Takis Katsabanis PhD, P.Eng

Associate Professor

Mining Engineering, Faculty
Phone: 613-533-2197
Goodwin Hall, Room: Room 329

Expertise: Detonation Physics, Blasting, Fragmentation, Vibration
Takis Katsabanis
Biography Teaching Publications Awards & Grants
P.D. (Takis) Katsabanis is an Associate Professor in Mining Engineering at Queen's University at Kingston, Canada. He received a BSc from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, and MASc (Eng.) and PhD degrees from Queen's University.
His field of research involves the investigation of fragmentation, fracture propagation in rock due to blasting, blast damage, as well as explosives performance and sensitivity. Specific research activities include the investigation of timing on fragmentation, which is done using small scale tests in conjunction with numerical modelling, testing of material properties at high strain rates using Hopkinson Bar tests, damage modelling and effect of blasting on crushing and grinding. The work on commercial explosives includes studies on sensitivity, desensitization, performance and fumes, involving in situ and laboratory testing as well as theoretical numerical modelling investigations. Experimental work is done at the Explosives laboratory, an off campus facility with blasting chambers, and other infrastructure for explosives testing. The laboratory has been involved in a variety of investigations such as dust explosibility, detonator malfunction, commercial explosives sympathetic detonation and desensitization, explosive calorimetry, detonation product equation of state determination, shock characterization of materials, production of fumes from commercial explosives under a variety of environmental conditions and operating parameters, fragmentation studies, analysis of single particle impact fragmentation, vibration modelling, use of seed waves in vibration control, close and far field airblast studies.
Dr. Katsabanis has taught continuing education courses worldwide and has been the author of several technical papers in journals and conferences. He is a member of the ISEE and a registered Professional Engineer in Ontario.
  • Explosives Technology
  • Drilling and Blasting
  • Operations Research

Journal Publications

Katsabanis, P.D. and Kim, S: "Effect of blasting on impact breakage of the resulting fragments - Results from small scale tests", Journal of Blasting and Fragmentation, Vol.5, No.4, Dec. 2011.

Tawadrous, A. and Katsabanis, P.D.: "Determination of the Dynamic Uniaxial Tensile Strength of Laurentian Granite Using an Explosively- Impacted Hopkinson Pressure Bar", Journal of Blasting and Fragmentation, Vol.4, No.3, Nov. 2010.

P.D. Katsabanis, S. Kim, A. Tawadrous and J. Sigler: "Small scale testing of the effect of powder factor, timing and charge distribution on the impact breakage of rocks", Blasting and Fragmentation", Vol.3, No. 1, pp. 1-20, March 2009.

Katsabanis, P.D., Pascoal, A. and Rielo, O.: Examination of dynamic parameters of rocks using Hopkinson Bar experiments, ISEE Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, Feb. 2011

P.D. Katsabanis and O. Rielo: "Impact of fine Aluminum on ANFO explosives". Proc. International Society of Explosives Engineers Annual Conference, Feb. 8-11, 2009.

Kelebek, S., Nanthakumar, B. and Katsabanis, P.D. , "Oxidation of complex Ni-Cu Sulphide ores and its implication for flotation practice ," Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 46, 3, 273-278, 2007.

Nanthakumar, B., Kelebek, S. and Katsabanis, P.D., "Impact of oxidation on flotation of a Ni-Cu sulphide ore with respect to grinding ," Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallugy, Tran. Inst. Min., Metal., Section C 116, 3, 197-206, 2007.

Tawadrous, A. and Katsabanis, P.D. , "Prediction of surface crown pillar stability using artificial neural networks," International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics 31, 7, 917-931, 2007.

Tawadrous, A. and Katsabanis, P.D., "Prediction of surface blast patterns in limestone qurarries using artificial neural networks," Fragblast, The International Journal for Blasting and Fragmentation 10, 233-242, 2006.

Katsabanis, P.D., Tawadrous, A., Braun, C. and Kennedy, C. , "Timing effects on the fragmentation of small scale blocks of granodiorite," Fragblast, The International Journal for Blasting and Fragmentation 10, 83-93, 2006.

Katsabanis, P.D., Gregersen, S., Kunzel, G., Pollanen, M., Pelley, C. and Kelebek, S. , "Effects of Blasting on Damage and Grindability of Impacted Rock," CIM Bulletin 99, 1091, 7, 2005.

Archibald, J.F. and Katsabanis, P.D. , "Evaluation of liner capacity for blast damage mitigation ," The Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Bulletin 97, 1079, 2004.

Katsabanis, J.F. Archibald, "WSIB Project #00 007 Summary Report - Assessing Acceptance Criteria for and Capabilities of Liners for Mitigating Ground Falls," Report Submitted to the Workplace Safety and Insurance Board of Ontario 206 pages, 2002.

Mortazavi, A. and Katsabanis, P.D., "Modelling burden size and strata dip effects on the surface blasting process," Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. 2001.

Mortazavi, A. and Katsabanis P.D. , "Modelling the effect of discontinuity orientation, continuity and dip on the process of burden breakage in bench blasting ," The International Journal of Blasting and Fragmentation 4, 3-4(200), 175-197, 2000.

Chung, S. and Katsabanis, P.D., "Fragmentation prediction using improved engineering formulae," The International Journal for Blasting and Fragmentation 4, 3-4 (200), 198-207, 2000.

Katsabanis, L. Liu, "A Numerical Description of the Formation of a Crater in Rock Blasting," FRAGBLAST, The International Journal for Blasting and Fragmentation 2, 219-233, 1998.

Katsabanis, A. Mortazavi, "Modelling of Blasthole Expansion & Explosive Gas Pressurization in Jointed Media," Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr. 35, 4/5, 487-498, 1997.

Katsabanis, L. Liu, "A Numerical Study of Some Aspects of the Spherical Charge Cratering Theory," The Canadian Mining and Metallurgical Bulletin.1. "Numerical Modelling of the Effects of Accurate Timing on Rock Fragmentation Int. J. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr, 1997.

Katsabanis, L. Liu, "Development of a Continuum Damage Model for Blast Analysis," International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science 1997.

Books (Chapters)

Archibald, J.F., Baidoe, J.P. and Katsabanis, P.D., "Comparative assessment of conventional support systems and spray-on rock linings in rockburst prone environment," in Surface Support in Mining, Australian Centre for Geomechanics, 2004.

Conference Proceedings

Katsabanis, P.D., Kim, S., Tawadrous, A. and Sigler, J. , "Effect of powder factor and timing on the impact breakage of rocks," International Society of Explosives Engineers Annual Conference, January, 2008.

Katsabanis, P.D. and Tawadrous, A., "Numerical Modelling of the Effect of Loading and Timing in Wall Control Applications," 11th ACUUS International Conference, Athens, Greece, September, 2007.

Tawadrous, A. and Katsabanis, P.D. , "Numerical Modelling of the Effect of High Stresses on Blast Induced Damage," 33rd International Society of Explosives Engineers Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, pp. 371-385, Vol. 1, January, 2007.

Kelebek, S., Nanthakumar, B. and Katsabanis, P.D., "Effect of air oxidation on flotation of pyrrhotite and pentlandite: Stockpiles vs artificial oxidationin Interfacial Phenomena in Fine Particle Technology, Xu., Z. and Liu., Q., eds. ," 6th UBC-McGill-UA Interrnational Symposium in Professor J.S. Laskowski, pp. 361-374, COM Montreal, Canada, October, 2006.

Katsabanis, P.D., Tawadrous, A., Braun, C. and Kennedy, C. , "Timing effects on fragmentation," 32nd Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, International Society of Explosives Engineers, 2006.

Caceres, J., Katsabanis, P.D., Pelley, C.W. and Kelebek, S. , "Maximizing NPV by Blasting," 8th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting , pp. 246-254, Santiago, Chile, May, 2006.

Carceres, J., Katsabanis, P.D., Pelley, C.W. and Kelebek, S. , "A Neural Network Model for Fragmentation by Blasting ," 8th International Symposium on Rock Fragmentation by Blasting, pp. 200-206, Santiago, Chile, May, 2006.

Archibald, J.F. and Katsabanis, P.D. , "Advanced Evaluation of Area Support Systems for Rockburst Damage Mitigation ," Quebec Mine Operators Conference, Quebec, April, 2005.

Katsabanis, P.D., "Application of Air Decking to Blasting - Findings from Numerical Modelling," 31st Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Techniques, pp. 217-228, Orlando, Florida, 2005, Internaltional Society of Explosives Engineers.

Katsabanis, P.D., Kunzel, G., Pelley, C. and Kelebek, S., "Damage Development in Small Blocks," Proc. 29th International Society of Explosives Engineers Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, February, 2003.

Katsabanis, P.D., Gregersen, S., Pelley, C. and Kelebek, S. , "Small Study of Damage due to Blasting and Implications on Crushing and Grinding ," Proc. 29th International Society of Explosives Engineers Annual Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, February, 2003.

Silva, G. and Katsabanis, P.D. , "Pressure measurement in a low density explosive ," Proc. 29th International Society of Explosives Engineers Annual Conference On Explosives and Blasting Technique, February, 2003.

Katsabanis, P.D. Gregersen, S., Kunzel, G., Pollanen, Pelley, C. and Kelebek, S. , "Effects of Blasting on Damage and Grindability of Impacted Rock," Proc. CIM 105th AGM, Montreal, Quebec, May, 2003.

Archibald, J.F. and Katsabanis, P.D. , "Rock burst damage mitigation benefits from use of spray-on rock linings," 3rd International Seminar on Surface Support Liners, Thin SPrayed Liners, Shotcrete mesh, Quebec City, August, 2003.

Archibald, J.F. and Katsabanis, P.D. , "Comparative use of Shotcrete, Fibercrete and thin, spray-on polymer liners for blast damage mitigation ," 105th Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum , Montreal, Quebec, May, 2003.

Katsabanis, P.D., Kelebek, S., Pelley, C. and Pollanen, "Blasting Effects on the Grindability of Rocks," Proc.29th International Society of Explosive Engineers Annual Conference on Explosives and blasting Technique, February, 2003.

Katsabanis, P.D. , "Application of Numerical Modelling to Examine Priming of Bulk Explosives ," Proc. 28th ISEE Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, Las Vegas, Nevada, February, 2002.

Katsabanis, P.D. , "Application of Numerical Modelling to Examine Damage in Wall Control Applications," Proc. of the 27th ISEE Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, Orlando, Florida, January, 2001.

Silva, G. and Katsabanis, P.D. , "Development of an Ultra Low Density Reactive Agent," Proc. of the 25th ISEE Conference on Explosives and Blasting Technique, Anaheim, California, February, 2000.

Katsabanis, P.D. and Baliktsis, E., "Explosives Technology, Review of International Developments," Proc. of the 3rd Symposium on Mineral Wealth, Athens, Greece, November, 2000.

Katsabanis, A. Mortazavi, "Application of Discontinuous Deformation Analysis to the Modelling of Rock Blasting in Mining," Rock Mechanics for Industry, Proc. of the 37th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium, Vail, Colorado, USA, June, 1999.




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