Suzan Eren PhD, P.Eng

Associate Professor and Queen’s National Scholar

Electrical and Computer Engineering, Faculty
Phone: 613-533-6000 ext. 77827
Walter Light Hall, Room: 406

Expertise: Power Converters Used in Micro-grids and Renewable Energy Applications
Suzan  Eren
Biography Research

Dr. Suzan Eren is an Assistant Professor and Queen's National Scholar in the ECE Department, Queen’s University, and a member of ePOWER, the Queen’s Centre for Energy and Power Electronics Research Group. Dr. Eren received her BSAc with first class honours, MASc and PhD degrees in Electrical Engineering from Queen’s University in 2006, 2008, and 2013, respectively. Her industrial experience includes collaboration with SPARQ Systems in developing their highly efficient solar micro-inverter. She is the author of 60 publications, the inventor of 12 U.S. patents and is a registered Professional Engineer in the province of Ontario. Dr. Eren is an associate editor of the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Industrial Electronics and the IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics, as well as the chair of the IEEE Kingston Section. Her research interests include the application of power electronics and control to micro-grids, renewable energy, energy storage and electric vehicles. 

Power Converters Used in Micro-grids and Renewable Energy Applications

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