Vlad Kecojevic PhD

Professor and Head

Mining Engineering, Faculty
Phone: 613-533-6000 ext. 76788
Goodwin Hall, Room: 353

Expertise: surface mining, surface mine safety, information technology and environmental issues in surface mining
Vlad Kecojevic
Biography Research Publications

Vlad Kecojevic is a Professor and Head of The Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining in the Stephen J.R. Smith Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science at Queen’s University. He also holds the position of Noranda-Falconbridge Chair in Mine-Mechanical Engineering. Kecojevic was a Professor of Mining Engineering at West Virginia University (WVU) from 2014 through 2024. He served first as the Interim Chair and then as the Robert E. Murray Chair of the WVU Department of Mining Engineering from 2017 through 2023, and the Interim-Chair of Wadsworth Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering from 2022 through 2023. He joined WVU’s Department of Mining Engineering in 2010. Kecojevic started his academic career with The Pennsylvania State University (PSU) as an Assistant Professor in 2001. He earned tenure and he was promoted to the rank of Associate Professor in 2007. Kecojevic held the Centennial Career Development Professorship in Mining Engineering at PSU from 2005 through 2009, and the Massey Foundation Professorship at WVU from 2012 through 2018. Prior to joining PSU, he was employed with Krupp Canada (ThyssenKrupp) from 2000 to 2001 and he was responsible for the design of mining equipment. He was also involved in planning and design of coal, bauxite and limestone mines in Serbia and Montenegro from 1992 through 2000. He earned his B.S., M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in mining engineering from the University of Belgrade in 1991, 1996, and 2000, respectively.

His research areas of expertise include surface mining, surface mine safety, information technology and environmental issues in surface mining. Kecojevic's research has been funded by the mining industry, equipment manufacturers and governmental agencies. He has published his research work in a leading mining- and safety-related peer-reviewed journals.

Kecojevic is the Secretary-General of the Society of Mining Professors/Societät der Bergbaukunde (SOMP), and he was 2015-2016 SOMP President. He currently serves as the chair of the SOMP Council; member of SOMP Strategic Planning Committee and SOMP Nominating Committee. Kecojevic was chair of the SOMP Members Development Committee, member of the SOMP Guenter Fettweis Award Committee, SOMP Ludwig Wilke Award Committee, and SOMP Honorifics Committee. Kecojevic was the 2015 Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME) program chair; 2013 chair of the SME Coal and Energy (C&E) Division; chair of the C&E Division Executive Committee; chair of the SME Distinguished Member Award Committee; chair of the C&E Division Distinguished Service Award Committee; chair of the C&E Division Nominating Committee; chair of the SME Mineral Economics Award Committee; the 2011 program chair for the C&E Division; chair of the SME Stefanko Best Paper Award Committee; chair of the C&E Division Environmental Committee; chair of the SME Robert E. Murray Innovation Scholarship Committee; chair of SME Howard N. Eavenson Award Committee; and he was a member of dozens of the SME committees. He was on the Board of Directors of the SME Pittsburgh Section, the 2020-2022 President of West Virginia Coal Mining Institute, Co-Chair of the SME Education Council, and a chair of SME Ivan B. Rahn Education Award.

He was appointed by U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services to serve on the Safety and Occupational Health Study Section of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention from 2014 through 2018. He has also served as a member of review boards/panels for the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health; National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences; National Science Foundation; Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada; INNOVA Chile; Canada Council for the Arts; South Africa’s National Research Foundation; Ministry for Science and Technological Development of Serbia and Ministry of Science of Montenegro.

Kecojevic's awards and honors include: 2022 SME Fellow; 2019 SME Coal and Energy Division Distinguished Service Award; the Medal of Honor by TH Georg Agricola University, Germany; 2017 Erskine Ramsay Medal Award by the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical and Petroleum Engineers (AIME); the Honorable Medal by the University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB), China; the Prazen Award for serving as the 2015 SME Program Chair; the 2016 WVU Statler College of Engineering and Mineral Resources Outstanding Advisor Award; the 2011, 2015, 2016 and 2017 WVU SME Student Chapter Award; the 2013 SME Coal and Energy Division Chair Award; the 2013 Stephen McCann Award for Excellence in Education by the Pittsburgh Coal Mining Institute of America; the Massey Foundation Professorship at WVU; the SME Henry Krumb Lecturer, Centennial Career Development Professorship in Mining Engineering at PSU; George H. Deike, Jr. Research Award at PSU; and Wilson Research Program Award at PSU.

Application of Information Technology in Surface Mining

Equipment-Related Mine Safety

Environmental Impact of Surface Mining Operations

Google Scholar

Refereed journal papers

  1. Valencia Quiceno, J.D., Kecojevic, V., McBrayer, A., Bogunovic, D. (2024). Augmented Reality System for Training of Heavy Equipment Operators in Surface Mining. Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration. 41(5):2217-2229.
  2. Quintero, M.F., Kecojevic, V., Tuncay, D. (2023) Analysis of the Root Causes of Fatal Injuries in the United States Surface Mines Between 2008 and 2021. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 38(6):460-479.
  3. Ghamari, M., Soltanpur, C., Rangel, P., Groves, W., Kecojevic, V. (2022). Laboratory and Field Evaluation of Three Low-Cost Particulate Matter Sensors. IET Wireless Sensor Systems. 12(1): 21-32.
  4. Zujovic, L., Kecojevic, V., Bogunovic, D. (2021). Interactive Mobile Equipment Safety Task-Training in Surface Mining. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology, 31(4): 743-751.
  5. Zujovic, L., Kecojevic, V., and Bogunovic, D. (2020). Application of a content management system for developing equipment safety training courses in surface mining. The Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 120(8), 467-474.
  6. Huang, Q., Talan, D., Restrepo, J.H., Restrepo Baena, O.J., Kecojevic, V., Noble, A. (2019). Characterization Study of Rare Earths, Yttrium, and Scandium from Various Colombian Coal Samples and Non-coal Lithologies. International Journal of Coal Geology, 209: 14-26.
  7. Prakash, B., Kecojevic, V., Lashgari, A. (2018). Analysis of Dust Emission at Coal Train Loading Facility. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment, 32(1):56-74.
  8. Rohit, F., Kulathumani, V., Kavi, R., Elwarfalli, I., Kecojevic, V., Nimbarte, A. (2017). Real Time Drowsiness Detection Using Wearable, Lightweight Brain Sensing Headbands. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 11(5):255-263.
  9. Kavuri, A., Prakash, B., Sabniveesu, V., Nimbarte, A., Kulathumani, A., Kecojevic, V. (2016). An Adaptive, Run-time Navigation System for Haul Trucks in Surface Mines. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment. 31(5):364-374.
  10. Kavi, R., Kulathumani, V., Rohit, Kecojevic, V. (2016). Multi-view Fusion for Activity Recognition Using Deep Neural Networks. Journal of Electronic Imaging. 25(4):043010.
  11. Badani-Prado, M., Kecojevic, V., Bogunovic, D. (2016). Coal Quality Management Model for a Dome Storage (DS-CQMM). The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 116(7):699-708.
  12. Lashgari, A., Kecojevic, V. (2016). Comparative Analysis of Dust Emission of Digging and Loading Equipment in Surface Coal Mining. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment. 30(3):181-196.
  13. Zhang, M., Kecojevic, V. (2016). Intervention Strategies to Eliminate Truck-Related Fatalities in Surface Coal Mining in West Virginia. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion. 23(2):115-129.
  14. Sabniveesu, V., Kavuri, A., Kavi, R., Kulathumani, V., Kecojevic, V., Nimbarte, A. (2015). Use of Wireless, Ad-hoc Networks for Proximity Warning and Collision Avoidance in Surface Mines. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment. 29(5):331-346.
  15. Noble, A., Kecojevic, V. (2015). Analysis of Research Scholarship for Academic Staff at U.S. ABET Accredited Mining Engineering Schools by Publications, Citations and h-Index. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Section A: Mining Technology. 124(4):222-230.
  16. Zhang, M., Kecojevic, V., Komljenovic. D. (2014). Investigation of Haul Truck-Related Fatal Accidents in Surface Mining Using Fault Tree Analysis. Safety Science. 65:106-117.
  17. Kecojevic, V., Vukotic, I., Komljenovic, D. (2014). Production, Consumption and Cost of Energy for Surface Mining of Bituminous Coal. SME Mining Engineering. 66(1):51-57.
  18. Origliasso, C., Cardu, M., Kecojevic, V. (2014). Surface Miners: Evaluation of the Production Rate and Cutting Performance Based on Rock Properties and Specific Energy. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering. 47(2):757-770.
  19. Saydam, S., Kecojevic, V. (2014). Publication Strategies for Academic Career Development in Mining Engineering. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Section A: Mining Technology. 124(1):46-55.
  20. Vukotic, I., Kecojevic, V. (2014). Evaluation of Rope Shovel Operators in Surface Coal Mining Using a Multi-Attribute Decision-Making Model. International Journal of Mining Science and Technology. 24(2):259-268.
  21. Nolan, T., Kecojevic, V. (2014). Selection of Overburden Surface Mining Method in West Virginia by Analytical Hierarchy Process. International Journal of Coal Science and Technology. 1(3):306-314.
  22. Terrazas, P., Kecojevic, V., Bogunovic, D., Mongeon, P. (2013). Truck Cycle and Delay Automated Data Collection System in Surface Coal Mining. The Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy. 113(11):881-888.
  23. Lashgari, A., Johnson, C., Kecojevic, V., Lusk, B., Hoffman, J.M. (2013). NOx Emission of Equipment and Blasting Agents in Surface Mining. SME Mining Engineering. 65(10):34-41.
  24. Lashgari, A., Kecojevic, V. (2013). Assessment of Environmental Impact of Digging and Loading Equipment in Surface Mining. Transactions of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. 334:465-471.
  25. Bogunovic, D., Kecojevic, V. (2012). Integrated Production Management System in Surface Coal Mining. Cuprum. 64(3):5-13.
  26. Kricak, L., Kecojevic, V. Negovanovic, M., Jankovic, I., Zekovic, D. (2012). Environmental and Safety Accidents Related to Blasting Operation. American Journal of Environmental Sciences. 8(4):360-365.
  27. Bogunovic, D., Kecojevic, V. (2011). Impact of Fill Factor on Dragline Production Rate and Energy Consumption. SME Mining Engineering. 63(8):48-53.
  28. Kecojevic, V., Komljenovic, D. (2011). Impact of Bulldozer’s Engine Load Factor on Fuel Consumption, CO2 Emission and Cost. American Journal of Environmental Sciences. 7(2):125-131.
  29. Aziz, AM., Grayson, R.L., Kecojevic, V. (2011). Impact of Renewable Power Market Penetration on Coal Power Generation Capacity Growth. Coal Science and Engineering. 17(2):217-224.
  30. Kecojevic, V. (2011). Analysis of “High-Dollar” Value Safety and Health Citations and Orders for U.S. Coal Mines. Safety Science. 49(5):658-663.
  31. Kecojevic, V., Komljenovic, D. (2010). Haul Truck Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emission under Various Engine Load Conditions. SME Mining Engineering. 62(12):47-52.
  32. Sun, E., Nieto, A., Li, Z., Kecojevic, V. (2010). An Integrated Information Technology Assisted Driving System to Improve Mine Trucks-Related Safety. Safety Science. 48(10):1490-1497.
  33. Orsulak, M., Kecojevic, V., Grayson, R.L., Nieto, A. (2010). Risk Assessment of Safety Violations for Coal Mines. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment. 24(3):244-254.
  34. Komljenovic, D., Bogunovic, D., Kecojevic, V. (2010). Dragline Operator Performance Indicator. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment. 24(1):34-43.
  35. Bogunovic, D., Kecojevic, V., Lund, V., Heger, M., Mongeon, P. (2009). Analysis of Energy Consumption in Surface Coal Mining. Transactions of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. 326:79-87.
  36. Grayson, R.L., Kinilakodi, H., Kecojevic, V. (2009). Pilot Sample Risk Analysis for Underground Coal Mine Fires and Explosions Using MSHA Citation Data. Safety Science. 47(10):1371–1378.
  37. Giraudi, A., Cardu, M., Kecojevic, V. (2009). An Assessment of Blasting Vibrations: a Case Study on Quarry Operations. American Journal of Environmental Sciences. 5(4):467-473.
  38. Kecojevic, V., Md-Nor, Z.A. (2009). Hazard Identification for Equipment-Related Fatal Incidents in the U.S. Coal Mining. Journal of Coal Science and Engineering. 15(1):1-6.
  39. Komljenovic, D., Kecojevic, V. (2009). Multi-Attribute Selection Method for Materials Handling Equipment. International Journal of Industrial and Systems Engineering. 4(2):151-173.
  40. Bogunovic, D., Kecojevic, V. (2009). Equipment CO2 Emission in Surface Coal Mining. International Journal of Mining and Mineral Engineering. 1(2):172-180.
  41. Aziz, A.M., Kecojevic, V. (2008). Carbon Dioxide Footprint of the U.S. Mining Industry and the Potential Costs of CO2 Mineral Resources Engineering. 13(3):111-129.
  42. Kecojevic, V., Md-Nor, Z.A., Komljenovic, D., Groves, W. (2008). Risk Assessment for Belt Conveyor-Related Fatal Incidents in the US Mining Industry. Bulk Solids & Powder Science & Technology. 3(2):63-73.
  43. Terrazas Prado, R.A., Kecojevic, V., Komljenovic, D. (2008). Multi-Attribute Fuzzy Methodology for the Selection of Mining Shovels. Transactions of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. 324:1-12.
  44. Kecojevic, V., Grayson, R.L., Saperstein, L., Karmis, M. (2008). Accreditation of Mining Engineering Programs - The ABET Experience. Mineral Resources Engineering. 13(2):85-106.
  45. Kecojevic, V., Md-Nor, Z.A., Komljenovic, D., Groves, W., Grayson, R.L. (2008). Risk Assessment for Continuous Miner-Related Fatal Incidents in the US Underground Mining. Mineral Resources Engineering. 13(2):49-60.
  46. Kecojevic, V., Grayson, R.L. (2008). An Analysis of the Coal Mining Industry in the United States. Minerals & Energy. 23(2):74-83.
  47. Md-Nor, Z.A, Kecojevic, V., Komljenovic, D., Groves, W. (2008). Risk Assessment for Loader- and Dozer-Related Fatal Incidents in the U.S. Mining. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion. 15(2):65-75.
  48. Komljenovic, D., Groves, W., Kecojevic, V. (2008). Injuries in U.S. Mining Operations – A Preliminary Risk Analysis. Safety Science. 46(5):792-801.
  49. Md-Nor, Z.A., Kecojevic, V., Komljenovic, D., Groves, W. (2008). Risk Assessment for Haul Truck-Related Fatalities in Mining. SME Mining Engineering. 60(3):43-49.
  50. Bogunovic, D., Kecojevic, V. (2007). Artificial Screen for Reducing Seismic Vibration Generated by Blasting. Environmental Geology. 53(3):517-525.
  51. Groves, W., Kecojevic, V., Komljenovic, D. (2007). Analysis of Fatalities and Injuries Involving Mining Equipment. Journal of Safety Research. 38(4):461-470.
  52. Kecojevic, V., Komljenovic, D., Groves, W., Radomsky, M. (2007). An Analysis of Equipment-Related Fatal Accidents in U.S. Mining Operations: 1995-2005. Safety Science. 45(8):864-874.
  53. Pothina, R., Kecojevic, V., Klima, M., Komljenovic, D. (2007). A Gyratory Crusher Model and Impact Parameters Related to Energy Consumption. Minerals and Metallurgical Processing Journal. 24(3):170-180.
  54. Komljenovic, D., Kecojevic, V. (2007). Risk Management Program for Occupational Health and Safety in Surface Mining. International Journal of Risk Assessment and Management. 7(5):620-638.
  55. Kecojevic, V., Komljenovic, D. (2006). Impact of Burden and Spacing on Fragment Size Distribution and Total Cost in Quarry Mining. Transactions of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. 320:133-141.
  56. Komljenovic, D., Kecojevic, V. (2006). Multi-Attribute Selection Method for Mining Trucks. Transactions of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. 320:94-104.
  57. Somanchi, S., Kecojevic, V., Bise, C. (2006). An Analysis of Force Variance for a Continuous Miner Drum Using the Design of Experiments Method. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment. 20(2):111-126.
  58. Kecojevic, V., Radomsky, M. (2005). Flyrock Phenomena and Area Security in Blasting-Related Accidents. Safety Science. 43(9):739-750.
  59. Frimpong, S., Chang, Z., Kecojevic, V. (2005). KANEXP03 Cable Shovel Dynamics and PID Control Scheme for Efficient Surface Mining Excavation. Transactions of the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. 318:41-50.
  60. Kecojevic, V., Willis, D., Wilkinson, W., Schissler, A. (2005). Computer Mapping of Faults in Coal Mining. International Journal of Coal Geology. 64(1-2):79-84.
  61. Wilkinson, W., Kecojevic, V. (2005). Elements of Drill and Blast Design and 3D Visualization in Surface Coal Mines. SME Mining Engineering. 57(9):77-82.
  62. Kecojevic, V., Bise, C., Haight, J. (2005). The Effective Use of Professional Software in an Undergraduate Mining Engineering Curriculum. Interactive Learning Environments. 13(1-2):1-13.
  63. Somanchi, S., Kecojevic, V., Kozminski, T. (2005). Advance Design of Lacing and Breakout Patterns for Shearer Drums. Transactions of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy, Section A: Mining Technology. 114(2):118-124.
  64. Kecojevic, V., Wilkinson, W., Hewlett, P. (2005). Production Scheduling in Coal Surface Mining Using 3D Design Tools. World of Mining: Surface and Underground. 57(3):193-196.
  65. Haight, J., Kecojevic, V. (2005). Automation vs. Human Intervention – What is the Best Fit for the Best Performance. Process Safety Progress. 24(1):45-51.
  66. Kecojevic, V., Radomsky, M. (2004). The Causes and Control of Loader and Truck Related Fatalities in Surface Mining Operations. Injury Control and Safety Promotion. 11(4):239-251.
  67. Kecojevic, V., Nelson, T., Schissler, A. (2004). An Analysis of Aggregates Production in the United States: Historical Data and Issues Facing the Industry. Minerals and Energy. 19(4):25-33.
  68. Kecojevic, V., Mrugala, M., Simic, R., Stankovic, R. (2003). A Computer-Aided System for Design of Drainage Facilities in Surface Mining. Mine Water and the Environment. 22(3):149-154.
  69. Kecojevic, V., Mrugala, M., Wilkinson, W. (2003). 3-D Visual Drill and Blast Design. International Journal of Rock Fragmentation and Blasting – FRAGBLAST. 7(3):167-179.
  70. Kecojevic, V., Wilkinson, W. (2003). Computer-Aided Design & High-Precision Systems in Drilling & Blasting. The Journal of Explosives Engineering. 20(5):12-16.
  71. Kecojevic, V., Mrugala, M. (2003). Estimation of Dozer Production and Costs. International Journal of Mining, Reclamation and Environment. 17(3):171-182.

Other journal papers

  1. Kecojevic, V. (2024). Análisis de las causas fundamentales de las lesiones mortales en las minas a cielo abierto en los Estados Unidos. Revista El Ingeniero de Minas, Edicion 122, Lima, Peru.pp.12-13. (in Spanish).
  2. Kecojevic, V., Musiyaria, H., Langefeld, O., Kretschmann, J. (2022). Development of the Society of Mining Professors (SOMP) to a Global Academic Institution. Mining Report, 158(3):263-271. (in English and German).
  3. Kecojevic, V. (2013). Accidentes Fatales Relacionados a Equipo de Mineria. Horizonte Minero. Septiembre 2013, pp. 232-234. (in Spanish).
  4. Lashgari, A., Kecojevic, V. (2013). Assessment of Environmental Impact of Drilling Equipment. Mining Powder and Technology. S1-007. doi:10.4172/2168-9806.S1-007.
  5. Aziz, AM, Mosser, M., Kecojevic, V. (2008). New Technologies for Reducing Energy Consumption in the U.S. Coal Industry. World Coal. 17(8):29-35.
  6. Simic, R., Kecojevic, V., Stankovic, R. (1999). Selection of Parameters for Drainage of Surface Mines Using DEWOP Software. Technics. 2:RGM1-RGM4. (in Serbian).
  7. Simic, R., Kecojevic, V. (1997). Wells Database in Drainage of Surface Mines. Technics. 3-4:RGM6-RGM10. (in Serbian).
  8. Ciric, D., Kecojevic, V. (1996). Contribution to Rational Electric Power Recovery in the Open Pit Coal Basic Production Processes. Journal of Mining Science and Technology. 1(1-2):7-17.
  9. Teodorovic, Z., Kecojevic, V. (1995). Model for Simulation of Pressurized Spring Wells System. Technics. 7-8:1-5. (in Serbian).
  10. Kecojevic, V., Teodorovic, Z. (1995). Drainage of Zagorje Coal Mine. RGF Transactions. 32-33:217-222.
  11. Ciric, D., Kecojevic, V. (1995). Dependence Between Cut Width and Capacity of Bucketwheel Excavator. RGF Transactions. 32-33:299-304.
  12. Ciric, D., Kecojevic, V. (1994). Influence of Block Mining Process Micro-technology Stages and Parameters on Bucketwheel Excavator Techno-Economic Performances. Mining Voice. 3-4:31-40. (in Serbian).


  1. Kecojevic, V. (2013). Surface Mining. Chapter 10, Modern American Coal Mining: Methods and Applications, Edited by C.J. Bise, Society for Mining, Metallurgy and Exploration. pp. 335-405.
  2. Dessureault, S., Ganguli, R., Kecojevic, V., Girard-Dwyer, J. (2005). Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry. Taylor & Francis, hardcover, 684, ISBN 0415374502. CD-ROM – ISBN 0415374510.
  3. Simic, R., Kecojevic, V., Teodorovic, Z. (1998). Introduction to Information System for Drainage of Surface Coal Mines. University of Belgrade, pp. 190, ISBN 86-7352-025-8. (in Serbian).
  4. Simic, R., Kecojevic, V. (1997). Dewatering of Surface Mines. University of Belgrade, pp. 236, ISBN 86-80887-74-9. (in Serbian).
  5. Simic, R., Kecojevic, V. (1997). Wells in the System of Drainage of Surface Mines. University of Belgrade, pp. 202, ISBN 86-7352-001-0. (in Serbian).

Conference papers

  1. Basta, N.T., Whitacre, S.D., Kecojevic, V., Lashgari, A., Lusk, B.T. (2015). Dust Characterization and Source Appointment at an Active Surface Mine in West Virginia. Proceedings of the Conference on Environmental Considerations in Energy Production. Pittsburgh, PA. pp. 1-8. (peer-reviewed).
  2. Lashgari, A., Kecojevic, V. (2013). Production, Cost and Environmental Impact of Loading Equipment in Surface Coal Mining in Appalachia. Proceedings of the Conference on Environmental Considerations in Energy Production. Charleston, WV. pp. 490-500. (peer-reviewed).
  3. Lashgari, A., Johnson, C., Kecojevic, V., Lusk, B., Hoffman, J. (2013). NOx Emission of Equipment and Blasting Agents in Surface Coal Mining. Proceedings of the Conference on Environmental Considerations in Energy Production. Charleston, WV. pp. 501-511. (peer-reviewed).
  4. Lashgari, A., Kecojevic, V. (2013). Environmental Impact of Digging and Loading Equipment in Surface Mining. Proceedings of the 2013 SME Annual Meeting, Denver, CO. Preprint 13-090, pp. 1-5.
  5. Kecojevic, V., Komljenovic, D. (2011). Haul Truck Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emission Under Various Engine Road Conditions. Proceedings of the 2011 SME Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. Preprint 11-002, pp. 1-4.
  6. Bogunovic, D., Kecojevic, V., Lund, V., Heger, M., Mongeon, P. (2009). Analysis and Control of Energy Consumption in Surface Coal Mining. Proceedings of the 2009 SME Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. Preprint # 09-082, pp. 1-7.
  7. Celiksirt, M.C, Erkan, V., Kecojevic, V. (2007). DelPat Software System for Design of Drilling and Blasting Operations. Proceedings of the 33rd International Symposium on Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry (APCOM). Santiago, pp. 391-396. (peer-reviewed).
  8. Komljenovic, D., Kecojevic, V. (2007). Multi-Attribute Selection Method for Mining Trucks. Proceedings of the 2007 SME Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. Preprint # 07-19, pp. 1-11.
  9. Bogunovic, D., Kricak, L., Kecojevic, V. (2007). Modeling an Artificial Screen for Reducing Seismic Vibration. Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique. Nashville, TN. pp. 127-135. (peer-reviewed).
  10. Kecojevic, V., Komljenovic, D., Groves, W. (2006). Risk Analysis of Equipment-Related Fatalities in U.S. Mining Operations. Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection. Torino, Italy. pp. 119-125.
  11. Komljenovic, D., Paraszczak, J. and Kecojevic, V. (2006). Potential for Improvement of Reliability and Maintenance in Mining Operations Based on Nuclear Industry Know-How and Experience. Proceedings of the New Technological Solutions in Underground Mining – International Mining Forum. pp.143-152
  12. Komljenovic, D., Paraszczak, J., Kecojevic, V. (2005). Possibilities for Optimization of Reliability and Maintenance in Mining Operations Based on Experience in Nuclear Industry. Proceedings of the 14th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection. Banff, AB, Canada. pp. 632-644.
  13. Celiksirt, M.C, Erkan, V., Kecojevic, V. (2005). Estimation of Drilling and Blasting Costs in Road Excavation. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Developments in Mining Technology. Istanbul, Turkey. pp. 167-181.
  14. Wilkinson, W., Kecojevic, V. (2005). Haulage Road Design: A Case Study on Surface Mine in New Mexico. Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Mineral Industry (APCOM). Tucson, AZ. 351-356. (peer-reviewed).
  15. Somanchi, S. Kecojevic, V., Kozminski, T. (2004). Shearer Drum Design Using Visual Basic Environment. Proceedings of the 13nd International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection. Wroclaw, Poland. pp. 509-512.
  16. Wilkinson, W., Kecojevic V. (2004). Elements of Drill and Blast Design and 3D Visualization in Surface Coal Mines. Proceedings of the 2004 SME Annual Meeting. Denver, CO. Preprint # 04-19, pp. 1-6.
  17. Teodorovic, Z., Kecojevic, V., Simic R. (2002). The Hierarchical Structure of an Information, Remote Control and Supervision System for Dewatering of Coal Surface Mines. Proceeding of the 11th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection. Bouzov Castle, Czech Republic. pp. 439-442.
  18. Kecojevic, V., Simic, R. (2000). Optimization of Drainage Facilities in Surface Mining. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Management and Standards. Arandjelovac, Serbia. pp. 88-96. (in Serbian).
  19. Prstic, A., Kecojevic, V. (2000). Application of Logarithmic Regression Model for Drainage System. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Management and Standards. Arandjelovac, Serbia. pp. 167-172. (in Serbian).
  20. Simic, R., Kecojevic, V. (2000). Wells Database in Drainage of Surface Mines. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Management and Standards. Arandjelovac, Serbia. pp. 187-195. (in Serbian).
  21. Ristovic, I., Ignjatovic, D., Kecojevic, V. (1999). Monitoring of Auxiliary Equipment Efficiency for Lignite Open Pits. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection. Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine. pp. 588–594.
  22. Simic, R., Kecojevic, V., Gomilanovic, M. (1999). Technology Development of Coal Surface Mining in Yugoslavia. Proceedings of the International Symposium on Mining Science and Development. Beijing, China. pp. 83–88.
  23. Kecojevic, V., Jenic, D., Prstic, A. (1999). Application of Visual MODFLOW Software for Dewatering of Surface Mines. Proceedings of the IV International Conference on Opencast Mining. Bor, Serbia. pp. 150-155.
  24. Kecojevic, V., Prstic, A. (1999). 3D Visualization and Animation in Dewatering of Surface Mines. Proceeding of the IV International Conference on Opencast Mining. Bor, Serbia. pp. 364-369.
  25. Kecojevic, V., Ignjatovic, D., Ciric, D. (1998). Utilization of Bucketwheel Excavators at Opencast Mines in Yugoslavia. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection. Calgary, AB, Canada. pp. 557–562.
  26. Simic, R., Kecojevic, V., Gomilanovic, M. (1998). Energy Consumption Control in Opencast Coal Mining. Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection. Calgary, AB, Canada. pp. 41–45.
  27. Simic R., Gomilanovic, M., Kecojevic, V. (1998). Wells Database for Dewatering of Coal Open Pits. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Continuous Mining Systems. Wroclaw, Poland. pp. 286-292.
  28. Kecojevic, V., Teodorovic, Z. (1997). Mathematical Modeling of Sump Parameters for Dewatering of Opencast Mines. Proceedings of the VI International Symposium on Application of Mathematical Methods and Computers in Mining, Geology and Metallurgy. Prague, Czech Republic. Volume MI, pp. 1-4 (MI32).
  29. Kricak, L., Kecojevic, V., Krickovic, A. (1997). Demolition of Drainage Wells by Explosives. Proceedings of the II Bulgarian - Serbian Mining Conference. Sofia, Bulgaria. pp. 70-72.
  30. Kecojevic, V., Teodorovic, Z. (1997). Design of Drainage Sumps in Relationship to Time of Discharge and Capacity of Pumps. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Management and Standards. Arandjelovac, Serbia. pp. 54-59. (in Serbian).
  31. Simic, R., Kecojevic, V. (1996). Simulation Model for Dewatering of Open Pit Mines. Proceedings of the Surface Mining ’96 Johannesburg, South Africa. pp. 301-305. (peer-reviewed).
  32. Simic, R., Kecojevic, V., Krstic, V. (1996). Possibility of Securing Uniform Coal Grade for Thermal Power Generating Plants by Mining and Storage Process Control. Proceedings of the Pittsburgh Coal Conference. Pittsburgh, PA. Vol. 2, pp. 820-825.
  33. Ciric, D., Kecojevic, V., Teodorovic, Z. (1996). Research into the Possibility of Rational Electrical Power Recovery in Bucketwheel Excavator. Proceedings of the 10th Coal Congress of Turkey. Zonguldak, Turkey. pp. 249–258.
  34. Krstic, V., Kecojevic, V., Teodorovic, Z., Stepanovic, S. (1996). Model of Horizontal Coal Deposit Excavation by Bucketwheel Excavator. Proceedings of the 10th Coal Congress of Turkey. Zonguldak, Turkey. pp. 243-248.
  35. Simic, R., Kecojevic, V. (1996). Application of Needle-Filters in Drainage of Surface Mines. Proceeding of the III International Conference on Opencast Mining. Belgrade, Serbia. pp. 245-250. (in Serbian).
  36. Kecojevic, V., Simic, R., Teodorovic, Z. (1996). Optimization of Drainage Facilities in Coal Surface Mines. Proceeding of the III International Conference on Opencast Mining, Belgrade, Serbia. pp. 234-238. (in Serbian).
  37. Simic, R., Kecojevic V. (1995). Remote Supervision and Control of Drainage System. Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium on the Impact of Industry on Groundwater Resources. Cernobbio, Como, Italy. pp. 307-313.
  38. Kecojevic, V., Teodorovic, Z. (1995). Model for Simulation of Pressurized Spring Wells System. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Automation in Mining ICAMC '95. Gliwice, Poland. pp. 583-593.
  39. Lazic, A., Kecojevic, V., Krstic, V. (1995). Specialized Production System for Adaptive Control on Continuous Surface Mining. Proceedings of the 4th International Continuous Surface Mining Symposium. Aachen, Germany. pp. V-29 - V-32.
  40. Kecojevic, V., Krstic, V., Teodorovic, Z. (1995). Methodology for Selection of Bucketwheel Excavator Block Technological Parameters. Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Mine Mechanization and Automation. Golden, CO. Volume 2, pp 14-49 ÷ 14-53.
  41. Simic, R., Kecojevic, V. (1995). Application of Hydraulic Shovels and Wheel-Loaders in Serbian Mining. Proceeding of the IV Yugoslav Symposium on Mine Mechanization. Belgrade, Serbia. pp. 26-30. (in Serbian).
  42. Simic, R., Kecojevic, V. (1995). Application of DBT Crushers in Cement Industry. Proceeding of the II Conference on Surface Mining in Cement Industry. Kosjeric, Serbia. pp. 207-211. (in Serbian).
  43. Krstic, V., Kecojevic, V. (1994). Multi-Criterion Decision on Truck Selection in Surface Mining. Proceeding of the II International Conference on Opencast Mining. Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia. pp. 99-102. (in Serbian).
  44. Teodorovic, Z., Kecojevic, V. (1994). Modeling of Hydraulics Parameters for Gravitational Pipeline in Dewatering of Surface Mines. Proceeding of the II International Conference on Opencast Mining. Vrnjacka Banja, Serbia. pp. 103-106. (in Serbian).
  45. Krstic, V., Kecojevic, V. (1993). Simulation Model for Groundwater Flow. Proceeding of the Conference on Mining at the end of 20th Century. Belgrade, Serbia. pp. 149-154. (in Serbian).
  46. Kecojevic, V., Krstic, V. (1993). Simulation Model for Shovel-Truck System at Dubrave Surface Coal Mine. Proceeding of the Conference on Utilization of Small Coal Deposits. Belgrade, Serbia. pp. 168-174. (in Serbian).
  47. Kecojevic, V. (1992). Research into the Possibility of Selective Extraction in Kreka Coal Mines. Proceedings of Polish-Yugoslav Symposium on Control of Systems and Processes in Opencast Mining. Belgrade, Serbia. pp 169-178.

Invited lectures, seminars and presentations

  1. Kecojevic, V. (2024). Application of Sensor Technology and Augmented Reality in Surface Mining. Queen’s University, Kingston, ON, Canada.
  2. Kecojevic, V. (2024). Mining Engineer of the Future. La Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Lima, Peru.
  3. Quintero, M.F., Kecojevic, V. (2024). Análisis de las causas fundamentales de las lesiones mortales en las minas a cielo abierto en los Estados Unidos entre 2008 y 2021. XV Congreso Nacional de Mineria, Trujillo, Peru.
  4. Kecojevic, V. (2024). Mining Engineering Enrollment Trends. Building Capacity to Meet Current and Future Challenges and Needs Facing the U.S. Mineral Resources Workforce: A workshop. National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, Washington, DC.
  5. Kecojevic, V. (2023). Desafios de la industria del carbon: future y nuevas perspectivas. La Cumbre Colombiana del Carbon, Barrenquilla, Colombia.
  6. Tobar, A., Kecojevic, V. (2023) Impacto de la Academia en la Minera del Futuro. XIV Congreso Nacional de Mineria, Trujillo, Peru.
  7. Valencia Quiceno, J.D., Kecojevic, V. (2023). Sistema de Realidad Aumentada para Capacitaclon de Operadores de Equipo Pesado en Mineria de Superficie. XIV Congreso Nacional de Mineria, Trujillo, Peru.
  8. Valencia Quiceno, J.D., Kecojevic, V., Bogunovic, D., Arviso, E. (2023). Augmented Reality System for Training of Heavy Equipment Operators in Surface Mining. The 2023 SME Annual Meeting. Denver, Colorado.
  9. Kecojevic, V. (2022). Trends in Student Enrollment in Mining Engineering Schools in the United States. Future of Coal Workshop: Towards a Sustainable Future Use of Coal, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO.
  10. Kecojevic, V. (2022). Matricula de estudiantes en escuelas de ingeniería de minas en los Estados Unidos / Student enrollment in mining engineering schools in the United States. The 10th Regional Meeting of the Society of Mining Professors, Lima, Peru.
  11. Kecojevic, V. (2022). Current State of the WVU Department of Mining Engineering. Joint Spring Meeting of West Virginia Coal Mining Institute and West Virginia Coal Association. Morgantown, WV.
  12. Groves, W., Kecojevic, V. (2022). Field Demonstration of an Integrated Wireless Respirable Dust Sensing Network using Low-Cost Optical Sensors. The 2022 SME Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, Utah.
  13. Kecojevic, V. (2021). Sociedad de Profesores en Mineria, Investigacion Conjunta en Mineria y Oportunidades de Desarrollo para los Estudiantes en la West Virginia University de Estados Unidos. Universidad Nacional del Altiplano, Puno, Peru.
  14. Kecojevic, V. (2021). Sociedad de Profesores en Mineria y Oportunidades de Desarrollo para los Estudiantes en la West Virginia University de Estados Unidos. Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Lima, Peru.
  15. Groves, W., Spikes, A., Ghamari, A., Kecojevic, V. (2021). Integrated Wireless Dust Sensing Network for Measuring Respirable Dust in Surface Mines – Remote Power Using Photovoltaic Devices. The 2021 SME Annual Meeting. Virtual Conference, March 2021.
  16. Kecojevic, V., Restrepo Baena, O.J. (2020). Overview of the Society of Mining Professors. The 2020 SME Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.
  17. Groves, W., Ghamari, A., Kecojevic, V. (2020). Calibration of Inexpensive Sensors for Measuring Respirable Dust in Surface Mines. The 2020 SME Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.
  18. Kecojevic, V. (2019). Overview of Coal Mining Industry in USA. The 9th International Coal Conference, Zlatibor, Serbia.
  19. Groves, W., Ghamari, A., Kecojevic, V. (2019). Evaluation of Inexpensive Dust Sensors for Measuring Respirable Dust in Surface Mines – Laboratory Calibration. American Industrial Hygiene Conference and Expo, Minneapolis, MN.
  20. Huang, Q, Talan, D., Restrepo Baena, O.J., Kecojevic, V. and Noble, A (2019). Characterization Study of Rare Earth Elements from Various Colombian Coal and Coal Byproducts. 2019 SME Annual Conference and Expo, Denver, CO.
  21. Kecojevic, V. (2018). Monitoreo de Fatiga en Mineria de Superficie. La Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru. Lima, Peru.
  22. Kecojevic, V. (2018). Formacion Profesional en Mineria. XII Congreso Nacional de Mineria y la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos. Lima, Peru.
  23. Kecojevic, V. (2018). Update on WVU Mining Engineering Program. Fall 2018 WV Coal Mining Institute Meeting, Morgantown, WV.
  24. Hebblewhite, B., Kecojevic, V., Kretschmann, J. (2018). The Society of Mining Professors - a global academic community for better mining. 8th SOMP Regional Meeting, Bandung, Indonesia.
  25. Kecojevic, V. (2018). External Review for Promotion and Tenure. 2018 SME Annual Meeting and Conference, Minneapolis, MN.
  26. Kecojevic, V. (2017). Proximity Warning and Fatigue Monitoring in Surface Mine Safety. The University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT.
  27. Kecojevic, V. (2017). External Review for Academic Promotion and Tenure – an Insight into the Process. The 28th Annual Meeting of Society of Mining Professors. Torino, Italy.
  28. Kecojevic, V. (2017). Navigating Waters of Promotion and Tenure. The 2017 SME Annual Meeting. Denver, Colorado.
  29. Kecojevic, V. (2017). Proximity Warning and Fatigue Monitoring in Surface Mine Safety. The University of Nevada, Reno, NV.
  30. Kecojevic, V. (2016). Navigating Waters of Promotion and Tenure. SME Young Leaders Webinar.
  31. Kecojevic, V. (2016). Integrated Surface Mine Safety System. University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
  32. Kecojevic, V. (2016). Integrated Surface Mine Safety System. 3rd International Symposium on Mine Safety, Science and Engineering. McGill University, Montreal, Canada.
  33. Kecojevic, V., Kulathumani, V., Nimbarte, A., Kavi, R., Rohit, R., Sabniveesu, S., Kavuri, R. (2016). Proximity Warning and Fatigue Monitoring in Surface Mine Safety. Tecnologia Aplicada a la Mineria. Polideportivo de la PUCP and ExpoTecnomin. Lima, Peru.
  34. Kecojevic, V. (2016). Integrated Equipment Data Management System in Surface Mining. Seminar, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
  35. Kecojevic, V. (2016). Minería de Superficie, Tecnologías y Mitigación de Impactos. Congreso Colombiano de Minería 2016, Medellín, Colombia.
  36. Kecojevic, V. (2016). Overview of the Society of Mining Professors. The 4th SOMP Regional Meeting and Conference, Medellín, Colombia.
  37. Basta, N.T., Whitacre, S.D., Kecojevic, V., Lashgari, A., Lusk, B.T. (2016). Dust Characterization and Source Appointment at an Active Surface Mine in West Virginia. The 2016 SME Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.
  38. Kecojevic, V. (2015). Integrated Equipment Data Management System in Surface Mining. McGill University. Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
  39. Kecojevic, V. (2015). Integrated Surface Mining System: Equipment-Related Data Management Approach. The 2015 Fall Meeting of West Virginia Coal Mining Institute. White Sulphur Springs, WV.
  40. Kulathumani, V., Kecojevic, V., Nimbarte, A., Kavi, R., Rohit, R., Sabniveesu, S., Kavuri, A. (2015). Integrated Surface Mining Safety System. The 2015 SME/PCMIA Annual Joint Meeting. Canonsburg, PA.
  41. Noble, A., Kecojevic, V. (2015). Analysis of Research Scholarship for Academic Staff at U.S. ABET Accredited Mining Engineering Schools by Publications, Citations and h-Index. The 26th Annual Meeting of Society of Mining Professors. Freiberg, Germany.
  42. Kecojevic, V. (2015). Risk Assessment of Equipment-Related Fatalities in Surface Mining. University of Belgrade. Belgrade, Serbia.
  43. Kecojevic, V., Lashgari, A. (2014). Monitoring and Assessment of Environmental Impact of Surface Mining Equipment. Tecnologia Aplicada a la Mineria. Polideportivo de la PUCP. Lima, Peru.
  44. Badani, M., Kecojevic, V., Bogunovic, D. (2014). Coal Quality Management Model for a Dome Storage. The 2014 CAS/SME Fall Meeting. Lexington, KY.
  45. Badani, M., Kecojevic, V., Bogunovic, D. (2014). Coal Quality Management Model for a Dome Storage. The 25th Annual Meeting of Society of Mining Professors. Johannesburg, South Africa.
  46. Saydam, S., Kecojevic, V. (2014). Mentoring Program for a New Faculty/Staff Members. The 25th Annual Meeting of Society of Mining Professors. Johannesburg, South Africa.
  47. Lashgari, A., Kecojevic, V. (2014). Equipment Dust Emission in Surface Coal Mining. The Southeastern Section of the Geological Society of America, Blacksburg, VA.
  48. Kecojevic, V. (2014). Integrated Equipment Data Management System in Surface Mining. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA.
  49. Kecojevic, V. (2014). Excavation Technologies and Environmental Impact in Surface Mining. Politecnico di Torino, Torino, Italy.
  50. Zhang, M., Kecojevic, V. (2014). Investigation of Haul Truck-Related Fatal Accidents in Surface Mining Using Fault Tree Analysis. The 2014 SME Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT.
  51. Badani, M., Kecojevic, V., Bogunovic, D. (2014). Dome Storage - Coal Quality Management Model. The 2014 SME Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT.
  52. Lashgari, A., Johnson, C., Kecojevic, V., Lusk, B., Hoffman, J. (2014). NOx Emission of Equipment and Blasting Agents in Surface Coal Mining. The 2014 SME Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT.
  53. Lashgari, A., Kecojevic, V. (2014). Evaluation of a Dust Model for Surface Mining Equipment. The 2014 SME Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT.
  54. Zhang, M., Kecojevic, V. (2013). Investigation of Haul Truck-Related Fatal Accidents in Surface Mining Using Fault Tree Analysis. The 2013 CAS/SME Fall Meeting. Lexington, KY.
  55. Lashgari, A., Kecojevic, V. (2013). Equipment Dust Emission in Surface Coal Mining. The 2013 CAS/SME Fall Meeting. Lexington, KY.
  56. Lashgari, A., Kecojevic, V. (2013). Assessment of Exhaust and Dust Emissions of Surface Mining Equipment. The 22nd International Conference on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection. Dresden, Germany.
  57. Kecojevic, V., Saydam, S. (2013). Publication Management Strategies to Support Academic Career Development. The 24rd Annual Meeting of Society of Mining Professors. Milos Island, Greece.
  58. Lashgari, A., Kecojevic, V. (2013). Assessment of Environmental Impact of Surface Mining Equipment. The 6th International Conference on Sustainable Development in the Minerals Industry. Milos Island, Greece.
  59. Kecojevic, V. (2013). Overview of Coal Mining Industry in U.S. University of Ljubljana. Ljubljana, Slovenia.
  60. Kecojevic, V. (2013). An Analysis of Equipment-Related Fatalities in U.S. Mining Operations. XVII International Seminar on Safety in Mining Operations. Lima, Peru.
  61. Kecojevic, V., Bogunovic, D., Terrazas, P. (2012). Information System for Surface Mining Equipment. The 10th International Conference on Surface Mining. Zlatibor, Serbia.
  62. Kecojevic, V. (2012). An Overview of Coal Mining Industry in U.S. The 10th International Conference on Surface Mining. Zlatibor, Serbia.
  63. Bogunovic, D., Kecojevic, V. (2012). Integrated Production Management System in Surface Coal Mining. The 23th Annual Meeting of Society of Mining Professors. Wroclaw, Poland.
  64. Kecojevic, V., Cukic, B., Kulathumani, V. (2012). An Intelligent Surface Mining Safety System. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Pittsburgh, PA.
  65. Bogunovic, D., Kecojevic, V. (2012). Integrated Production Management System in Surface Coal Mining. The 2012 Spring Meeting of West Virginia Coal Mining Institute. Roanoke, WV.
  66. Terrazas, P., Kecojevic, V., Bogunovic, D. (2012). Wireless Information System for the Truck Cycle and Delay Data in Surface Mining. The 2012 SME Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.
  67. Nolan, T., Kecojevic, V. (2012). Production and Cost Assessment of a Potential Application of Surface Miners in Coal Mining in West Virginia. The 2012 SME Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA.
  68. Kecojevic, V. (2012). An Overview of the Appalachian Research Initiative for Environmental Science (ARIES) Project. Graduate Seminar, West Virginia University. Morgantown, WV.
  69. Terrazas, P., Kecojevic, V., Bogunovic, D. (2011). Wireless Information System for the Truck Cycle and Delay Data in Surface Mining. The 2011 CAS/SME Fall Meeting. Lexington, KY.
  70. Kecojevic, V. (2011). Risk Assessment for Haul Truck-Related Fatalities in Surface Mining. The 43rd International October Conference on Mining and Metallurgy. Kladovo, Serbia.
  71. Kecojevic, V., Nolan, T. (2011). Production and Cost Assessment of a Potential Application of Surface Miners in Coal Mining in West Virginia. The 2011 Fall Meeting of West Virginia Coal Mining Institute. White Sulphur Springs, WV.
  72. Terrazas, P., Kecojevic, V., Bogunovic, D. (2011). Wireless Information System for the Truck Cycle and Delay Data. The 22th Annual Meeting of Society of Mining Professors. Arequipa, Peru.
  73. Kecojevic, V. (2011). Haul Truck Fuel Consumption and CO2 Emission Under Various Engine Load Conditions. Graduate Seminar, West Virginia University. Morgantown, WV.
  74. Kecojevic, V. (2010). Risk Assessment of Equipment-Related Fatalities in Surface Mining. University of Belgrade. Belgrade, Serbia.
  75. Kecojevic, V. (2010). Energy Consumption, CO2 Emission and Potential Cost of CO2 Legislation to the U.S. Coal Mining Industry. The 3rd International Symposium on Energy Mining. Banja Junakovic, Serbia.
  76. Kecojevic, V. (2010). Risk Analysis of Safety Citations: a Case Study on an Operating Coal Mine. Graduate Seminar, West Virginia University. Morgantown, WV.
  77. Kecojevic, V. (2010). Equipment Fuel Consumption, CO2 Emission and Economic Cost under Various Operating Conditions. The 21st Annual Meeting of Society of Mining Professors. Tallinn, Estonia.
  78. Aziz, AM., Kecojevic, V. (2010). The CO2 Emission of the U.S. Mining Industry and the Potential Cost of CO2 The 2010 SME Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ.
  79. Kecojevic, V., Orsulak, M., Grayson, R.L. (2009). Risk Assessment of Safety Violations for Coal Mines Using the MSHA Citation Database. The 18th International Symposium on Mine Planning and Equipment Selection. Banff, AB, Canada.
  80. Kecojevic, V. (2009). Mentoring and Staff Development Program. The 20th Annual Meeting of Society of Mining Professors. Sydney, Australia.
  81. Kecojevic, V., Bogunovic, D., Lund, V., Heger, M., Mongeon, P. (2009). Energy Consumption and CO2 Emission in Surface Coal Mining. The IV International Summit on Mining Performance. Toronto, ON, Canada.
  82. Kecojevic, V. (2008). Integrated Data Environment for Energy Management in Coal Mining. West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
  83. Bogunovic, D., Kecojevic, V. (2008). Equipment CO2 Emission in Coal Mining. The IV International Conference on Coal. Belgrade, Serbia.
  84. Kecojevic, V. (2008). Accreditation - The ABET Experience. The 19th Annual Meeting of Society of Mining Professors. Aachen, Germany.
  85. Kecojevic, V. (2008). An Overview of Coal Mining Industry in U.S. University of Belgrade. Belgrade, Serbia.
  86. Md-Nor, Z.A., Kecojevic, V., Komljenovic, D., Groves, W. (2008). Risk Assessment for Haul Truck-Related Fatalities in Mining. The 2008 SME Annual Meeting. Salt Lake City, UT.
  87. Kecojevic, V. (2008). Risk Assessment of Equipment Related Fatalities in Mining. The University of Utah. Salt Lake City, UT.
  88. Kecojevic, V. (2008). Monitoring of Energy Consumption in Surface Coal Mining. Montana Tech of the University of Montana. Butte, MT.
  89. Kecojevic, V. (2007). Energy Consumption in Mining – Where, When and How We Spend $22-billion per year. EGEE/ PNGE 590 Colloquium, Penn State, PA.
  90. Kecojevic, V. (2007). Risk Assessment of Equipment Related Fatalities in Mining. The VIII International Conference on Surface Mining. Banja Vrujci, Serbia.
  91. Kecojevic, V. (2007). Development of an Information System for Monitoring Energy Consumption in Coal Mining. The 18th Annual Meeting of Society of Mining Professors. Belgrade, Serbia.
  92. Kecojevic, V. (2005). Novel Technology Concepts for Energy Savings in Coal Mining. The 6th European Coal Conference. Belgrade, Serbia.
  93. Celiksirt, M.C, Erkan, V., Kecojevic, V. (2005). Design of Drilling and Blasting Patterns: a Case Study on Rock Excavation Project in Turkey. The 5th International Conference on Computer Applications in the Mineral Industries. Banff, AB, Canada.
  94. Kecojevic, V. (2003). Application of Software Tools in Drilling and Blasting Design. The 11th Pennsylvania Drilling and Blasting Conference. State College, PA.
  95. Kecojevic, V., Wilkinson, W. (2003). 3D Mapping of Coal Properties Data. The Wisconsin Tailgate, Energy Institute and Office of Governmental Affairs. State College, PA.
  96. Kecojevic, V., Mrugala, M. (2002). Flyrock Phenomena in Blasting. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH), Pittsburgh, PA.

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