and SrTiO3 during Irradiation with High Energy Particles, Crystals 11: 315 (2021).
  38. M. L. Crespillo, J. T. Graham, F. Agulló-López, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Non-radiative luminescence decay with self-trapped hole migration in strontium titanate: Interplay between optical and transport properties, Applied Materials Today 24: 101041 (2021).
  39. Yanwen Zhang and William J. Weber, Ion irradiation and modification: the role of coupled electronic and nuclear energy dissipation and subsequent nonequilibrium processes in materials, Applied Physics Review, 7 (2020) 041307.
  40. Lauren Nuckols, Miguel L. Crespillo, Chen Xu, Eva Zarkadoula, Yanwen Zhang, William J. Weber, Coupled effects of electronic and nuclear energy deposition on damage accumulation in ion-irradiated SiC. Acta Materialia 199 (2020) 96-106.
  41. Jason Lapano, Lauren Nuckols, Alessandro R. Mazza, Yun-Yi Pai, Jie Zhang, Ben Lawrie, Rob G. Moore, Gyula Eres, Ho Nyung Lee, Mao-Hua Du, T. Zac Ward, Joon Sue Lee, William J. Weber, Yanwen Zhang, and Matthew Brahlek, Adsorption-controlled growth of MnTe(Bi2Te3)(n) by molecular beam epitaxy exhibiting stoichiometry-controlled magnetism, Phys. Rev. Materials 4, (2020) 111201(R).
  42. F.X. Zhang, Y. Tong, M. Kirkham, A. Huq, H. Bei, W.J. Weber, Y. Zhang, Structural disorder, phase stability and compressibility of refractory body-centered cubic solid-solution alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 847 (2020) 155970.
  43. Eva Zarkadoula, German Samolyuk, Yanwen Zhang, William J. Weber, Electronic stopping in molecular dynamics simulations of cascades in 3C–SiC, Journal of Nuclear Material, 540 (2020) 152371.
  44. Li Jiang, Yongjie Hu, Kai Sun, Pengyuan Xiu, Miao Song, Yanwen Zhang, Walker L. Boldman, Miguel L. Crespillo, Philip D. Rack, Liang Qi, William J. Weber, and Lumin Wang, Irradiation-Induced Extremes Create Hierarchical Face-to-Body-Centered Cubic Phases in Nanostructured High Entropy Alloys, Adv. Mater. 32 (2020) 2002652.
  45. Keyvan Ferasat, Yuri N. Osetsky, Alexander V. Barashev, Yanwen Zhang, Zhongwen Yao, and Laurent Karim Béland, Accelerated kinetic Monte Carlo: a case study; vacancy and dumbbell interstitial diffusion traps in concentrated solid solution alloys, J. Chem. Phys. 153, 074109 (2020).
  46. Pengyuan Xiu, Yuri N. Osetsky, Li Jiang, Gihan Velisa, Yang Tong, Hongbin Bei, William J. Weber, Yanwen Zhang, Lumin Wang, Dislocation loop evolution and radiation hardening in nickel-based concentrated solid solution alloys, Journal of Nuclear Materials 538 (2020) 152247.
  47.    Yuanhang Guo, Mingyang Li, Pei Li, Cunguang Chen, Qian Zhan, Yongqin Chang, Yanwen Zhang, Microstructure and mechanical properties of oxide dispersion strengthened FeCoNi concentrated solid solution alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 820 (2020) 153104.
  48.    F. Tuomisto, I. Makkonen, J. Heikinheimo, F. Granberg, F. Djurabekova, K. Nordlund, G. Velisa, H. Bei, H. Xue, W.J. Weber, Y. Zhang, Segregation of Ni at early stages of radiation damage in NiCoFeCr solid solution alloys, Acta Materialia 196 (2020) 44–51.
  49. F. X. Zhang, H. Xue, J. K. Keum, A. Boulle, Y. Zhang and W. J. Weber, Symmetry degeneration and room temperature ferroelectricity in ion-irradiated SrTiO3, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 32 (2020) 355405.
  50. Michael Edward Moore, Chen Xu, Robyn Marie Collette, Chuck Melcher, Jason P. Hayward, Yanwen Zhang, Jeremy Blake Watts, Brianna Leigh Musico, Cordell James Delzer, Studying the effects of thermally diffusing Ce into the surface of YAlO3 for associated particle imaging, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B 473 (2020) 55-61.
  51. G. Velişa, Z. Fan, M.L. Crespillo, H. Bei, W.J. Weber, Y. Zhang, Temperature effects on damage evolution in ion-irradiated NiCoCr concentrated solid-solution alloy, J. Alloys. Comp. 832 (2020) 154918.
  52. C. Mieszczynski, R. Ratajczak, J. Jagielski, G. Velişa, H. Bei, B. C. Sales, E. Wendler, W.J. Weber, Y. Zhang, Defect evolution in Ni and solid-solution alloys of NiFe and NiFeCoCr under ion irradiation at 16 and 300 K, Journal of Nuclear Materials 534 (2020) 152138.
  53. Yuri Osetsky, Alexander V. Barashev, Laurent K. Béland, Zhongwen Yao, Keyvan Ferasat, Yanwen Zhang, Tunable chemical complexity to control atomic diffusion in alloys, npj Computational Materials 6, 38 (2020).
  54. Tingkun Liu, Wei Guo, Miguel L. Crespillo, Ke Jin, Yanwen Zhang, Hongbin Bei, Yanfei Gao, Indirectly probing the structural change in ion-irradiated Zr-Based metallic glasses from small scale mechanical tests, Intermetallics, 121, (2020) 106794.
  55. F. X. Zhang, Y. Tong, G. Velisa, H. Bei, W.J. Weber, Yanwen Zhang, Local structure of Ni80X20 (X: Cr, Mn, Pd) solid-solution alloys and response to ion irradiation, J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 32, 074002 (2020).
  56. Zhe Fan, Tai-ni Yang, Boopathy Kombaiah, Xing Wang, Philip D. Edmondson, Yuri N. Osetsky, Ke Jin, Chenyang Lu, Hongbin Bei, Lumin Wang, Karren L. More, William J. Weber, Yanwen Zhang, From suppressed void growth to significant void swelling in NiCoFeCr complex concentrated solid-solution alloy, Materialia 9, (2020) 100603.
  57. Mohammad W. Ullah, Neila Sellami, Aleksi Leino, Hongbin Bei, Yanwen Zhang, William J. Weber, Electron-phonon coupling induced defect recovery and strain relaxation in Ni and equiatomic NiFe alloy, Computational Materials Science 173, (2020) 109394.
  58. X. Wang, C. Hatzoglou, B. Sneed, Z. Fan, W. Guo, K. Jin, D. Chen, H. Bei, Y. Wang, W. J. Weber, Y. Zhang, B. Gault, K. L. More, F. Vurpillot, and J. D. Poplawsky, Interpreting nanovoids in atom probe tomography data for accurate local compositional measurements, Nature Communications 11: 1022 (2020).
  59. 363.    E. Zarkadoula, Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Molecular dynamics simulations of the response of pre-damaged SrTiO3 and KTaO3 to fast heavy ions, AIP Advances 10, 015019 (2020).
  60. S. Zhao, B. Liu, G. D. Samolyuk, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Alloying effects on low-energy recoil events in concentrated solid solution alloys, J. Nuclear Materials 529: 151941 (2020).
  61. 361.    Yang Tong, Shijun Zhao, Hongbin Bei, Takeshi Egami, Yanwen Zhang, Fuxiang Zhang, Severe local lattice distortion in Zr/Hf-containing refractory multi-principal element alloys, Acta Materialia 183 (2020) 172–181.
  62. Li, Mingyang; Chen, Cunguang; Li, Pei; Li, Wuming; Guo, Yuanhang; Ji, Qingzhu; Zhang, Yanwen; Chang, Yongqin, Oxide dispersion strengthened FeCoNi concentrated solid-solution alloys synthesized by mechanical alloying, Intermetallics, 117 (2020) 106674.
  63. X. Wang, K. Jin, D. Chen, H. Bei, Y. Wang, W.J. Weber, Y. Zhang, J. Poplawsky, K.L. More, Investigating effects of alloy chemical complexity on helium bubble formation by accurate segregation measurements using atom probe tomography, Microscopy and Microanalysis, 25[Supp. 2]:1558-1559 (2019)
  64. J. D. Poplawsky, X. Wang, C. Hatzouglou, W. Guo, K. Jin, H. Bei, Y. Wang, W. J. Weber, Y. Zhang, F. Vurpillot, and Karren L. More, Interpreting Voids in Atom Probe Tomography Data via Experiment and Theory, Microscopy and Microanalysis 25 [Supp. 2]: 290-291 (2019).
  65. F.F. Zhang, L. Boatner, Y.W. Zhang, D. Chen, Y.Q. Wang, L.M. Wang. Swelling and Helium Bubble Morphology in a Cryogenically Treated FeCrNi Alloy with Martensitic Transformation and Reversion after Helium Implantation, Materials 12 (2019) 2821.
  66. Shijun Zhao, Yuri Osetsky, and Yanwen Zhang, Atomistic simulation of defect-dislocation interactions in concentrated solid-solution alloys, Physical Review Materials, 3, 103602 (2019).
  67. Yanwen Zhang, Xing Wang, Yuri Osetsky, Yang Tong, Robert Harrison, Stephen E. Donnelly, Di Chen, Yongqiang Wang, Hongbin Bei, Brian C. Sales, Karren L. More, Pengyuan Xiu, Lumin Wang, and William J. Weber, Effects of 3d electron configurations on helium bubble formation and void swelling in concentrated solid-solution alloys, Acta Materialia. 181, 519-529 (2019).
  68. Yanwen Zhang, Takeshi Egami, William J. Weber, Dissipation of radiation energy in concentrated alloys: Unique defect properties and microstructural evolution. MRS Bulletin 44 (2019) 798-811.
  69. William J. Weber, Haizhou Xue, Eva Zarkadoula, Yanwen Zhang, Two regimes of ionization-induced recovery in SrTiO3 under irradiation, Scripta Materialia 173 (2019) 154–157.
  70. Zhaoliang Liao, Matthew Brahlek, Jong Mok Ok, Lauren Nuckols, Yogesh Sharma, Qiyang Lu, Yanwen Zhang, Ho Nyung Lee, Pulsed-laser epitaxy of topological insulator Bi2Te3 thin films, APL Materials, 7(4) (2019) 041101.
  71. Shijun Zhao, Yuri Osetsky, and Yanwen Zhang, Diffusion of point defects in ordered and disordered alloys, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 805 (2019) 1175-1183.
  72. Gihan Velişa, Ke Jin, Zhe Fan, Chenyang Lu, Hongbin Bei, William J. Weber, Lumin Wang, and Yanwen Zhang, Multi-axial and multi-energy channeling study of disorder evolution in ion-irradiated nickel, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 525 (2019) 92-101.
  73. R.W. Harrison, G. Greaves, H. Le, S.E. Donnelly, H. Bei, Y. Zhang, Chemical effects on He bubble superlattice formation in high entropy alloys, Current Opinion in Solid State and Materials Science, 23 (2019) 100762.
  74. W. J. Weber and Y. Zhang, Predicting Damage Production in Monoatomic and Multi-elemental Targets using Stopping and Range of Ions in Matter Code: Challenges and Recommendations, Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci. 23, 100757(2019).
  75. F. X. Zhang, T. Tong, H. Xue, J. K. Keum, Y. Zhang, A. Boulle, A. Debelle, and W. J. Weber, Strain engineering 4H-SiC with ion beams, Applied Physics Letters 114 [22] (2019) 221904.
  76. W. A. Hanson, M. K. Patel, M. L. Crespillo, F. Zhang, S. J. Zinkle, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Ionizing vs collisional damage in materials: Separated, competing, and synergistic effects in Ti3SiC2, Acta Materialia 173 (2019) 195-205.
  77. M.L. Crespillo, J.T. Graham, F. Agulló-López, Y. Zhang, and W.J. Weber, Recent Advances on Carrier and Exciton Self-Trapping in Strontium Titanate: Understanding the Luminescence Emissions, Crystals 9 (2019) 95.
  78. C. Lu, T.-N. Yang, K. Jin, G. Velisa, P. Xiu, Q. Peng, F. Gao, Y. Zhang, H. Bei, W. J. Weber, L. Wang, Irradiation Effects of Medium-entropy Alloy NiCoCr with and without Pre-indentation, Journal of Nuclear Materials 524, (2019) 60-66.
  79. G. Velisa, E. Wendler, H. Xue, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Revealing ionization-induced dynamic recovery in ion-irradiated SrTiO3, Acta Materialia correction 172 (2019) 202-202.
  80. X. Wang, C.M. Bar, K. Jin, H. Bei, K. Hattar, W.J. Weber, Y. Zhang. K.L. More, Defect evolution in Ni and NiCoCr by in situ 2.8 MeV Au irradiation, Journal of Nuclear Materials 523 (2019) 502-509.
  81. Zhe Fan, Gihan Velisa, Ke Jin, Miguel L. Crespillo, Hongbin Bei, William J. Weber, Yanwen Zhang, Temperature-dependent defect accumulation and evolution in Ni-irradiated NiFe concentrated solid solution alloy. J. Nucl. Mater. 519 (2019)1-9.
  82. Shijun Zhao, Yuri Osetsky, and Yanwen Zhang, Frenkel defect recombination in Ni and Ni‒containing concentrated solid‒solution alloys, Acta Materialia, 173 (2019) 184-194.
  83. N. Sellami, A. Debelle, M. W. Ullah, H. M. Christen, J. K. Keum, H. Bei, H. Xue, W. J. Weber, and Y. Zhang, Effect of electronic energy dissipation on strain relaxation in irradiated concentrated solid solution alloys, Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci. 23 (2019) 107–115.
  84. Y. Zhang, M. A. Tunes, M. L. Crespillo, F. Zhang, W. L. Boldman, P. D. Rack, L. Jiang, C. Xu, G. Greaves, S. E. Donnelly, L. Wang, and W. J. Weber, Thermal Stability and Irradiation Response of Nanocrystalline CoCrCuFeNi High-entropy Alloy, Nanotechnology: Focused Issue on Ion Beam Technology 30 (2019) 294004.
  85.    Miguel L Crespillo, Joseph T. Graham, Fernando Agulló-López, Yanwen Zhang, William J. Weber, “The Blue Emission at 2.8 eV in Strontium Titanate: Evidence for a Radiative Transition of Self-trapped Excitons from Unbound States,” Materials Research Letters 7 (2019) 298-303.
  86. M. A. Tunes, H. Le, G. Greaves, C. G. Schön, H. Bei, Y. Zhang, P. Edmondson, S. Donnelly, Investigating sluggish diffusion in a concentrated solid solution alloy using ion irradiation with in situ TEM, Intermetallics 110, (2019) 106461.
  87. M. A. Tunes, V. M. Vishnyakov, O. Camara, G. Greaves, P. D. Edmondson, Y. Zhang and S.E. Donnelly, A candidate accident tolerant fuel system based on a highly concentrated alloy thin film, Mater. Today Energy 12 (2019) 356-362.
  88. Z. Fan, S. Zhao, K. Jin, D. Chen, Y. Osetskiy, Y. Wang, H. Bei, K. More and Y. Zhang, Helium irradiated cavity formation and defect energetics in Ni-based binary single-phase concentrated solid solution alloys, Acta Mater. 164 (2019) 283-292.
  89. Changhee Sohn, Elizabeth Skoropata, Yongseong Choi, Xiang Gao, Ankur Rastogi, Amanda Huon, Michael A. McGuire, Lauren Nuckols, Yanwen Zhang, John W. Freeland, Daniel Haskel, and Ho Nyung Lee, Room-Temperature Ferromagnetic Insulating State in Cation-Ordered Double-Perovskite Sr2Fe1+xRe1−xO6 Films, Adv. Mater., 31 (2019) 1805389.
  90. G. Velisa, E. Wendler, L.-L. Wang, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Amorphization kinetics in strontium titanate at 16 and 300K under argon ion irradiation, J. Materials Science 54 [8] (2019) 6066-6072.
  91. A. Barashev, Y. N. Osetsky, H. Bei, C. Lu, L. Wang, and Y. Zhang, Chemically-Biased Diffusion and Solute Segregation Impedes Void Growth in Irradiated Ni-Fe Alloys, Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science. 23 (2019) 92-100.
  92. R. Sachan, M. F. Chisholm, X. Ou, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Energetic ion irradiation-induced disordered nanochannels for fast ion conduction, JOM 71 [1] (2019) 103-108.
  93. G. Velisa, E. Wendler, L.-L. Wang, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Ion mass dependence of irradiation-induced damage accumulation in KTaO3, J. Materials Science 54 (2019) 149-158.
  94. K. Jin, G. Velisa, H. Xue, T. Yang, H. Bei, W. J. Weber, L. Wang and Y. Zhang, Channeling analysis in studying ion irradiation damage in materials containing various types of defects, J. Nucl. Mater. 517 (2019) 9-16.
  95. S. Zhao, Y. Osetsky, G. M. Stocks, and Y. Zhang, Local-environment dependence of stacking fault energy in concentrated solid‒solution alloys, npj Comput. Mater. 5, (2019) 13.
  96. B. Kombaiah, P. D. Edmondson, Y. Wang, L. A. Boatner, and Y. Zhang, Mechanisms of radiation-induced segregation around He bubbles in a Fe-Cr-Ni crystal, J. Nucl. Mater. 514 (2019) 139 - 147.
  97. X. Wang, K. Jin, D. Chen, H. Bei, Y. Wang, W.J. Weber, Y. Zhang, and K. L. More, Effects of Fe concentration on helium bubble formation in NiFex single-phase concentrated solid solutions alloys, Materialia 5 (2019) 100183.
  98. T.-N. Yang, C. Lu, G. Velisa, K. Jin, P. Xiu, Y. Zhang, H. Bei, and L. Wang, Influence of irradiation temperature on void swelling in NiCoFeCrMn and NiCoFeCrPd, Scripta Mater. 158 (2019) 57-61.
  99.    Y. N. Osetsky, A. Barashev and Y. Zhang, On the mobility of defect clusters and their effect on microstructure evolution in fcc Ni under irradiation, Materialia. 4 (2018) 139-146.
  100.    K. Jin, Y. Xia, M. Crespillo, H. Xue, Y. Zhang, Y. F. Gao, and H. Bei, Quantifying early stage irradiation damage from nanoindentation pop-in tests, Scripta Mater. 157 (2018) 49-53.
  101. C. Ostrouchov, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, pysrim: Automation, Analysis and Plotting of SRIM Calculations, The Journal of Open Source Software 3 [28] (2018) 829.
  102. W. A. Hanson, M. K. Patel, M. L. Crespillo, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Influence of electronic vs nuclear energy loss in radiation damage of Ti3SiC2, Acta Materialia 161 (2018) 302-310.
  103. Kenta K. Ohtaki, Maulik K. Patel, Miguel L. Crespillo, Keyur K. Karandikar, Yanwen Zhang, Olivia A. Graeve & Martha L. Mecartney, Improved high temperature radiation damage tolerance in a three-phase ceramic with heterointerfaces, Scientific Reports 8 (2018) 13993.
  104. F. Zhang, Y. Tong, K. Jin, H. Bei, W. Weber and Y. Zhang, Lattice distortion and phase stability of Pd-doped NiCoFeCr solid-solution alloys, Entropy 20 (2018) 900.
  105. T. Yang, C. Li, S. J. Zinkle, S. Zhao, H. Bei, and Y. Zhang, Irradiation responses and defect behavior of single-phase concentrated solid solution alloys, J. Mater. Res. 33 (2018) 3077-3091.
  106. 31 Y. Tong, G. Velisa, T. Yang, K. Jin, C. Lu, H. Bei, J.Y.P. Ko, D. C. Pagan, R. Huang, Y. Zhang, L. Wang, F. X. Zhang, Evolution of local lattice distortion under irradiation in medium- and high-entropy alloys, Materialia 2 (2018) 73–81.
  107. 31 Y. N. Osetskiy, L. Beland, A. Barashev, and Y. Zhang, On the existence and origin of sluggish diffusion in chemically disordered concentrated alloys, Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci. 22 (2018) 65-74.
  108. 31 C. Lu, T. Yang, L. Niu, Q. Peng, K. Jin, M. L. Crespillo, G. Velisa, H. Xue, F. Zhang, P. Xiu, Y. Zhang, F. Gao, H. Bei, W. J. Weber, and L. Wang, Interstitial migration behavior and defect evolution in ion irradiated pure nickel and Ni-xFe binary alloys, J. Nuclear Materials 509 (2018) 237-244.
  109. M. L. Crespillo, J. T. Graham, F. Agulló-López, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Isolated oxygen vacancies in strontium titanate shine red: Optical identification of Ti3+ polarons, Applied Materials Today 12 (2018) 131-137.
  110. C. Lu, T. Yang, K. Jin, G. Velisa, P. Xiu, M. Song, Q. Peng, F. Gao, Y. Zhang, H. Bei, W. J. Weber, and L. Wang, Enhanced void swelling in NiCoFeCrPd high-entropy alloy by indentation-induced dislocations, Materials Research Letters 6 [10] (2018) 584-591.
  111. K. Jin, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Synergistic effects of nuclear and electronic energy deposition on damage production in KTaO3, Materials Research Letters 6 [9] (2018) 531-536.
  112. F. X. Zhang, M. W. Ullah, S. Zhao, K. Jin, Y. Tong, G. Velisa, H. Xue, R. Bei, R. Huang, C. Park, W. J. Weber, and Y. Zhang, Local structure of NiPd solid solution alloys and its response to ion irradiation, J. Alloys and Compounds 755 (2018) 242-250.
  113. R. Sachan, M. W. Ullah, M. F. Chisholm, J. Liu, P. Zhai, D. Schauries, P. Kluth, C. Trautmann, H. Bei, W. J. Weber, and Y. Zhang, Radiation-induced extreme elastic and inelastic interactions in concentrated solid solutions, Materials and Design 150 (2018) 1-8.
  114. F. Zhang, Y. Tong, K. Jin, H. Bei, W. J. Weber, A. Huq, A. Lanzirotti, M. Newville, D. C. Pagan, J. Y. P. Ko, and Y. Zhang, Chemical complexity induced by local structural distortion in NiCoFeMnCr high-entropy alloy, Materials Research Letters 6 [8] (2018) 450-455.
  115. A. Leino, G. D. Samolyuk, R. Sachan, F. Granberg, W. J. Weber, H. Bei, J. Liu, P. Zhai, and Y. Zhang, GeV ion irradiation of NiFe and NiCo: Insights from MD simulations and experiments, Acta Materialia 151 (2018) 191-200.
  116. R. Sachan, E. Zarkadoula, X. Ou, C. Trautmann, Y. Zhang. M. F. Chisholm, and W. J. Weber, Sculpting Nanoscale Functional Channels in Complex Oxides Using Energetic Ions and Electrons, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 [19] (2018) 16731-16738.
  117. H. Xue, E. Zarkadoula, R. Sachan, Y. Zhang, C. Trautmann, and W. J. Weber, Synergistically-enhanced ion track formation in pre-damaged strontium titanate by energetic heavy ions, Acta Materialia 150 (2018) 351-359.
  118. G. Velisa, E. Wendler, H. Xue, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Revealing ionization-induced dynamic recovery in ion-irradiated SrTiO3, Acta Materialia 149 (2018) 256-264.
  119. F. X. Zhang, J. Xi, Y. Zhang, Y. Tong, H. Xue, R. Huang, C. Trautmann, and W. J. Weber, Local structure and defects in ion irradiated KTaO3, J. Physics: Condensed Matter 30 [14] (2018) 145401.
  120. N. Sellami, M. L. Crespillo, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Two-state synergy of electronic energy loss with defects in LiTaO3 under ion irradiation, Materials Research Letters 6 [6] (2018) 339-344.
  121. J. Xi, B. Liu, H. Xu, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Determination of gaseous fission product behavior near the cerium dioxide tilt boundary via first-principles study, J. Nuclear Materials 499 (2018) 377-382.
  122. G. Velisa, E. Wendler, S. Zhao, K. Jin, H. Bei, W. J. Weber, and Y. Zhang, Delayed damage accumulation by athermal suppression of defect production in concentrated solid solution alloys, Materials Research Letters 6 [2] (2018) 136-141.
  123. J. Xi, B. Liu, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of AlN responding to low energy particle radiation, J. Applied Physics 123 [4] (2018) 045904.
  124. J. T. Graham, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Irradiation-induced defect formation and damage accumulation in single crystal CeO2, J. Nuclear Materials 498 (2018) 400-408.
  125. S. Zhao, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Stability of vacancy-type defect clusters in Ni based on first-principles and molecular dynamics simulations, Scr. Mater., 145 (2018) 71-75.
  126. S. Zhao, T. Egami, G. M. Stocks, and Y. Zhang, Effect of d electrons on defect properties in equiatomic NiCoCr and NiCoFeCr concentrated solid solution alloys, Phys. Rev. Materials 2 (2018) 013602.
  127. T. Yang, C. Lu, G. Velişa, K. Jin, P. Xiu, M.L. Crespillo, Y. Zhang, H. Bei and L. Wang, Effect of alloying elements on defect evolution in Ni-20X binary alloys, Acta Mater. 151, (2018) 159-168.
  128. Y. Tong, K. Jin, H. Bei, J. Y. P. Ko, D. C. Pagan, Y. Zhang, F. X. Zhang, Local lattice distortion in NiCoCr, FeCoNiCr and FeCoNiCrMn concentrated alloys investigated by synchrotron X-ray diffraction, Mater. and Des. 155 (2018) 1-7.
  129. B. Kombaiah, K. Jin, H. Bei, P. Edmondson, and Y. Zhang, Phase stability of single phase Al0.12CrNiFeCo high entropy alloy upon irradiation, Mater. Des. 160, (2018) 1208-1216.
  130. Y. Tong, S. Zhao, K. Jin, H. Bei, Y. J. P. Ko, D. C. Pagan, Y. Zhang, and F. X. Zhang, A comparison study of local lattice distortion in Ni80Pd20 binary alloy and FeCoNiCrPd high-entropy alloy, Scr. Mater. 156 (2018) 14-18.
  131. Tengfei Yang, Zhi Tang, Xie Xie, Robert Carroll, Gongyao Wang, Yugang Wang, Karin A. Dahmen, Peter K. Liaw, Yanwen Zhang, Deformation mechanisms of Al0.1CoCrFeNi at elevated temperatures, Materials Science & Engineering A 684 (2017) 552–558.
  132. S. Zhao, G. M. Stocks, and Y. Zhang, Stacking fault energies of face-centered cubic concentrated solid solution alloys, Acta Mater., 134 (2017) 334-345.
  133. M. L. Crespillo, J. T. Graham, F. Agulló-López, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Correlation between Cr3+ Luminescence and Oxygen Vacancy Disorder in Strontium Titanate under MeV Ion Irradiation, J. Physical Chemistry C 121 [36] (2017) 19758-19766.
  134. S. Zhang, K. Nordlund, F. Djurabekova, F. Granberg, Y. Zhang and T. S. Wang, Radiation damage buildup by athermal defect reactions in nickel and concentrated nickel alloys, Mater. Res. Lett., 5 (2017) 433-439.
  135. S. Zhao, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Ab Initio Study of Electronic Excitation Effects on SrTiO3, J. Physical Chemistry C 121 [48]: (2017). 26622-26628.
  136. Y. Zhang, H. Xue, E. Zarkadoula, R. Sachan, C. Ostrouchov, P. Liu, X. Wang, S. Zhang, T. S. Wang, and W. J. Weber, Coupled electronic and atomic effects on defect evolution in silicon carbide under ion irradiation, Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science 21 [6]: (2017) 285-298.
  137.    Y. Zhang, S. Zhao, W. J. Weber, K. Nordlund, F. Granberg, and F. Durabekova, Atomic-level heterogeneity and defect dynamics in concentrated solid-solution alloys, Current Opinion in Solid State & Materials Science 21 (2017) 221–237.
  138. S. Zhao, W. J. Weber, and Y. Zhang, Unique Challenges for Modeling Defect Dynamics in Concentrated Solid-Solution Alloys, JOM 69 [11] (2017) 2084-2091.
  139. N. Sellami, M. Crespillo, H. Xue, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Role of atomic-level defects and electronic energy loss on amorphization in LiNbO3 single crystals, J. Physics D: Applied Physics 50 [32] (2017) 355103.
  140. Shijun Zhao, Yury Osetskiy, Yanwen Zhang, Preferential diffusion in concentrated solid solution alloys: NiFe, NiCo and NiCoCr, Acta Mater., 128 (2017) 391-399.
  141. Tai-ni, Yang, Chenyang Lu, Ke Jin, Miguel Crespillo, Yanwen Zhang, Hongbin Bei and Lumin Wang, The effect of injected interstitials on void formation in self-ion irradiated nickel containing concentrated solid solution alloys, J. Nucl. Mater., 488 (2017) 328-337.
  142. J. Xi, H. Xu, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Strain effects on oxygen vacancy energetics in KTaO3, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 19 [8] (2017) 6264-6273.
  143. M. W. Ullah, H. Xue, G. Velisa, K. Jin, H. Bei, W. J. Weber, and Y. Zhang, Effects of chemical alternation on damage accumulation in concentrated solid-solution alloys, Scientific Reports 7 (2017) 4146.
  144. H. Xue, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, In-cascade ionization effects on defect production in 3C silicon carbide, Materials Research Letters 5 [7] (2017) 494-500.
  145. M. W. Ullah, Y. Zhang, N. Sellami, A. Debelle, H. Bei, and W. J. Weber, Evolution of irradiation-induced strain in an equiatomic NiFe alloy, Scripta Materialia 140 (2017) 35-39.
  146. R. Sachan, Y. Zhang, X. Ou, C. Trautmann, M. F. Chisholm, and W. J. Weber, New insights on ion track morphology in pyrochlores by aberration corrected scanning transmission electron microscopy, J. Materials Research 32 [5] (2017) 928-935.
  147. M. L. Crespillo, J. T. Graham, F. Agulló-López, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Role of oxygen vacancies in light emission mechanisms in SrTiO3 induced by high-energy particles, J. Physics D: Applied Physics 50 [15] (2017) 155303.
  148. F. X. Zhang, K. Jin, S. Zhao, S. Mu, H. Bei, J. C. Liu, H. Z. Xue, D. Popov, C. Park, G. M. Stocks, W. J. Weber, and Y. Zhang, X-ray absorption investigation of local structural disorder in Ni1-xFex (x = 0.10, 0.20, 0.35, and 0.50) alloys, J. Applied Physics 121 (2017) 165105.
  149. F. X. Zhang, S. Zhao, K. Jin, H. Xue, G. Velisa, H. Bei, R. Huang, J. Y. P. Ko, D. C. Pagan, J. C. Neuefeind, W. J. Weber, and Y. Zhang, Local Structure and Short-Range Order in a NiCoCr Solid Solution Alloy, Physical Review Letters 118 [20] (2017) 205501.
  150. G. Velisa, M. W. Ullah, H. Xue, K. Jin, M. L. Crespillo, H. Bei, W. J. Weber, and Y. Zhang, Irradiation-induced damage evolution in concentrated Ni-based alloys, Acta Materialia 135 (2017) 54-60.
  151.    J. Xi, B. Liu, F. Yuan, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Diffusion of point defects near stacking faults in 3C-SiC via first-principles calculations, Scripta Materialia 139 (2017) 1-4.
  152. H. Xue, E. Zarkadoula, P. Liu, K. Jin, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Amorphization due to electronic energy deposition in defective strontium titanate, Acta Materialia 127 (2017) 400-406.
  153. R. Sachan, V. R. Cooper, B. Liu, D. S. Aidhy, B. K. Voas, M. Lang, X. Ou, C. Trautmann, Y. Zhang, M. F. Chisholm, and W. J. Weber, Forging Fast Ion Conducting Nanochannels with Swift Heavy Ions: The Correlated Role of Local Electronic and Atomic Structure, J. Physical Chemistry C 121 (2017) 975-981.
  154. E. Zarkadoula, K. Jin, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Synergistic effects of nuclear and electronic energy loss in KTaO3 under ion irradiation, AIP Advances 7 [1] (2017) 015016.
  155. F. X. Zhang, S. Zhao, J. Jin, H. Bei, D. Popov, C. Park, J. C. Neuefeind, W. J. Weber, and Y. Zhang, Pressure-induced fcc to hcp phase transition in Ni-based high entropy solid solution alloys, Applied Physics Letters 110 [1] (2017) 011902.
  156. S. Zhao, G. Velisa, H. Xue, H. Bei, W. J. Weber, and Y. Zhang, Suppression of vacancy cluster growth in concentrated solid solution alloys, Acta Materialia 125: 231-237 (2017).
  157. B. Petersen, B. Liu, W. J. Weber, and Y. Zhang, Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of low energy recoil events in MgO, J. Nuclear Materials 486: 122-128 (2017).
  158. C. Lu, T. Yang, K. Jin, N. Gao, P. Xiu, Y. Zhang, F. Gao, H. Bei, W. J. Weber, K. Sun, Y. Dong, and L. Wang, Radiation-induced segregation on defect clusters in single-phase concentrated solid-solution alloys, Acta Materialia 127: 98-107 (2017).
  159. Shijun Zhao, Yuri Osetsky, Yanwen Zhang, Atomic-scale dynamics of edge dislocations in Ni and concentrated solid solution NiFe alloys, J. of Alloys and Compounds, 701 (2017) 1003-1008.
  160. S. Zhang, K. Nordlund, F. Djurabekova, Y. Zhang, G. Velisa, and T. S. Wang "Simulation of Rutherford backscattering spectrometry from arbitrary atom structures" Physical Review E 94 (2016) 043319.
  161. K. Jin, W. Guo, C. Lu, M. W. Ullah, Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, L. Wang, J. D. Poplawsky, and H. Bei, Effects of Fe concentration on the ion-irradiation induced defect evolution and hardening in Ni-Fe solid solution alloys, Acta Materialia 121: 365-373 (2016).
  162. C. Lu, L. Niu, N. Chen, K. Jin, T. Yang, P. Xiu, Y. Zhang, F. Gao, H. Bei, S. Shi, M. He, I. M. Robertson, W. J. Weber, and L. Wang, Enhancing radiation tolerance by controlling defect mobility and migration pathways in multicomponent single-phase alloys, Nature Communications 7 (2016) 13564.
  163. 259. A. Taylor, M. K. Patel, J. A. Aguiar, Y. Zhang, M. L. Crespillo, J. Wen, H. Xue, Y. Wang, and W. J. Weber, Combined Effects of Radiation Damage and He Accumulation on Bubble Nucleation in Gd2Ti2O7, J. Nuclear Materials 479 (2016) 542-547.
  164. 258.    Kenta Imada, Manabu Ishimaru, Haizhou Xue, Yanwen Zhang, Steven C. Shannon, William J. Weber, Amorphization resistance of nano-engineered SiC under heavy ion irradiation Journal of Nuclear Materials 478, (2016) 310-314.
  165. Bin Liu, Benjamin Petersen, Yanwen Zhang, Jingyang Wang, and William J. Weber, , Layered Structure Induced Anisotropic Low-Energy Recoils in Ti3SiC2, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 99(8) (2016)· 2693–2698.
  166. Ritesh Sachan, Eva Zarkadoula, Maik Lang, Christina Trautmann, Yanwen Zhang, Matthew F Chisholm, William J. Weber, Insights on dramatic radial fluctuations in track formation by energetic ions, Scientific reports, 6 (2016) 27196.
  167. Caitlin A. Taylor, Maulik K. Patel, Jeffery A. Aguiar, Yanwen Zhang, Miguel L. Crespillo, Juan Wen, Haizhou Xue, Yongqiang Wang, William J. Weber, Bubble formation and lattice parameter changes resulting from He irradiation of defect-fluorite Gd2Zr2O7 Acta Materialia 115 (2016) 115-122.
  168. C.-H. Chen, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, M.L. Crespillo, C.L. Fontana, J.T. Graham, G. Duscher, S.C. Shannon, W.J. Weber, Dose dependence of helium bubble formation in nano-engineered SiC at 700 °C, Journal of nuclear materials, 472 (2016) 153-160.
  169.    Jianqi Xi, Bin Liu, Yanwen Zhang, William J. Weber Ab initio study of point defects near stacking faults in 3C-SiC Computational Materials Science 123 (2016) 131–138.
  170. Jin, K.; Bei, H.; and Zhang, Y., Ion irradiation induced defect evolution in Ni and Ni-based FCC equiatomic binary alloys, J. Nucl. Mater., 471 (2016) 193-199.
  171. Granberg, F.; Nordlund, K.; Ullah, M. W.; Jin, K.; Lu, C.; Bei, H.; Wang, L.; Djurabekova, F.; Weber, W. J.; and Zhang, Y., Mechanism of radiation damage reduction in equiatomic multicomponent single phase alloys, Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 135504 (2016). [DOI:10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.135504]
  172. M. W. Ullah, D. S. Aidhy, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Damage accumulation in ion-irradiated Ni-based concentrated solid-solution alloys, Acta Mater. 109, (2016) 17-22.
  173. Jin, K.; Lu, C.; Wang, L. M.; Qu, J.; Weber, W. J.; Zhang, Y.; and Bei, H., Effects of compositional complexity on the ion-irradiation induced swelling and hardening in Ni-containing equiatomic alloys, Scr. Mater., 119, (2016) 65-70.
  174. Y. Zhang, K. Jin, H. Xue, C. Lu, R. Olsen, L. Beland, M. W. Ullah, S. Zhao, H. Bei, D. S. Aidhy, G. D. Samolyuk, L. Wang, M. Caro, A. Caro, G. M. Stocks, B. C. Larson, I. M. Robertson, A. A. Correa, and W. J. Weber, Influence of Chemical Disorder on Energy Dissipation and Defect Evolution in Advanced Alloys, J. Materials Research 31 (2016) 2363-2375.
  175. S. Zhao, G. M. Stocks, Y. Zhang, Defect energetics of concentrated solid-solution alloys from ab initio calculations: Ni0.5Co0.5, Ni0.5Fe0.5, Ni0.8Fe0.2 and Ni0.8Cr0.2, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 18 (2016) 24043.
  176. Fenglin Yuan, Bin Liu, Yanwen Zhang and William J. Weber, Segregation and Migration of the Oxygen Vacancies in the Σ3 (111) Tilt Grain Boundaries of Ceria, J. Phys. Chem. C 120, (2016) 6625−6632.
  177.    Lu, Chenyang; Jin, Ke; Beland, Laurent K.; Zhang, Feifei; Yang, Taini; Qiao, Liang; Zhang, Yanwen; Bei, Hongbin; Christen, Hans M.; Stoller, Roger E.; Wang, Lumin, Direct Observation of Defect Range and Evolution in Ion-Irradiated Single Crystalline Ni and Ni Binary Alloys, Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 19994.
  178. 244.    E. Zarkadoula, H. Xue, Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Synergy of inelastic and elastic energy loss: Temperature effects and electronic stopping power dependence, Scripta Materialia 110 (2016) 2-5.
  179. 243. L. Fontana, C.-H. Chen, M. L. Crespillo, J. T. Graham, H. Xue, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Stopping power measurements with the Time-of-Flight (ToF) technique, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B 366 (2016) 104-116.
  180. 242. Liu, Y. Zhang, H. Xue, K. Jin, M. L. Crespillo, X. Wang, and W. J. Weber, A coupled effect of nuclear and electronic energy loss on ion irradiation damage in lithium niobate, Acta Materialia 105: (2016) 429-437.
  181. 241. Jin, B. C. Sales, G. M. Stocks, G. D. Samolyuk, M. Daene, W. J. Weber, Y. Zhang, and H. Bei, Tailoring the physical properties of Ni-containing single-phase equiatomic alloys by modifying the chemical complexity, Scientific Reports 6 (2016) 20159.
  182. 240. L. Crespillo, J. T. Graham, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Temperature measurements during high flux ion beam irradiations, Review of Scientific Instruments 87 [2] (2016) 024902.
  183. 239. S. Aidhy, C. Lu, K. Jin, H. Bei, Y. Zhang, L. Wang, and W. J. Weber, Formation and Growth of Stacking Fault Tetrahedra in Ni via Vacancy Aggregation Mechanism, Scripta Materialia 114 (2016) 137-141.
  184. 238. L. Crespillo, J. T. Graham, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, In-situ luminescence monitoring of ion-induced damage evolution in SiO2 and Al2O3, J. Luminescence 172 (2016) 208-218.
  185. 237. A. Gapud, N.T. Greenwood, J.A. Alexander, A. Khan, K.J. Leonard, T. Aytug, F.A. List, M.W. Rupich, Y. Zhang, Irradiation response of commercial, high-Tc superconducting tapes: Electromagnetic transport properties, Journal of Nuclear Materials 462 (2015) 108-113.
  186. 236. Liu, V. R. Cooper, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Segregation and trapping of oxygen vacancies near the SrTiO3 S3 (1 1 2) [1 1 1] tilt grain boundary, Acta Materialia 90 (2015) 394-399.
  187. 235.    D. S. Aidhy, R. Sachan, E. Zarkadoula, O. H. Pakarinen, M. F. Chisholm, Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Fast ion conductivity in strained defect-fluorite structure created by ion tracks in Gd2Ti2O7, Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 16297.
  188. 234.    B. Liu, F. Yuan, K. Jin, Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Ab initio molecular dynamics investigations of low-energy recoil events in Ni and NiCo, J. Physics: Condensed Matter 27 [43] (2015) 435006.
  189.    Yanwen Zhang, G. Malcolm Stocks, Ke Jin, Chenyang Lu, Hongbin Bei, Brian C. Sales, Lumin Wang, Laurent K. Beland, Roger E. Stoller, German D. Samolyuk, Magdalena Caro, Alfredo Caro, and William J. Weber, Influence of chemical disorder on energy dissipation and defect evolution in nickel and Ni-based concentrated solid-solution alloys, Nature Communications 6 (2015) 8736.
  190. Yanwen Zhang, Ritesh Sachan, Olli H. Pakarinen, Matthew F. Chisholm, Peng Liu, Haizhou Xue & William J. Weber, Ionization-induced annealing of pre-existing defects in silicon carbide, Nature Communications 6 (2015) 8049.
  191. H. Xue, H.Y. Xiao, Z. Zhu, V. Shutthanandan, L.L. Snead, L.A. Boatner, W.J. Weber, Y. Zhang, Ag out-surface diffusion in crystalline SiC with an effective SiO2 diffusion Barrier, Journal of Nuclear Materials 464 (2015) 294–298.
  192. Kenta Imada, Manabu Ishimaru, Kazuhisa Sato, Haizhou Xue, Yanwen Zhang, Steven Shannon, William J. Weber, Atomistic structures of nano-engineered SiC and radiation-induced amorphization resistance, Journal of Nuclear Materials 465 (2015) 433-437.
  193. Dilpuneet S. Aidhy, Chenyang Lu, Ke Jin, Hongbin Bei, Yanwen Zhang, Lumin Wang, William J. Weber, Point defect evolution in Ni, NiFe and NiCr alloys from atomistic simulations and irradiation experiments, Acta Materialia 99 (2015) 69–76.
  194. Eva Zarkadoula, Olli H. Pakarinen, Haizhou Xue, Yanwen Zhang and William J. Weber, Predictive modeling of synergistic effects in nanoscale ion track formation, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 17 (2015) 22538—22542.
  195. Fenglin Yuan, Yanwen Zhang, William J. Weber, Vacancy-Vacancy Interaction Induced Oxygen Diffusivity Enhancement in Undoped Nonstoichiometric Ceria, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 119 (23) (2015) 13153-13159.
  196. G. Cao, D. J. Singh, X.-G. Zhang, G. Samolyuk, L. Qiao, C. Parish, K. Jin, Y. Zhang, H. Guo, S. Tang, W. Wang, J. Yi, C. Cantoni, W. Siemons, E. A. Payzant, M. Biegalski, T. Z. Ward, D. Mandrus, G. M. Stocks, and Z. Gai, Ferromagnetism and Nonmetallic Transport of Thin-Film a-FeSi2: A Stabilized Metastable Material, Phys. Rev. Letters 114 (2015) 147202.
  197. W. J. Weber, E. Zarkadoula, O. H. Pakarinen, R. Sachan, M. F. Chisholm, P. Liu, H. Xue, K. Jin, and Y. Zhang, Synergy of elastic and inelastic energy loss on ion track formation in SrTiO3, Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 7726.
  198. 224. Zhang, A. Debelle, A. Boulle, P. Kluth, F. Tuomisto, Advanced techniques for characterization of ion beam modified materials, Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci. 19 [1] (2015) 19-28.
  199. 223. J. Weber, D. M. Duffy, L. Thomé and Y. Zhang, The role of electronic energy loss in ion beam modification of materials, Curr. Opin. Solid State Mater. Sci. 19 [1] (2015) 1-11.
  200. 222. Y. Xiao, W. J. Weber, Y. Zhang, X. T. Zu, and S. Li, Electronic excitation induced amorphization in titanate pyrochlores: an ab initio molecular dynamics study, Scientific Reports 5 (2015) 8265.
  201. 221. S. Aidhy, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Radiation damage in cubic ZrO2 and yttria-stabilized zirconia from molecular dynamics simulations, Scripta Materialia 98 (2015) 16-19.
  202. 220. S. Aidhy, B. Liu, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Chemical expansion affected oxygen vacancy stability in different oxide structures from first principles calculations, Computational Materials Science 99 (2015) 298-305.
  203. 219. Y. Xiao, W. J. Weber, Y. Zhang and X. T. Zu, Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of ion-solid interactions in zirconate pyrochlores, Acta Materialia 87 (2015) 273-282.
  204. 218. Moll, Y. Zhang, A. Debelle, L. Thomé, J. P. Crocombette, Z. Zihua, J. Jagielski, and W. J. Weber, Damage processes in MgO irradiated with medium-energy heavy ions, Acta Materialia 88 (2015) 314-322.
  205. 217. Sachan, O. H. Pakarinen, P. Liu, M. K. Patel, M. F. Chisholm, Y. Zhang, X. L. Wang, and W. J. Weber, Structure and band gap determination on irradiation-induced amorphous nano-channels in LiNbO3, J. Applied Physics 117 [13] (2015) 135902.
  206. 216. Yang, C. A. Taylor, C. Wang, Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, J. Xiao, J. Xue, S. Yan, Y. Wang, Effects of He Irradiation on Yttria-Stabilized Zirconia Ceramics, J. American Ceramic Society 98 [4] (2015) 1314-1322.
  207. Wang, Zhaoying; Jin, Ke; Zhang, Yanwen; Wang, Fuyi; Zhu, Zihua. ToF-SIMS depth profiling of insulating samples, interlaced mode or non-interlaced mode? Surface and Interface Analysis, 46 (2014) 257-260.
  208. Alejandro G. Perez-Bergquist, Hongbin Bei, Keith J. Leonard, Yanwen Zhang, Steven J. Zinkle, Effects of ion irradiation on Zr52.5Cu17.9Ni14.6Al10Ti5 (BAM-11) bulk metallic glass, Intermetallics, 53 (2014) 62-66.
  209. D. S. Aidhy, B. Liu, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Strain-Induced Phase and Oxygen-Vacancy Stability in Ionic Interfaces from First-Principles Calculations, J. Physical Chemistry C 118 [51] (2014) 30139-30144.
  210. M. Toulemonde, W. Assmann, Y. Zhang, M. Backman, W. J. Weber, C. Dufour, and Z. G. Wang, Material transformation: Interaction between nuclear and electronic energy losses, Procedia Materials Science 7 (2014) 272-277.
  211. B. Liu, D. S. Aidhy, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Theoretical investigation of thermodynamic stability and mobility of the oxygen vacancy in ThO2-UO2 solid solutions, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16 [46] (2014) 25461-25467.
  212. C. H. Chen, Y. Zhang, E. Fu, Y. Wang, M. L. Crespillo, C. Liu, S. Shannon, and W. J. Weber, Irradiation-induced microstructural change in helium-implanted single crystal and nano-engineered SiC, J. Nuclear Materials 453 (2014) 280-286.
  213. D. S. Aidhy, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, (001) SrTiO3 ǀ (001) MgO interface and oxygen-vacancy stability from first-principles calculations, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 6 [17] (2014) 15536-15541.
  214. K. J. Leonard, T. Aytug, A. A. Gapud, F. A. List III, N. T. Greenwood, Y. Zhang, A. G. Perez-Bergquist, and W. J. Weber, Irradiation response of next generation high temperature superconductors for fusion energy applications, Fusion Sci. Technol. 66 (2014) 57-62.
  215. B. Liu, V. R. Cooper, H. Xu, H. Y. Xiao, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Composition dependent intrinsic defect structures in SrTiO3, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 16 [29] (2014) 15590-15596.
  216. K. Jin, H. Y. Xiao, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Effects of boron-nitride substrates on Stone-Wales defect formation in graphene: An ab initio molecular dynamics study, Appl. Phys. Letters 104 [20] (2014) 203106.
  217.    Y. Zhang, M. L. Crespillo, H. Xue, K. Jin, C.-H. Chen, C. L. Fontana, J. T. Graham, and W. J. Weber, New Ion Beam Materials Laboratory for Materials Modification and Irradiation Effects Research, Nucl. Instrum. & Meth. B 338 (2014) 19–30.
  218. Ke Jin, Zihua Zhu, Sandeep Manandhar, Jia Liu, Chien-Hung Chen, Vaithiyalingam Shutthanandan, Suntharampillai Thevuthasan, William J. Weber, Yanwen Zhang, Angular distribution and recoil effect for 1 MeV Au+ ions through a Si3N4 thin foil, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B 332 (2014) 346-350.
  219. Dilpuneet S. Aidhy, Yanwen Zhang, William J. Weber, A fast grain-growth mechanism revealed in nanocrystalline ceramic oxides, Scripta Materialia 83 (2014) 9-12.
  220.    Bin Liu, Haiyan Xiao, Yanwen Zhang, Dilpuneet S. Aidhy, William J. Weber, Investigation of oxygen point defects in cubic ZrO2 by density functional theory, Computational Materials Science 92 (2014) 22–27.
  221.    Alejandro G. Perez-Bergquist, Yanwen Zhang, Tamas Varga, Sandra Moll, Fereydoon Namavar, William J. Weber, Temperature-dependent void formation and growth at ion-irradiated nanocrystalline CeO2–Si interfaces, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 325 (2014) 66–72.
  222.    Y. Zhang, T. Varga, M. Ishimaru, P.D. Edmondson, H. Xue, P. Liu, S. Moll, F. Namavar, C. Hardiman, S. Shannon, and W.J. Weber, Competing effects of electronic and nuclear energy loss on microstructural evolution in ionic-covalent materials, Nucl. Instru. and Meth. B 327 (2014) 33-43.
  223.    Yanwen Zhang, Dilpuneet S. Aidhy, Tamas Varga, Sandra Moll, Philip D. Edmondson, Fereydoon Namavar, Ke Jin, Christopher N. Ostrouchov, and William J. Weber, The effect of electronic energy loss on irradiation induced grain growth in nanocrystalline oxides, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 16 (2014) 8051-8059.
  224. Dilpuneet S. Aidhy, Yanwen Zhang and William J. Weber, Strained Ionic Interfaces: Effect on Oxygen Diffusivity from Atomistic Simulations, J. Phys. Chem. C 118 (2014) 4207−4212
  225. K. Jin, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhu, D. A. Grove, H. Xue, J. Xue, and W. J. Weber, “Electronic stopping powers for heavy ions in SiC and SiO2, J. Applied Physics 115 [4]: (2014) 044903.
  226.    H.Y. Xiao, W.J. Weber and Y. Zhang, First-principles study of the stability and migration of Kr, I and Xe in ZrO2, Journal of Nuclear Materials, 446 (2014) 172–177.
  227.    Dilpuneet S. Aidhy, Yanwen Zhang and William J. Weber, Impact of segregation energetics on oxygen conductivity at ionic grain boundaries, J. Mater. Chem. A 2 [6]: (2014) 1704-1709.
  228.    Peng Liu, Yanwen Zhang, Haiyan Xiao, Xia Xiang, Xuelin Wang, William J. Weber, Nonlinear luminescence response of CaF2:Eu and YAlO3:Ce to single-ion excitation, Journal of Applied Physics, 115 (2014) 033108.
  229.    D. S. Aidhy, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Stabilizing nanocrystalline grains in ceramic-oxides, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 15 [43] (2013) 18915-18920.
  230.    H. Y. Xiao, Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, Stability and migration of charged oxygen interstitials in ThO2 and CeO2, Acta Materialia 61 [20] (2013) 7639-7645.
  231.    B. Liu, H. Y. Xiao, Y. Zhang, D. S. Aidhy, W. J. Weber, “Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of threshold displacement events in SrTiO3,” J. Physics: Condensed Matter 25 [48]: (2013) 485003.
  232.    Z. Tang, M.C. Gao, H. Diao, T.Yang, J. Liu, T. Zuo, Y. Zhang, Z. Lu, Y. Cheng, Y. Zhang, K.A. Dahmen, P.K. Liaw, T. Egami, Aluminum Alloying Effects on Lattice Types, Microstructures and Mechanical Behavior of High-Entropy Alloys Systems, JOM, Vol. 65, No. 12, (2013) 1848-1858.
  233. T. Oda, Y. Zhang, and W.J. Weber, Study of intrinsic defects in 3C-SiC using first-principles calculation with a hybrid functional, J. of Chemical Physics 139(12) (2013) 124707.
  234. F. X. Zhang, H. Y. Xiao, M. Lang, J. M. Zhang, Yanwen Zhang, W. J. Weber, R. C. Ewing, Structure and properties of rare earth silicates with the apatite structure at high pressure, Phys Chem Minerals 40 (2013) 817–825.
  235. B. Liu, H.Y. Xiao, Y. Zhang and W.J. Weber, Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of overlapping recoil events in ThO2, J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25 (2013) 395004.
  236. P. D. Edmondson, C. M. Parish, Y. Zhang, A. Hallen, and M. K. Miller, Helium bubble distributions in a nanostructured ferritic alloy, Journal of Nuclear Materials 434 (2013) 210–216.
  237. Tengfei Yang, Caitlin A. Taylor, Shuyan Kong, Chenxu Wang, Yanwen Zhang, Xuejun Huang, Jianming Xue, Sha Yan, Yugang Wang, The discrepancies in multistep damage evolution of yttria-stabilized zirconia irradiated with different ions, Journal of Nuclear Materials 443 (2013) 40–48.
  238. Takuji Oda, Yanwen Zhang, and William J. Weber, Optimization of a hybrid exchange–correlation functional for silicon carbides, Chemical Physics Letters 579 (2013) 58–63
  239. M. Ishimaru, Y. Zhang, S. Shannon, and W. J. Weber, Origin of radiation tolerance in 3C-SiC with nanolayered planar defects, Applied Physics Letters 103 (2013) 033104.
  240. S. Moll, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhu, P. D. Edmondson, F. Namavar, and W. J. Weber, Comparison between simulated and experimental Au-ion profiles implanted in nanocrystalline ceria, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B 307 (2013) 93-97.
  241.    K. Jin, Y. Zhang, H. Xue, Z. Zhu, and W. J. Weber, Ion distribution and electronic stopping power for Au ions in silicon carbide, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B 307 (2013) 65-70.
  242.    P. Liu, Y. Zhang, X. Wang, X. Xiang, and W. J. Weber, Response properties of YAlO3:Ce scintillation crystal under ion irradiation, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B 307 (2013) 49-54.
  243. L. Thomé, A. Debelle, F. Garrido, S. Mylonas, B. Décamps, C. Bachelet, G. Sattonnay, S. Moll, S. Pellegrino, S. Miro, P. Trocellier, Y. Serruys, G. Velisa, C. Grygiel, I. Monnet, M. Toulemonde, P. Simon, J. Jagielski, I. Jozwik-Biala, L. Nowicki, M. Behar, W. J. Weber, Y. Zhang, M. Backman, K. Nordlund, and F. Djurabekova, Radiation Effects in nuclear materials: Role of nuclear and electronic energy losses and their synergy, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B 307 (2013) 43-48.
  244.    X. J. Wang, H. Y. Xiao, X. T. Zu, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of ion-solid interactions in Gd2Zr2O7 and Gd2Ti2O7, J. Materials Chemistry C 1 [8] (2013) 1665-1673.
  245. H. Y. Xiao, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Thermodynamic properties of CexTh1-xO2 solid solution from first-principles calculations, Acta Materialia 61 [2] (2013) 467-476.
  246. P. D. Edmondson, N. P. Young, C. M. Parish, S. J. Moll, F. Namavar, W. J. Weber, and Y. Zhang, Ion-Beam-Induced Chemical Mixing at a Nanocrystalline CeO2/Si Interface, J. American Ceramic Society 96 [5] (2013) 1666-1672.
  247.    M. Backman, F. Djurabekova, O.H. Pakarinen, K. Nordlund, Y. Zhang, M. Toulemonde, W.J. Weber, Atomistic simulations of MeV ion irradiation of silica, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 303 (2013) 129–132.
  248. Wang, Zhiguo; Zhou, Yungang; Zhang, Yanwen; Gao, Fei. Band-Gap Engineering of Carbon Nanotubes with Grain Boundaries. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 116(3) (2012) 2271-2277.
  249.    Tengfei Yang, Xuejun Huang, Chenxu Wang, Yanwen Zhang, Jianming Xue, Sha Yan, and Yugang Wang, Enhanced structural stability of nanoporous zirconia under irradiation of He, Journal of Nuclear Materials 427 (2012) 225–232.
  250. M. Backman, F. Djurabekova, O. H. Pakarinen, K. Nordlund, Y. Zhang, M. Toulemonde, and W. J. Weber, Cooperative effect of electronic and nuclear stopping on ion irradiation damage in silica, J. Physics D: Applied Physics 45 [50] (2012) 505305.
  251. Yanwen Zhang, Manabu Ishimaru, Tamas Varga, Takuji Oda, Chris Hardiman, Haizhou Xue, Yutai Katoh, Steven Shannon, and William J. Weber, Nanoscale Engineering of Radiation Tolerant Silicon Carbide, Phys. Chem. Chem Phys. 14, (2012) 13429–13436.
  252. P D Edmondson, Y Zhang, S Moll, F Namavar, and W J Weber, Irradiation Effects on Microstructure Change of Nanocrystalline Ceria – Phase, Lattice Stress, Grain Size and Boundaries, Acta Materialia 60 5408-5416 (2012).
  253. Haiyan Xiao, Yanwen Zhang and William J. Weber, Ab initio molecular dynamics simulation of low-energy recoil events in ThO2, CeO2, and ZrO2, Physical Review B 86 (5) (2012) 054109.
  254. Haiyan Xiao, Yanwen Zhang and William J. Weber, Impact of point defects on electronic structure in Y2Ti2O7, RSC Advances 2, (2012) 7235-7240.
  255. P.D. Edmondson, Y. Zhang, S. Moll, T. Varga, F. Namavar, and W.J. Weber, Anomalous grain growth in the surface region of a nanocrystalline CeO2 film under low-temperature heavy ion irradiation. Physical Review B 85, (2012) 214113.
  256. Chao Zhang, Fei Mao, Feng-Shou Zhang, and Yanwen Zhang, Impact energy dependence of defect formation in single-walled carbon nanotubes, Chemical Physics Letters 541 (2012) 92–95.
  257. Fei Mao, Chao Zhang, Yanwen Zhang, and Feng-Shou Zhang, Collision energy dependence of defect formation in graphene, Chinese Physics Letters, Vol. 29, No. 7 (2012) 076101.
  258. Zhang, Yanwen; Wang, Yugang; Weber, William J. Untitled, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 286 (2012) 1.
  259. Y. Sina, C.J. McHargue, G. Duscher and Y. Zhang, The effect of zirconium implantation on the structure of sapphire, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 286 (2012) 190-195.
  260. N. Chaâbane, A. Debelle, G. Sattonnay, P. Trocellier, Y. Serruys, L. Thomé, Y. Zhang, W.J. Weber, C. Meis, L. Gosmain and A. Boulle, Investigation of irradiation effects induced by self-ion in 6H-SiC combining RBS/C, Raman and XRD, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 286 (2012) 108.
  261. Y. Chang, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhu, P.D. Edmondson, W.J. Weber, MeV Au Ion Irradiation in Silicon and Nanocrystalline Zirconia Film Deposited on Silicon Substrate, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 286 (2012) 173.
  262. C. Lan, J. M. Xue, Y. Zhang, J. R. Morris, Z. Zhu, Y. Gao, Y. G. Wang, S. Yan, and W.J. Weber, Molecular dynamics simulations of ion range profiles for heavy ions in light targets, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 286 (2012) 45.
  263.    H.Z. Xue, Y. Zhang, Z. Zhu, W.M. Zhang, I.T. Bae, and W.J. Weber, Damage Profiles and Ion Distribution in Pt-irradiated SiC, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 286 (2012) 114.
  264. William J. Weber, Yanwen Zhang, Haiyan Xiao and Lumin Wang, Dynamic recovery in silicate-apatite structures under irradiation and implications for long-term immobilization of actinides, RSC Advances, 2 (2012) 595–604.
  265. W. J. Weber, Y. Zhang, and L. M. Wang, Review of dynamic recovery effects on ion irradiation damage in ionic-covalent materials, Nucl. Instrum. and Methods in Physics Research B 277 (2012) 1-5.
  266.    H. Y. Xiao, Y. Zhang, L. L. Snead, V. Shutthanandan, H. Z. Xue, and W. J. Weber, Near-surface and bulk behavior of Ag in SiC, J. Nuclear Materials 420 [1-3] (2012) 123-130.
  267. H. Y. Xiao, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Enhanced electronic conductivity by controlled self-doping in pyrochlores, Phys. Chem. Chem Phys. 14 [18] (2012) 6556-6560.
  268. Manabu Ishimarua, Igor O. Usov, Yanwen Zhang and William J. Weber, Superlattice-like stacking fault array in ion-irradiated GaN, Philosophical Magazine Letters, 92 (2012) 49–55.
  269. P. D. Edmondson, W. J. Weber, F. Namavar, and Y. Zhang, Determination of the displacement energy of O, Si and Zr under electron beam irradiation, J. Nuclear Materials 422 [1-3] (2012) 86-91.
  270. Tengfei Yang, Xuejun Huang, Yuan Gao, Chenxu Wang, Yanwen Zhang, Jianming Xue, Sha Yan, Yugang Wang, Damage evolution of yttria-stabilized zirconia induced by He irradiation, Journal of Nuclear Materials 420 1-3, (2012) 430–436.
  271. J. Jagielski, A. Turos, L. Nowicki, P. Jozwik, S. Shutthanandan, Y. Zhang, N. Sathish, L. Thomé, A. Stonert, I. Jozwik-Biala, Monte Carlo simulations of channeling spectra recorded for samples containing complex defects, Nucl. Instr. and Meth. in Phys. Res. B 273 (2012) 91–94.
  272.    C. M. Parish, P. D. Edmondson, Y. Zhang, and M. K. Miller, Direct observation of ion-irradiation-induced chemical mixing”, Journal of Nuclear Materials 418 (2011) 106–109.
  273. P.D. Edmondson, C.M. Parish, Y. Zhang, A. Hallén and M.K. Miller, “Helium entrapment in a nanostructured ferritic alloy, Scripta Materialia 65 (2011) 731–734.
  274. Philip D. Edmondson, William J. Weber, Fereydoon Namavar and Yanwen Zhang, Lattice distortions and oxygen vacancies produced in Au+-irradiated nanocrystalline cubic zirconia, Scripta Materialia 65 (2011) 675–678.
  275. H.Y. Xiao, Y. Zhang, and W.J. Weber, Trapping and diffusion of fission products in ThO2 and CeO2, J. Nucl. Mater. 414 (2011) 464–470.
  276. Tengfei Yang, Yuan Gao, Xuejun Huang, Yanwen Zhang, Marcel Toulemonde, Jianming Xue, Sha Yan, Yugang Wang, The transformation balance between two types of structural defects in silica glass in ion-irradiation processes, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 357 (2011) 3245–3250.
  277. Y. Zhang, P.D. Edmondson, T. Varga, S. Moll, F. Namavar, C. Lan and W.J. Weber, Structural Modification of Nanocrystalline Ceria by Ion Beams, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13 (2011) 11946–11950.
  278. Yuan Gao, Tengfei Yang, Jianming Xue, Sha Yan, Shengqiang Zhou, Yugang Wang, Dixon T.K. Kwok, Paul K. Chu and Yanwen Zhang, Radiation tolerance of Cu/W multilayered nanocomposites, Journal of Nuclear Materials 413 (1) (2011) 11-15.
  279. S. Miro, J.M. Costantini, J. Haussy, L. Beck, S. Vaubaillon, S. Pellegrino, C. Meis, J.J. Grob, Y. Zhang, W.J. Weber, Nuclear reaction analysis of helium migration in silicon carbide, Journal of Nuclear Materials 415 (2011) 5–12
  280. M. K. Miller and Y. Zhang, Fabrication and Characterization of APT Specimens from High Dose Heavy Ion Irradiated Materials, Ultramicroscopy, 111(2011) 672–675.
  281. Alejandro G. Perez-Bergquist, Fabian U. Naab, Yanwen Zhang, Lumin Wang, Etch-free formation of porous silicon by high-energy ion irradiation, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B, 269, (6) (2011) 561-565.
  282. Manabu Ishimaru, Yanwen Zhang, Xuemei Wang, Wei-Kan Chu, and William J. Weber, Experimental evidence of homonuclear bonds in amorphous GaN, Journal of Applied Physics, 109 (2011) 043512.
  283. Marcel Toulemonde, William J. Weber, Guosheng Li, Vaithiyalingam Shutthanandan, Patrick Kluth, Tengfei Yang, Yuguang Wang, and Yanwen Zhang, Synergy of Nuclear and Electronic Energy Losses in Ion-irradiation Processes: the Case of Vitreous Silicon Dioxide, Physical Review B 83, 054106 (2011)
  284. P.D. Edmondson, Y. Zhang, F. Namavar, C.M. Wang, Z. Zhu, W.J. Weber, Defect- and strain-enhanced cavity formation and Au precipitation at nano-crystalline ZrO2/SiO2/Si interfaces. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 269 (2011) 126–132.
  285. W. Jiang, H. Wang, I. Kim, Y. Zhang and W. J. Weber, Amorphization of nanocrystalline 3C-SiC irradiated with Si+ ions, J. Mater. Res., 25, 2341-2348 (2010).
  286. Yanwen Zhang, Weilin Jiang, Chongmin Wang, Fereydoon Namavar, Philip D. Edmondson, Zihua Zhu, Fei Gao, Jie Lian, William J. Weber, Grain growth and phase stability of nanocrystalline cubic zirconia under ion irradiation, Physical Review B 82(18) (2010) 184105.
  287. Yanwen Zhang, Jacek Jagielski, In-Tae Bae, Xia Xiang, Lionel Thomé, Geetha Balakrishnan, Don M. Paul and William J. Weber, Damage evolution in Au-implanted Ho2Ti2O7 titanate pyrochlore, REI-15 Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 268 (2010) 3009.
  288. Yanwen Zhang, William J. Weber, The Role of Energy Partitioning on Electron-hole Recombination, Trapping and Detection in Silicon Detectors, Physical Review B 82 (2010) 075202
  289. X. Xiang, M. Chen, Y.F. Ju, X.T. Zu, L.M. Wang, Y. Zhang, N-TiO2 nanoparticles embedded in silica prepared by Ti ion implantation and annealing in nitrogen, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 268 (2010) 1440-1445.
  290. J. Jagielski, L. Thomé, Y. Zhang, C.M. Wang, A. Turos, L. Nowicki, K. Pagowska, I. Jozwik, Defect studies in ion irradiated AlGaN, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 268 (2010) 2056–2059.
  291. Yanwen Zhang, Manabu Ishimaru, Jacek Jagielski, Weiming Zhang, Zihua Zhu, Laxmikant V. Saraf, Weilin Jiang, Lionel Thome, and William J. Weber, Structural Damage and Microstructure Evolution in GaN under Au Ion Irradiation, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 43 (2010) 085303.
  292. Alejandro G. Perez-Bergquist, Kundar Li, Yanwen Zhang, Lumin Wang, Ion irradiation-induced bimodal surface morphology changes in InSb, Nanotechnology 21 (2010) 325602.
  293. Bae, In-Tae; Jiang, Weilin; Zhang, Yanwen; Weber, William J.; Wang, Chongmin. Microstructure of ion-irradiated GaN and its thermal evolution, Microscopy and Microanalysis. 15 (2009) 1364-1365.
  294. Perez-Bergquist, Alejandro; Xiang, Xia; Zhang, Yanwen; Wang, Lumin. Ion Irradiation-Induced Changes in Surface Morphology of InSb, Microscopy and Microanalysis. Volume: 15 Supplement: 2 Pages: 142-143 Published: JUL 2009.
  295. In-Tae Bae, William J. Weber, and Yanwen Zhang, Direct measurement of local volume change in ion-irradiated and annealed SiC, Journal of Applied Physics, 106 (2009) 123525, 1-5.
  296. Yuan Gao, Jianming Xue, Dongzheng Zhang, Zilong Wang, Chune Lan, Sha Yan, Yugang Wang, Fujun Xu, Bo Shen and Yanwen Zhang Damage evolution in GaN under MeV heavy ion implantation, Journal of Vacuum Science and Technology B--Microelectronics and Nanometer Structures 27 (2009) 2342-2346.
  297. W. Jiang, H. Wang, I. Kim, I.T. Bae, G. Li, P. Nachimuthu, Z. Zhu, Y. Zhang, and W.J. Weber. Response of Nanocrystalline Silicon Carbide to Heavy Ion Irradiation, Physical Review B 80(R) (2009) 161301.
  298. M. Ishimaru, Y. Zhang, and W.J. Weber, Ion-beam-induced chemical disorder in GaN, Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Applied Physics, 106 (2009) 053513, 1-4.
  299. A.G. Perez-Bergquist, K. Sun, Y. Zhang, and L.M. Wang. 2009. Formation of GaSb core-shell nanofibers by a thermally-induced phase decomposition process, J. Mater. Res., 24 (2009) 2286-2292.
  300. Jie Lian, Jiaming Zhang, Fereydoon Namavar, Yanwen Zhang, Fengyuan Lu, Hani Haider, Kevin Garvin, WJ Weber and Rodney C Ewing, Ion beam-induced amorphous-to-tetragonal phase transformation and grain growth of nanocrystalline zirconia, Nanotechnology 20 (2009) 245303, 1-7.
  301. Y. Zhang, I.-T. Bae, K. Sun, C. Wang, M. Ishimaru, Z. Zhu, W. Jiang, and W.J. Weber, Damage Profile and Ion Distribution of Slow Heavy Ions in Compounds, Journal of Applied Physics, 105 (2009) 104901, 1-12.
  302. I.T. Bae, W. Jiang, C.M. Wang, and W.J. Weber and Y. Zhang, Thermal evolution of microstructure in ion-irradiated GaN, Journal of Applied Physics, 105 (2009) 083514, 1-7.
  303. Y. Zhang, X. Xiang, J.L. Rausch, X.T. Zu, and W.J. Weber, Ion Technique for Identifying Gamma Detector Candidates, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 56 (2009) 920-925.
  304. Y. Zhang, Z. Zhu, W.D. Bennett, L.V. Saraf, J.L. Rausch, C.A. Hendricks, W.J. Weber, J. Lian, and R.C. Ewing, Response of Strontium Titanate to Ion and Electron Irradiation, Journal of Nuclear Materials 389 (2009) 303-310.
  305. Y. Zhang, and W.J. Weber. "Response of Materials to Single Ion Events" Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research B 267 (2009) 1705-1712.
  306. B.R. Johnson, B.J. Riley, SK Sundaram, J.V. Crum, C.H. Henager, Jr, Y. Zhang, V. Shutthanandan, C.E. Seifert, R.M. Van Ginhoven, and C.E. Chamberlin. "Synthesis and Characterization of Bulk Vitreous CdGexAs2." Journal of the American Ceramic Society 92 (2009) 1236-1243.
  307. M. Zhang, R.C. Ewing, L.A. Boatner, E.K.H. Salje, W.J. Weber, P. Daniel, Y. Zhang, and I. Farnan, "Pb+ irradiation of synthetic zircon (ZrSiO4): Infrared spectroscopic investigation - Reply" American Mineralogist. 94 2009) 856-858. 
  308. X. Xiang, X.T. Zu, Zhu, L.M. Wang, V. Shutthanandan, P. Nachimuthu and Y. Zhang, Photoluminescence of SnO2 nanoparticles embedded in Al2O3, J. Phys. D: Appl. Phys. 41 (2008) 225102.
  309. Y. Zhang, M. Elfman, B.D. Milbrath and WJ Weber, Evaluate Scintillation Response over a Continuous Energy Region, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science 55 (2008) 1097.
  310. M. Ishimaru, A. Hirata, M. Naito, I.-T. Bae, Y. Zhang, and W.J. Weber, Direct observations of thermally induced structural changes in amorphous silicon carbide, J. of Applied Physics, 104 (2008) 033503.
  311. A. Perez-Bergquist, S. Zhu, K. Sun, X. Xiang, Y. Zhang, and L.M. Wang. Embedded Nanofibers Induced by High Energy Ion Irradiation of Bulk GaSb, Small 4(2008):1119-1124.
  312. H. Xiao, F. Gao, L.M. Wang, X.T. Zu, Y. Zhang, and WJ Weber, Structural Phase Transitions in High-Pressure Wurtzite to Rocksalt Phase in GaN and SiC, Applied Physics Letters 92 (2008) 241909.
  313. F. Gao, Y. Zhang, M. Posselt, and W.J. Weber, Computational Study of Anisotropic Epitaxial Recrystallization in 4H-SiC, Journal of Physics. Condensed matter 20 (2008) 125203.
  314. I.-T. Bae, Y. Zhang, W.J. Weber, M. Ishimaru, Y. Hirotsu, and M. Higuchi, Ionization-induced effects in amorphous apatite at elevated temperatures, Journal of Materials Research 23 (2008) 962-967.
  315. I.-T. Bae, Y. Zhang, W.J. Weber, M. Ishimaru, Y. Hirotsu, and M. Higuchi, Temperature dependence of electron-beam induced effects in amorphous apatite, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 266 (2008) 3037-3042
  316. M. Zhang, L.A. Boatner, E. Salje, R.C. Ewing, P. Daniel, W.J. Weber, Y. Zhang, and I. Farnan, Micro-Raman and Micro-Infrared Spectroscopic Studies of Pb- and Au-Irradiated ZrSiO4: Optical Properties, Structural Damage and Amorphization, Physical Review. B, Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 77 (2008) 144110
  317. Y. Zhang, X. Xiang, and W.J. Weber, Scintillation Response of CaF2 to H and He over a Continuous Energy Range, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 266 (2008) 2750-2753.
  318. W.J. Weber, L. Wang, Y. Zhang, W. Jiang, and I.-T. Bae, Effects of dynamic recovery on amorphization kinetics in 6H-SiC, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 266(2008) 2793-2796.
  319. Y. Zhang, I.-T. Bae, and W.J. Weber, Atomic Collision and Ionization Effects in Oxides, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 266 (2008) 2828-2833.
  320. J. Jensen, G. Possnert, and Y. Zhang, Temperature effect on low-k dielectric thin films studied by ERDA, Journal of Physics: Conference series, 100 (2008) 012041.
  321. Y. Zhang, B.D. Milbrath, W.J. Weber, M. Elfman, and H.J. Whitlow, Radiation detector resolution measurements over a continuous energy range, Applied Physics Letters 91(2007) 094105.
  322. L. Ma, Y Wang, J Xue, Q Chen, W Zhang, and Y Zhang, Energy loss and straggling of MeV ions through biological samples, Journal of Applied Physics 102 (2007) 084702, 1-6.
  323. Y. Zhang, J. Jensen, G. Possnert, D.A. Grove, I. Bae, and W.J. Weber, Stopping power measurements of He ions in Si and SiC by time of flight spectrometry, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, B261 (2007) 1180.
  324. W. Jiang, Y. Zhang, M.H. Engelhard, W.J. Weber, G.J. Exarhos, J. Lian, and R.C. Ewing, Behavior of Si and C atoms in ion amorphized SiC, Journal of Applied Physics 101 (2007) 023524.
  325. Z. Yu, Y. Zhang, C.M. Wang, V. Shutthanandan, I.V. Lyubinetsky, M.H. Engelhard, L.V. Saraf, D.E. McCready, C.H. Henager, P. Nachimuthu, and S. Thevuthasan, Synthesis and Characterization of Compositionally Graded Si1-xGex Layers on Si substrate, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 261(1-2):723-726.
  326. Y. Zhang, F Gao, R Devanathan, and W.J. Weber, A Fast Screening Technique to Evaluate Detector Response, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section A 579 (2007) 108–112.
  327. F. Gao, L.W. Campbell, R. Devanathan, Y. Xie, Y. Zhang, A.J. Peurrung, and W.J. Weber., Gamma-Ray Interaction in Ge: A Monte Carlo Simulation, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 255 (2007) 286-290.
  328. F. Gao, Y. Zhang, R. D.evanathan, M. Posselt, and W.J. Weber, Atomistic Simulations of Epitaxial Recrystallization in 4H-SiC along the [0001] Direction, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 255(2007)136-140.
  329. W. Zhang, Y. Wang, J. Li, J. Xue, H. Ji, Q. Ouyang, J. Xu, and Y. Zhang, Controllable shrinking and shaping of silicon nitride nanopores under electron irradiation, Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007)163102.
  330. I. Bae, Y. Zhang, W.J. Weber, M. Higuchi, and L. Giannuzzi, Electron-beam induced recrystallization in amorphous apatite, Applied Physics Letters 90 (2007) 021912.
  331. Y. Zhang, C.M. Wang, M.H. Engelhard, and W.J. Weber, Irradiation behavior of SrTiO3 at temperatures close to the critical temperature for amorphization, Journal of Applied Physics 100 (2006) 113533.
  332. Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, A. Razpet and G. Possnert, Electronic Stopping Powers for Be, Ca and Ti in SiC, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 242 (2006) 82.
  333. C.M. Wang, V. Shutthanandan, Y. Zhang, S. Thevuthasan, L.E. Thomas, W.J. Weber and G. Duscher, Atomic level imaging of Au nanocluster dispersed in TiO2 and SrTiO3, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 242 (2006) 380.
  334. Y. Zhang, D.E. McCready, C.M. Wang, J. Young, M.I. McKinley, H.J. Whitlow, A. Razpet, G. Possnert, T. Zhang and Y. Wu, Formation of Silicide Films by Ion Beam Deposition, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 242 (2006) 602.
  335. S. Thevuthasan, V. Shutthanandan and Y. Zhang, Applications of High Energy Ion Beam Techniques in Environmental Science: Investigation Associated with Glass and Ceramic Waste Forms, Journal of Electron Spectroscopy and Related Phenomena150 (2006) 195-207.
  336. W. Jiang, V. Shutthanandan, Y. Zhang, S. Thevuthasan, W. J. Weber and G. J. Exarhos, Hydrogen behavior in Mg+-implanted graphite, Journal of Materials Research 21(2006) 811-815.
  337. H. J. Whitlow, Y. Zhang, C. M. Wang, D. E. McCready, T. Zhang, Y. Wu, Formation of cobalt silicide from filter metal vacuum arc deposited films, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 247 (2006) 271-278.
  338. Y. Zhang, J. Jensen, G. Possnert, D. A. Grove, D. E. McCready, B. W. Arey and W. J. Weber, Electronic Stopping Forces of Heavy Ions in Metal Oxides, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 249 (2006) 18.
  339. Y. Zhang, L. V. Saraf, V. Shutthanadan, K. D. Hughes, Y. R. Kuan and S Thevuthasan. Study of Hydrogen Stability in Low-k Dielectric Films by Ion Beam Techniques, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 249 (2006) 335.
  340. C. T. Joensson, I. A. Maximov, H. J. Whitlow, V. Shutthanandan, L. Saraf, D. E. McCready, B. W. Arey, Y. Zhang and S. Thevuthasan, Synthesis and Characterization of Cobalt Silicide Films on Silicon, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 249 (2006) 532.
  341. Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, D.A. Grove, J. Jensen and G. Possnert, Electronic Stopping Powers for Heavy Ions in Niobium and Tantalum Pentoxides, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 250 (2006) 62-65.
  342. F. Gao, R. Devanathan, Y. Zhang, M. Posselt and W. J. Weber, Atomic-level Simulation of Epitaxial Recrystallization and Phase Transformation in SiC, Journal of Materials Research, 21 (2006)1420.
  343. W. Jiang, Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, J. Lian and R. C. Ewing, Direct evidence of N aggregation and diffusion in Au+ irradiated GaN”, Applied Physics Letters 89 (2006) 021903.
  344. Y. Zhang, W.J. Weber, V. Shutthanandan, and S. Thevuthasan, Non-linear Damage Accumulation in Au-irradiated SrTiO3, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 251 (2006) 127.
  345. F. Gao, Y. Zhang, M. Posselt, and W. J. Weber, Atomic-level simulations of epitaxial recrystallization and amorphous-to-crystalline transition in 4H-SiC, Physical Review B 74 (2006) 104108
  346. W. Jiang, Y. Zhang, V. Shutthanandan, S. Thevuthasan, and W. J. Weber. Temperature response of 13C atoms in amorphized 6H-SiC, Applied Physics letter, 89(2006):261902.
  347. Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, A. Razpet and G. Possnert, Electronic Stopping Powers for He, Be and F Ions in Au, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 227 (2005) 479
  348. Y. Zhang, F. Gao, W. Jiang, D. E. McCready and W. J. Weber, Studies of Damage Accumulation in 4H Silicon Carbide by Ion-Channeling Techniques, Materials Science Forum, 475-479 (2005) 1341.
  349. W. J. Weber, F. Gao, R. Devanathan, W. Jiang and Y. Zhang, Defects and Ion-Solid Interactions in Silicon Carbide, Materials Science Forum 475-479 (2005) 1345.
  350. F. Gao, R. Devanathan, Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Annealing Simulations of Nano-Sized Amorphous Structures in SiC, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 228 (2005) 282.
  351. L. V. Saraf, C. M. Wang, V. Shutthanandan, Y. Zhang, O. Marina, D. R. Baer, S. Thevuthasan, P. Nachimuthu and D. W. Lindle, Oxygen Transport Studies in Nanocrystalline Ceria Films, Journal of Materials Research 20 (2005) 1295.
  352. Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, D. E. McCready, D. A. Grove, J. Jensen and G. Possnert, Experimental Determination of Electronic Stopping for Ions in Silicon Dioxide, Applied Physic Letters 87 (2005) 104103.
  353. Y. Zhang, J. Lian, C. M. Wang, W. Jiang, R. C. Ewing, and W. J. Weber, Ion-induced Damage Accumulation and Electron-beam-enhanced Recrystallization in SrTiO3, Physical Review B 72 (2005) 094112.
  354. C. M. Wang, V. Shutthanandan, Y. Zhang, S. Thevuthasan and G. Duscher, Atomic resolution imaging of Au nanocluster dispersed in TiO2, SrTiO3, and MgO, J. American Ceramic Society 88 (2005) 3184.
  355. C. M. Wang, Y. Zhang, V. Shutthanadan, D. R. Baer, W. J. Weber, L. E. Thomas, S. Thevuthasan and G. Duscher, Self-assembling of nanocavities in TiO2 dispersed with Au nano-clusters, Physical Review B 72 (2005) 245421.
  356. Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber and C. M. Wang, Electronic Stopping Powers in Silicon Carbide, Physical Review B 69 (2004) 205201.
  357. Y. Zhang, F. Gao, W. Jiang, D. E. McCready and W. J. Weber, Damage Accumulation and Defect Relaxation in 4H Silicon-Carbide, Physical Review B 70 (2004) 125203.
  358. Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, V. Shutthanandan, R. Devanathan, S. Thevuthasan, G. Balakrishnan and D. M. Paul, Damage Evolution on Sm and O Sublattices in Au-implanted Samarium Titanate Pyrochlore, Journal of Applied Physics, 95 (2004) 2866.
  359. Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, W. Jiang, C. M. Wang, V. Shutthanandan, and A. Hallén, Effects of Implantation Temperature on Damage Accumulation in Al-Implanted 4H-SiC, Journal of Applied Physics, 95 (2004) 4012.
  360. C. M. Wang, V. Shutthanandan, Y. Zhang, L. E. Thomas, D. R. Baer and S. Thevuthasan, Precipitation of Au Nanoclusters in SrTiO3 by Ion Implantation, Journal of Applied Physics 95 (2004) 5060.
  361. C. M. Wang, Y. Zhang, V. Shutthanandan, S. Thevuthasan, and G. Duscher, Microstructure of Precipitated Au Nanoclusters in TiO2, Journal of Applied Physics 95 (2004) 8185-8193.
  362. Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, and H. J. Whitlow, Electronic Stopping Powers for Heavy Ions in Silicon, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 215(1-2) (2004) 48.
  363. Y. Zhang, V. Shutthanandan, R. Devanathan, S. Thevuthasan, D. E. McCready, J. Young, G. Balakrishnan, D. M. Paul and W. J. Weber, Damage Evolution and Amorphization in Samarium Titanate Pyrochlore, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 218 (2004) 89.
  364. Gao F., M. Posselt, V. Belko, Y. Zhang and W. J. Weber, Structure and Energetics of Defects: A Comparative Study of 3C- and 4H-SiC, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 218 (2004) 74.
  365. Y. Zhang and W. J. Weber, Studies of Electronic Stopping Powers using Time of Flight Spectrometry, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 219-220 (2004) 256.
  366. Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, W. Jiang, V. Shutthanandan, S. Thevuthasan, M. S. Janson and A. Hallén, Annealing Behavior of Al-Implantation-induced Disorder in 4H-SiC, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 219‑220 (2004) 647-651.
  367. R. J. Smith, Y. Zhang, V. Shutthanandan, L. J. Bissell, S. Thevuthasan, W. Jiang and W. J. Weber, NRA and ERDA Investigation of Helium Retention in SiC as a Function of Irradiation and Annealing, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 219-220 (2004) 631.
  368. W. Jiang, Y. Zhang and W. J. Weber, Temperature Dependence of Disorder Accumulation and Amorphization in Au Ion Irradiated 6H-SiC, Physical Review B 70 (2004) 165208.
  369. C. M. Wang, V. Shutthanadan, Y. Zhang, S. Thevuthasan and G. Duscher, Direct Observation of Substitutional Au Atoms in SrTiO3. Physical Review B 70 (2004) 172201.
  370. L. V. Saraf, V. Shutthanandan, Y. Zhang, S. Thevuthasan, C. M. Wang, A. El-Azab, and D. R. Baer, Distinguishibility of Oxygen Desorption From the Surface Region with Mobility Dominant Effects in Nanocrystalline Ceria Films, Journal of Applied Physics 96 (2004) 5756.
  371. Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Validity of Bragg’s Rule and SRIM Predictions for Heavy Ion Stopping in Silicon Carbide, Physical Review B 68 (2003) 235317.
  372. Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, W. Jiang, C. M. Wang, A. Hallén and G. Possnert, Effects of Implantation Temperature and Ion Flux on Damage Accumulation in Al-Implanted 4H-SiC, Journal of Applied Physics 93 (2003) 1954-1960.
  373. Y. Zhang, and W. J. Weber, Electronic Stopping of He, B, N and Al in SiC, Applied Physics Letters 83 (2003) 1665-1667.
  374. C. M. Wang, Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, W. Jiang, and L. E. Thomas, Microstructural Features of Al‑Implanted 4H-SiC, Journal of Materials Research 18 (2003) 772-779.
  375. W. J. Weber, F. Gao, W. Jiang, and Y. Zhang, Fundamental Nature of Ion-Solid Interactions in Silicon Carbide, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 206 (2003) 1-6.
  376. W. Jiang, W. J. Weber, Y. Zhang, S. Thevuthasan and V. Shutthanandan, Ion Beam Analysis of Irradiation Effects in 6H-SiC, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 207 (2003) 92-99.
  377. Y. Zhang, G. Possnert and W. J. Weber, Measurement of Electronic Stopping Power of Swift Heavy Ions using High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Spectrometer, Applied Physics Letters 80 (2002) 4662.
  378. Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, W. Jiang, A. Hallén and G. Possnert, Damage Evolution and Recovery on Both Si And C Sublattices in Al-Implanted 4H-SiC Studied by RBS and NRA, Journal of Applied Physics 91 (2002) 6388.
  379. A.-C. Lindgren, C. Chen, S.-L Zhang, M. Östling, Y. Zhang and D. Zhu, Characterization of Strained Si/Si1‑xGex/Si Heterostructures and Annealed in Oxygen or Argon, Journal of Applied Physics 91 (2002) 2708.
  380. W. Jiang, W. J. Weber, C. M. Wang and Y. Zhang, Disordering Behaviour and Helium Diffusion in He+ Irradiated 6H-SiC, Journal of Materials Research 17 (2002) 271.
  381. Hallén, M. S. Janson, A. Yu.Kuznetsov, D. Åberg, M. K. Linnarsson, B. G. Svensson, P. O. Persson, F.H.C. Carlsson, L. Storasta, J. P. Bergman, S. G. Sridhara and Y. Zhang, Ion Implantation of Silicon Carbide, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 186 (2002) 186.
  382. Y. Zhang and G. Possnert, Electronic Stopping Power of Swift Heavy Ions in Carbon, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 190 (2002) 69.
  383. Y. Zhang and H. J. Whitlow, Response of Si p-i-n Diode and Au/n-Si Surface Barrier Detector to Heavy Ions, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 190 (2002) 383.
  384. H. J. Whitlow and Y. Zhang, Fundamental Effects and Non-Linear Si Detector Response, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 190 (2002) 375.
  385. H. J. Whitlow, H. Timmers, R. G. Elliman, T. Weijers, Y. Zhang, J. Uribastera and D. J. O’Connor, Measurements of Si Ion Stopping in Amorphous Silicon, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 190 (2002) 84.
  386. Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, W. Jiang, A. Hallén and G. Possnert, Damage Evolution and Recovery in Al-implanted 4H-SiC, Materials Science Forum 389-393 (2002) 815.
  387. W. J. Weber, W. Jiang, Y. Zhang and A. Hallén, “Damage Evolution and Recovery in 4H and 6H Silicon Carbide Irradiated with Aluminum Ions”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 191 (2002) 514.
  388. J. Westlinder, Y. Zhang, F. Engelmark, G. Possnert, H.-O. Blom, J. Olsson, and S. Berg, Simulation and Dielectric Characterization of Reactive Dc Magnetron Cosputtered (Ta2O5)1-x(TiO2)x Thin Films, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B20 (2002) 855.
  389. Y. Zhang, W. J. Weber, W. Jiang, A. Hallén and G. Possnert, Evolution and Recrystallization of Buried Amorphous Layers in Al22+ Implanted 4H-SiC, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 195 (2002) 320.
  390. Y. Zhang, High-Precision Measurement of Electronic Stopping Powers for Heavy Ions using High-Resolution Time-of-Flight Spectrometry, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 196 (2002) 1.
  391. H. J. Whitlow, H. Timmers, R. G. Elliman, T. D. M. Weijers, Y. Zhang, D. J. O’Connor, Measurement and Uncertainties of Energy Loss in Silicon over a Wide Z1 Range using Time of Flight Detector Telescopes, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 195 (2002) 133.
  392. T. Zhang, Y. Wu, Y. Zhang and W. Qian, “Phase Transition and Diffusion of Ni Atoms in Aluminum during Implantation”, VACUUM 65, (2002) 127.
  393. Y. Zhang, T. Zhang, Z. Xiao and H. J. Whitlow, Sputtering Transients for Some Transition Elements during High-Fluence MEVVA Implantation of Si, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 173 (2001) 427.
  394. Y. Zhang, G. Possnert, L. Jonsson, T. Winzell and H. J. Whitlow, Characterization of Compact Discs using Time of Flight-Energy Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys. 40 (2001) 629.
  395. Y. Zhang, T. Zhang, D. T. Lu, I. A. Maximov, E. L, Sarwe, M. Graczyk and H. J. Whitlow, Annealing Behavior of Foreign Atom Incorporated Co-silicides Formed by MEVVA Implantation into SiO2/Si and Si3N4/Si Structures, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 175-177 (2001) 737.
  396. Y. Zhang, G. Possnert and H. J. Whitlow, Measurements of The Mean Energy-Loss of Swift Heavy Ions in Carbon with High Precision, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 183 (2001) 34.
  397. Y. Wu, T. Zhang, Y. Zhang, H. Zhang, X. Zhang and G. Zhou, Behavior of PET Implanted by Ti, Ag, Si and C Ion using MEVVA Implantation, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 173 (2001) 292.
  398. T. Winzell, I. Maximov, L. Landin, Y. Zhang, A. Gustafusson, L. Samuelson and H. J. Whitlow, Band Gap Modification in GaInAs/InP Quantum Well Structure using Switched Ion Channeling Lithography, Semiconductor Science and Technology. 16 (2001) 889.
  399. T. Zhang, Y. Wu and Y. Zhang, Formation and Behavior of Ceramic Layer by Ion-Deposited Ti Coating using FMEVAD and Ti and C Dual-Implantation, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 184 (2001) 509.
  400. Y. Wu , T. Zhang, Y. Zhang, G. Zhou, H. ,Zhang and X. Zhang, Influence of Nanostructure on Electrical and Mechanical Properties for Cu Implanted PET, Surf. Coat Tech. 148, (2001) 221.
  401. Y. Zhang, H. J. Whitlow and T. Winzell, Influence of Heavy Ion Irradiation Damage on Silicon Charged Particle Detector Calibration, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 161-163 (2000) 297.
  402. T. Winzell, Y. Zhang and Harry J. Whitlow, Analysis of Ferromagnetic Removable Hard Disc Media Ageing by Time of Flight-Energy Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 161-163 (2000) 558.
  403. H. J. Whitlow, Y. Zhang, Y. Wang, T. Winzell, N. Simic, E. Ahlberg, M. Limbäck and G. Wikmark, Studies of Electrochemical Oxidation of Zircaloy Nuclear Reactor Fuel Cladding using Time-of-Flight–Energy Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 161-163 (2000) 584.
  404. H. J. Whitlow, Y. Zhang, H. Timmers, T. R. Ophel, R. G. Elliman, M. Li and D. J. O’Connor, Correlation of Energy-Loss and Collected-Charge in Si ΔE Detectors: Measurements using an Enge Spectrometer, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 164-165 (2000) 186-190.
  405. Y. Zhang, H. J. Whitlow, T. Winzell, I. F. Bubb, T. Sajavaara, K. Arstila and J. Keinonen, Detection Efficiency of Time of Flight Energy Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis Systems, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 149 (1999) 477.
  406. Y. Zhang, M. Elfman, T. Winzell and H. J. Whitlow, Characterisation of Ferromagnetic Magnetic Storage Media Surfaces by Complementary Particle Induced X-ray Analysis and Time of Flight-Energy Dispersive Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 150 (1999) 548.
  407. Y. Zhang, E. J. Ding and T. Zhang, The Effect of Stoichiometric Disturbance on Activation of MeV Si+ Implantation in GaAs, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 152 (1999) 307.
  408. Y. Zhang, T. Winzell and H. J. Whitlow, The Response and Calibration of Thin Si ΔE Detectors, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 159 (1999) 101.
  409. Y. Zhang, T. Winzell, T. Zhang, M. Andersson, I. A. Maximov, E.-L. Sarwe, M.Graczyk, L. Montelius and H. J. Whitlow, High-fluence Co Implantation in Si, SiO2/Si and Si3N4/Si, Part I: Formation of Thin Silicide Surface Films, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 159 (1999) 142.
  410. Y. Zhang, T. Winzell, T. Zhang, M. Andersson, I. A. Maximov, E.-L. Sarwe, M.Graczyk, L. Montelius and H. J. Whitlow, High-fluence Co Implantation in Si, SiO2/Si and Si3N4/Si, Part II: Sputtering Yield Transients, the Approach to High Dose Equilibrium, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 159 (1999) 133.
  411. Y. Zhang, T. Winzell, T. Zhang, M. Andersson, I. A. Maximov, E.-L. Sarwe, M.Graczyk, L. Montelius and H. J. Whitlow, High-fluence Co Implantation in Si, SiO2/Si and Si3N4/Si, Part III: Heavy Dose Co Sputtering Induced Surface Topography Development, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 159 (1999) 158.
  412. Y. Zhang, H. J. Whitlow and T. Zhang, Foreign Atom Incorporation during Metal Silicide Formation by Ion Beam Synthesis, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 135 (1998) 392.
  413. Y. Zhang, M. Hult, L. Persson, H. J. Whitlow, M. Andersson, I. F. Bubb, M. El Bouanani, P. N. Johnston, S. R. Walker, D. D. Cohen, N. Dytlewski, C. Zaring and M. Östling, Mass and Energy Dispersive Elastic Recoil Detection Studies of Low Temperature Si/Pd/GaAs and Si/Pd/AlxGa(1–x) As Interfacial Reactions, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research. Section B, Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 136-138 (1998) 719.
  414. Y. Zhang, H. J. Whitlow and T. Zhang, Formation of Thin Surface Films of Ni-, V- and Co-Silicide by Low Energy Implantation with a Metal Vapor Vacuum Arc Ion Source, Microelectronic Engineering 37/38 (1997) 499.
  415. Y. Zhang, C. Ji, G. Li and W. Wang, Annealing Behavior of MeV 28 Si+ Implants in GaAs by a Two‑step RTA, Chinese Journal of Semiconductors, 16 (1995) 36.
  416. C. Ji, Y. Zhang, G. Li, W. Wang and L. Su, A Two-Step Annealing to Improve the Quality of MeV Si+-Implanted Layer in Si-InP(Fe), Research and Progress of Solid State Electronics, 15 (1995) 281.
  417. S. Yu, D. Chen, Y. Zhang and C. Huang, Some Results of Two Dimensional Deep Submicron MOSFET Simulation, Acta Electronica Sinica, 22 (1994) 94
  418. Y. Zhang, C. Ji and G. Li, The Activation Energy of MeV Si+ Implants in SI-GaAs, Research and Progress of Solid State Electronics, 13 (1993) 205.
  419. C. Ji, Y. Zhang and G. Li, MeV P+/Si+ Co-implantation to Create High Quality n+ Layer in SI-GaAs, J. Beijing Normal Univ. (Natural Science), 29 (1993) 488.
  420.        G. Sun, C. Ji and Y. Zhang, G. Li, HVEM Research of MeV Si-implanted GaAs, J. Chinese Electron Microscopy Society, 12 (1993) 148.
  421.        Y. Zhang, C. Ji and G. Li, MeV Si-implanted GaAs Activated by a Two-step Rapid Thermal Annealing, J. Beijing Normal Univ. (Natural Science), 28 (1992) 483.

Are you an ambitious and passionate student eager to pursue a graduate degree? Are you fascinated by the world of materials research? Unlock your potential and contribute to cutting-edge research that shapes the future of materials science!

Dr. Zhang is actively seeking talented individuals at both the Master's and PhD levels, as well as postdoctoral researchers, to join her dynamic research team. We also have a couple of undergraduate research positions. Take the first step towards an exciting academic and research career by joining Dr. Zhang's research group at Queen's University. Please review her publications and explore her research interests in nuclear materials and materials science in general.

Open Positions Available


Are you a motivated student looking for a unique research opportunity? Join us for an Accelerated Master’s Program project focused on the cutting-edge study of advanced structural alloys, specifically concentrated solid solution alloys (CSAs) and high entropy alloys (HEAs). These materials are known for their superior radiation resistance and structural stability in extreme environments.

Project Opportunity

During this project, you will explore the distinctive properties of CSAs and HEAs, which are formed near the centers of phase diagrams. Unlike dilute alloys found at the corners of phase diagrams, CSAs involve interactions between multiple alloying elements, resulting in unique characteristics. At the electron level, disordered local chemical environments enhance scattering processes, impacting electrical and thermal conductivities. At the atomic level, site-to-site lattice distortion and complex energy landscapes influence defect migration and atomic transport.

You will have the opportunity to use different ion beams to create and measure displacement damage, studying the coupled electronic and atomic effects. Ion beams offer a unique perspective on how pronounced ionization effects alter atomic processes and modify defect dynamics. Historically, ionization effects in metals have been overlooked, but this project aims to investigate their significant impact on strain relaxation, damage recovery, and grain growth in complex alloys.

Through a combination of experiments and simulations, you will gain insights into the complex correlations between energy deposition, dissipation, defect dynamics, and structural stability. The focus will be on understanding how tunable chemical complexity in CSAs can be applied to modify energy dissipation processes and understand associated defect dynamics. This project aims to understand elemental complexity in complex alloys and improve their radiation performance, ultimately leading to a new design paradigm for creating alloys with enhanced radiation tolerance. Join us to contribute to groundbreaking research that could shape the future of advanced structural materials!

Nitride fuels are considered alternatives to traditional oxide fuels due to their higher thermal conductivity and melting points, which can potentially improve the safety and performance of nuclear reactors. The higher densities also enable better reactor performance and higher burnup, as they contain a higher fissile material content per unit volume. Zirconium nitride (ZrN) is often used as a nonradioactive surrogate in studies of nuclear fuel systems because it is expected to exhibit similar irradiation-induced defect behavior to uranium nitride (UN) and thorium nitride (ThN) due to their similar face-centered cubic (fcc) crystal structures and bonding characteristics. Additionally, ZrN is being investigated for use as a coating material for nuclear fuel cladding.

Project Opportunity

In this research effort, we will investigate and evaluate the stability of nanostructured ZrN under ion irradiation utilizing the experimental capability at the Reactor Materials Testing Laboratory (RMTL), together with analytical and modeling techniques within the Nuclear Group. Our research objective is to understand the role of both damage energy and electronic energy loss on the interface stability of both nanocrystalline surrogate nitrides.

It is critically important to understand the coupling of electronic and atomic processes in the intermediate MeV energy regime, where the energies required to displace atoms and induce ionization are both large and comparable. A quantified fundamental understanding of radiation damage processes beyond simplified displacement events is highly desirable. Furthermore, the coupled effects of electronic excitation and atomic collision cascades on grain growth may open up new possibilities for controlling grain sizes to enhance the functionality of nanocrystalline materials.

Today’s technologies rely on an increasingly complex palette of materials, with individual materials made from increasingly complex mixtures of chemical elements. Extreme conditions, such as high temperature, high current, high pressure, and high radiation environments, can push materials from thermal equilibrium to far-from-equilibrium and pose unique challenges in predicting their performance.

Project Opportunity

This project focuses on high-entropy materials (HEMs), which consist of multiple principal elements creating chemical disorder. Understanding how chemical disorder can be utilized to tailor physical properties, enhance or control energy transport, and improve irradiation tolerance is key for advanced technology applications.

More specifically, composition complexity in HEMs gives rise to local chemical disorder and a diverse range of tunable bonding environments that are not typically possible in conventional materials. Substitution disorder is expected to modify defect dynamics and energy dissipation processes. Despite the potential of these materials, there is a lack of systematic studies on the relationship between composition, structure, and properties. Chemical disorder in HEMs and the associated physical properties (e.g., electrical resistivity, thermal conductivity, and thermal expansion) have yet to be fully understood. To reveal the atomic and/or electronic structure responsible for differences in material properties, a detailed characterization of elemental distribution, the accompanying electronic structures, and lattice distortion, as well as the corresponding scattering mechanisms and energy transfer, are crucial in determining the contribution and impact of various alloying elements.

Such knowledge of chemical disorder and element substitution will lead to the design of complex materials with specific functionality and improved performance, thus opening numerous exciting research directions in materials science and offering opportunities for materials discovery.

Nuclear energy, as a reliable baseload power, provides constant and carbon-free electricity. However, understanding radiation effects in materials remains a key challenge for next-generation fission and future fusion energy systems. In a reactor environment, fast neutrons or subsequently produced energetic ions can displace atoms and induce local inelastic thermal spikes. While the displacement of atoms by elastic collisions typically produces a collection of small defects, much of the energy transfer to electrons (e.g., inelastic collisions) can affect atomic mobility and defect recovery. Ion irradiation is a powerful method to simulate these high radiation doses quickly and efficiently, making it an ideal surrogate for neutron irradiation.

Project Opportunity

Ion irradiation can cause nanoscale precipitates to disintegrate or interfaces to become unstable, leading to defects like void formation, phase separation, radiation hardening, and embrittlement. Understanding how these processes work at a microscopic level, especially the interaction between electronic and atomic processes, is critical for assessing and improving material performance. Our research focuses on the microstructural response of nanostructured materials, such as model oxides for nuclear fuels, under ion beam irradiation. We aim to develop a fundamental understanding of radiation damage processes beyond simple displacement events. This involves investigating how electronic energy loss and atomic displacement events contribute to defect production and interface stability in materials like CeO2 and ZrO2.

Are you interested in tackling one of the most challenging and exciting problems in nuclear energy and materials science? Join our research project on developing better radiation-resistant nanomaterials! You will explore the cutting-edge field of ion irradiation, learning how it can simulate the extreme conditions found in nuclear reactors. This project offers the chance to make significant contributions to the future of nuclear energy by enhancing our understanding of radiation effects on nanomaterials at the atomic level.

Radiation can have vastly different effects on materials, even those with similar crystalline structures. Why are some materials resistant to radiation-induced damage while others are not? Studies on radiation effects highlight the interplay between different bond types. For example, oxides with the same crystalline structure can exhibit drastically different radiation performance due to a balance between short-range covalent and long-range ionic forces. Metals and alloys, with their long-range metallic bonds, are even more resistant to amorphization (i.e., the loss of structural order). Traditional views of metallic bonding as a 'sea' of delocalized electrons, are being challenged in alloys composed of multiple transition metals (TMs) by evidence of directional bonds, charge redistribution, and covalent-like behavior. These findings challenge our understanding of bonding in complex materials.

Project Opportunity

At the current stage, understanding the role of bond characteristicse.g., deviations of atomic coordination, bond direction, strength, and type with the 1st and 2nd nearest neighbors from TM substitutions with and without defects; partial charge transfer or redistribution during collisions; and electronic structure response to cascade events—remains limited. We hypothesize that, in chemically complex materials, the response to radiation is controlled by intrinsic, yet tunable bonding characteristics that, in turn, can be used to tailor damage evolution and affect phase stability.

The goal of this research is to uncover the controlling factors of defect dynamics, damage tolerance, and phase stability in some model materials with mixed bonding types—ranging from covalent to ionic and metallic. By studying these bonds under both thermal equilibrium and far-from-equilibrium conditions, this hypothesis-driven research aims to contribute to designing radiation-resistant materials.

Gallium oxide (Ga₂O₃), an ultra-wide bandgap (UWBG) material known for its high breakdown voltage and thermal stability, is critical for next-generation power electronics and optoelectronic devices. Ion implantation and ion-beam modification are unique tools for doping semiconductors, altering electrical, optical, magnetic, and mechanical properties, inducing phase transformations, and forming nanostructures. Ion-solid interaction processes can enable the tailoring of material properties, making them invaluable for the development of UWBG materials. The recently demonstrated exceptional radiation tolerance of Ga₂O₃ under ion irradiation highlights its potential for innovative ion-beam-based fabrication and manipulation techniques. To harness these capabilities, it is essential to understand how atomic and electronic interactions lead to defect formation, evolution, and annihilation.

Project Opportunity

Our research integrates advanced ion-beam modification and characterization techniques with state-of-the-art atomistic modeling. We will focus on understanding how defects in Ga₂O₃ form, evolve, and influence electronic properties under ion irradiation. By studying radiation response in different Ga₂O₃ polymorphs, we aim to uncover fundamental mechanisms governing defect behavior and develop strategies to control defect dynamics. This includes tuning the balance between defect creation and annihilation under both thermal equilibrium and athermal nonequilibrium conditions.

The insights gained will enable strategies to tailor functional defects and pave the way for novel ion-beam processing techniques that mitigate damage and optimize fabrication processes for UWBG semiconductors. These advancements will support the production of high-performance, radiation-hardened devices, benefiting critical applications, such as power systems and space technologies. The findings will contribute to creating more robust, efficient semiconductors with wide-ranging implications for modern electronic systems.

We are looking for an enthusiastic candidate for postdoctoral position(s) in radiation effects and microstructure characterization of complex alloys and ceramics. This position will be part of the recently $8M funded Impact of Radiation in Energy and Advanced Technologies CANADA EXCELLENCE RESEARCH CHAIRS (CERC) program.

Project Opportunity

This project focuses on radiation effects in high-entropy materials (HEMs). The composition complexity in HEMs gives rise to local chemical disorder and a diverse range of tunable bonding environments not typically possible in conventional materials. Extreme conditions, such as high temperature, current, pressure, and radiation environments, can push materials from thermal equilibrium to far-from-equilibrium states. Substitutional disorders in HEMs are expected to modify defect dynamics and energy dissipation processes, posing unique challenges in predicting their performance. To reveal the atomic and/or electronic structure responsible for differences in material properties, it is crucial to effectively describe elemental distribution, the accompanying electronic structures, and lattice distortion, as well as the corresponding scattering mechanisms and energy transfer processes. Understanding how chemical disorder can be harnessed to tailor physical properties, enhance or control energy transport, and improve irradiation tolerance is key for advanced technological applications. This knowledge of chemical disorder and elemental substitution will enable the design of complex materials with specific functionalities and improved performance, opening numerous exciting research directions in materials science.

The Role

The successful candidates will work closely with the CERC, Prof. Yanwen Zhang to conduct research activities. The activities also include collaboration with other experimentalists and theorists in the Nuclear Materials Group. Working with the PI and a multi-disciplinary team of graduate students, Post-Doctoral Fellows, and senior researchers, the incumbent will have significant opportunities for joint experiment-modeling-theory efforts and publications. This position is part of the Nuclear Materials Group within the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (MME) at Queen’s University.


• Conduct studies of defects, defect processes, and radiation effects in complex materials in a radiation environment.

• Density functional theory (DFT) modeling of bonding characteristics to elucidate the intrinsic nature and strength of bonds between atoms.

• High–throughput DFT calculations & ab initio Modeling to identify stable compositions and defects.

• Advancing modeling techniques to understand short-range disorder, defect formation, and evolution of various radiation-induced damage structures in HEMs.

• Responsible for presenting and reporting research results and publishing scientific results in peer-reviewed journals in a timely manner.

• Self-motivated and working with other team members to maintain a high level of scientific productivity.

• Ensure compliance with environment, safety, health and quality program requirements.

• Maintain strong commitment to the implementation and perpetuation of values and ethics.


• PhD in Materials Science and Engineering or a closely related field with several years of relevant modeling experience; must have completed all degree requirements before starting the appointment and be within 4 years of receiving their Doctorate.

• In-depth knowledge and a minimum of three years of demonstrated experience in modeling radiation effects in metal alloys or ceramics.

• Experience in advanced modeling and data analysis techniques of complex metal alloys and/or ceramics performance under extreme conditions. For example, proficiency in DFT, ab initio molecular dynamics, on-the-fly machine-learning, classical molecular dynamics (MD), and two–temperature MD to achieve detailed insights into material structures at the electronic and atomic level, including bonding characteristics, partial charge transfer and electron redistribution, and potential transient ionization in scenarios far from equilibrium.

• Strong record of productive and creative research demonstrated by publications, both as a lead author and a contributor, in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at scientific conferences.

• Excellent organizational, planning, and time management skills, with adaptability and flexibility. Able to anticipate deadlines, prioritize activities and tasks, and independently set priorities to accomplish multiple tasks within limited timeframes.

• Capable of innovative, independent research with the ability to work collaboratively in a team environment and interact effectively with a broad range of colleagues, both within and outside the Nuclear Materials Group and MME.

• Motivated and safety-conscious, with excellent interpersonal, written, and oral communication skills in English for engaging with an international scientific audience.

We are looking for an enthusiastic candidate for postdoctoral position(s) on modeling defect formation and dynamics in complex alloys and ceramics. This position will be part of the recently $8M funded Impact of Radiation in Energy and Advanced Technologies CANADA EXCELLENCE RESEARCH CHAIRS (CERC) program.

Project Opportunity

This project focuses on radiation effects in high-entropy materials (HEMs). The composition complexity in HEMs gives rise to local chemical disorder and a diverse range of tunable bonding environments not typically possible in conventional materials. Extreme conditions, such as high temperature, current, pressure, and radiation environments, can push materials from thermal equilibrium to far-from-equilibrium states. Substitutional disorders in HEMs are expected to modify defect dynamics and energy dissipation processes, posing unique challenges in predicting their performance. To reveal the atomic and/or electronic structure responsible for differences in material properties, it is crucial to effectively describe elemental distribution, the accompanying electronic structures, and lattice distortion, as well as the corresponding scattering mechanisms and energy transfer processes. Understanding how chemical disorder can be harnessed to tailor physical properties, enhance or control energy transport, and improve irradiation tolerance is key for advanced technological applications. This knowledge of chemical disorder and elemental substitution will enable the design of complex materials with specific functionalities and improved performance, opening numerous exciting research directions in materials science.

The Role

The successful candidates will work closely with the CERC, Prof. Yanwen Zhang to conduct research activities. The activities also include collaboration with other experimentalists and theorists in the Nuclear Materials Group. Working with the PI and a multi-disciplinary team of graduate students, Post-Doctoral Fellows, and senior researchers, the incumbent will have significant opportunities for joint experiment-modeling-theory efforts and publications. This position is part of the Nuclear Materials Group within the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (MME) at Queen’s University.


• Conduct studies of defects, defect processes, and radiation effects in complex materials in a radiation environment.

• Density functional theory (DFT) modeling of bonding characteristics to elucidate the intrinsic nature and strength of bonds between atoms.

• High–throughput DFT calculations & ab initio Modeling to identify stable compositions and defects.

• Advancing modeling techniques to understand short-range disorder, defect formation, and evolution of various radiation-induced damage structures in HEMs.

• Responsible for presenting and reporting research results and publishing scientific results in peer-reviewed journals in a timely manner.

• Self-motivated and working with other team members to maintain a high level of scientific productivity.

• Ensure compliance with environment, safety, health and quality program requirements.

• Maintain strong commitment to the implementation and perpetuation of values and ethics.


• PhD in Materials Science and Engineering or a closely related field with several years of relevant modeling experience; must have completed all degree requirements before starting the appointment and be within 4 years of receiving their Doctorate.

• In-depth knowledge and a minimum of three years of demonstrated experience in modeling radiation effects in metal alloys or ceramics.

• Experience in advanced modeling and data analysis techniques of complex metal alloys and/or ceramics performance under extreme conditions. For example, proficiency in DFT, ab initio molecular dynamics, on-the-fly machine-learning, classical molecular dynamics (MD), and two–temperature MD to achieve detailed insights into material structures at the electronic and atomic level, including bonding characteristics, partial charge transfer and electron redistribution, and potential transient ionization in scenarios far from equilibrium.

• Strong record of productive and creative research demonstrated by publications, both as a lead author and a contributor, in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at scientific conferences.

• Excellent organizational, planning, and time management skills, with adaptability and flexibility. Able to anticipate deadlines, prioritize activities and tasks, and independently set priorities to accomplish multiple tasks within limited timeframes.

• Capable of innovative, independent research with the ability to work collaboratively in a team environment and interact effectively with a broad range of colleagues, both within and outside the Nuclear Materials Group and MME.

• Motivated and safety-conscious, with excellent interpersonal, written, and oral communication skills in English for engaging with an international scientific audience.

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