Current Research
Contract commercial services for the Mining Engineering Department
Journal Publications
Archibald, J.F. and Katsabanis, P.D. , "Evaluation of Liner Capacity for Blast Damage Mitigation," Journal of the Canadian Institure of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM Bulletin) 97, 1079, 47-51, 2004.
Archibald, J.F., DeGagne, D.O., "Spray-on Lining Support in Canadian Underground Mining - A Reseach Summary," Journal of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM Bulletin) 94, 1050, 49-56, 2001.
Archibald, J.F., DeGagne, D.O., "Overview- Canadian Advances in Rock Mechanics ," Journal of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM Bulletin) 94, 1050, 9-10, 2001.
Archibald, J. F., "Beneficial Impacts of Paste Tailings on Environmental Hazard Mitigation and Engineering Performance Improvement," International Mining and Environment Congress, Lima, Peru 537-548, 1999.
Archibald, J. F. and Lausch, P., "Thin Spray-on Linings for Rock Failure Stabilization," 37th U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium - Rock Mechanics for Industry, Vail, Colorado 617-624, 1999.
Archibald, J. F., Espley, S. J., DeGagne, D. O. and Bickis, U., "Occupational Hazards of Spray-on Liner Applications in Underground Environments: Truths and Myths," 101st Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (Rock Mechanics and Strata Control Group Conference) Calgary, Alberta, 1999.
Books (Whole)
Archibald, J.F., DeGagne, D.O., Hassani, F.P. and Nantel, J.H.; , June, 2003, "Underground Mine Backfill 2," Internet course publication of InfoMine Inc..
Archibald, J.F., DeGagne, D.O., Hassani, F.P. and Nantel, J.H.; , June, 2003, "Underground Mine Backfill 1," Internet course publication of InfoMine Inc., .
Books (Chapters)
Archibald, J.F., Baidoe, J.P. and Katsabanis, P.D., "Chapter 17 - Comparative Assessment of Conventional Support Systems and Spray-On Rock Linings in a Rockburst Prone Environment," (p. 179-185) in Publication of the Australian Centre for Geomechanics, 2004, ISBN 0-9756756-0-5.
Archibald, J.F., Baidoe, J.P. and Katsabanis, P.D., "Chapter 16 - Rockburst Damage Mitigation Benefits Deriving from Use of Spray-On Rock Linings," (p. 169-178) in Publication of the Australian Centre for Geomechanics, 2004, ISBN 0-9756756-0-5.
Archibald, J.F. , "Chapter 4 - Surface Support in Mining. ," (p. 73-87) in Publication of the Australian Centre for Geomechanics, 2004, ISBN 0-9756756-0-5.
Conference Proceedings
DeSouza, E.M., Archibald, J.F. and Beauchamp, L. , "Compilation of Industry Practices for Control of Hazards Associated with Backfill in Underground Mines - Part II Underground transport and Stope Placement ," 3rd Canada-U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium and 20th Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium (RockEng 09 - Rock Engeneering in Difficult Conditions) , Toronto, ON , May, 2009.
DeSouza, E. M., Archibald, J.F. and Beauchamp, L. , "Compilation of Industry Practices for Control of Hazards Associated with Backfill in Underground Mines- Part I Surface and Plant Operations," 3rd Canada-U.S. Rock Mechanics Symposium and 20th Canadian Rock Mechanics Symposium (RockEng 09- Rock Engineering in Difficult Conditions), Toronto, ON , May, 2009.
Archibald, J.F. and DeSouza, E.M. , "Safe Backfill Operating Practice," Mining Health and Safety Conference (MASHA), Sudbury, ON , April, 2008.
Archibald, J.F. and DeSouza, E. M., "How to Practice Safe Backfilling ," Mining Health and Safety Conference (MASHA), Sudbury, Ontario, April, 2008.
Dirige, A.P. and Archibald, J.F., "Use of Thin, Spray-On Linings for Structural Material Protection and Fire Damage Mitigation ," 41st Symposium on Engineering Geology and Geotechnical Engineering, pp. , University of Idaho, Boise, Idaho, April, 2008.
Sargent, A., De Souza, E., and Archibald, J.F., "The Use of Glass as Pozzolan in Binder Backfill Recipes," 42nd US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 2nd US-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium, Vol. 8, No. 128, San Francisco, California, June, 2008.
Dirige, A.P.E., Archibald, J.F., Clarle, R., Hilkeqich, T. and Frank, T., "The Effect of Different Mixing Techniques on the Strength Behavior of Paste Backfill ," 42nd US Rock Mechanics Symposium and 2nd US-Canada Rock Mechanics Symposium , Vol. 8, No. 172, San Francisco, California, June, 2008.
Sargent, A., De Souza, E.M. and Archibald, J.F., "The Application of Post-Consumer Glass as a Cementing Agent in Mine Backfill," 9th International Symposium on Mining with Backfill, Minefill 2007, Montreal, Quebec, April, 2007.
Dirige, A.P. and Archibald, J.F., "Paste Backfill Strength Behaviour Using Different Binding Agents and Binder Combinations," Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Vancouver, BC, May, 2006.
Archibald, J.F. and Dirige, A.P. , "Development Status of Thin, Spray-on Liners for Mining and Civil Engineering Applications," Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institure of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Vancouver, B.C. , May, 2006.
De Souza, E.M. and Archibald, J.F. , "Mitigation of Environmental Hazards through use of Post-Consumer Glass as a Cementing Agent in Mine Backfill ," Engineering Institute of Canada Conference on Climate Change Technology: Engineering Challenges and Solutions i the 21st Century, Ottawa, ON, May, 2006.
Archibald, J.F. and Dirige, A.P. , "Safety Considerations Associated with Thin, Spray-on Liners Used for Mining and Civil Engineering Applications," MASHA Mining Health and Safety Conference, Sudbury, ON, April, 2006.
Archibald, J. F. and Dirige, P.A. , "Development of Thin, Spray-on Liner and Composite Superliner Area Supports for Damage Mitigation in Blast and Rockburst Induced Rock Failure Events," Ninth International Conference on Structures Under Shock and Impact (SUSI 2006), Liverpool, OK, July, 2006.
Archibald, J.F. and Dirige, P.A. , "Thin, Spray-on Lining Applications for Rockbursts, Blast and Fire Damage Mitigation," 41st U.S. Symposium on Rock Mechanics, Golden, Colorado, 2006.
Sargent, A., DeSouza, E.M. and Archibald, J.F. , "The Application of Post-Consumer Glass as a Cementing Agent in Mine Backfill," 9th International Symposium on Mining with Backfill (Minefill 2007), Montreal, Quebec, 2003.
Technical Reports & Other Publications
Archibald, J.F. , "Compilation of Industry Practices for Control of Hazards Associated with Fill in Underground Mines," December, 2007, Summary Report for Mines and Aggregates Safety and Health Association of Ontario (and WSIB) .
Conference Presentations
"Occupational Hazards of Spray-on Liner Applications in Underground Environments: Truths and Myths," 101st Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (Rock Mechanics and Strata Control Group Conference), Calgary, Alberta, May, 1999.
Books Edited
Minefill 2007- MINING WITH BACKFILL; Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Mining with Backfill, Montreal, Quebec, 2007.
CD-ROM Publication
"Effectiveness of conventional support systems and polymer spray-on liners for reducing hazards associated with rockbursting." presented at the Mining Health and Safety Conference 2003, Sudbury, Ontario, April, 2003,. (In Progress)
"Economics and perspectives of underground backfill practices in Canadian mining." presented at the 105th Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Montreal, Quebec, May, 2003. (In Progress)
"Comparative use of shotcrete, fibrecrete and thin, spray-on polymer liners for blast damage mitigation." presented at the 105th Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Montreal, Quebec, May, 2003. (In Progress)
"Industry and higher education - meeting the needs of the mining engineering sector." presented at the 105th Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Montreal, Quebec, May, 2003,. (In Progress)
"Comparative Assessment of Conventional Support Systems and Spray-On Rock Linings in a Rockburst-prone Environment." 3rd. International Conference on Surface Support Liners, Quebec City, Quebec, August 22-26, 18 pages, 2003. (In Progress)
"Rockburst Damage Mitigation Benefits Deriving from Use of Spray-On Rock Linings." 3rd. International Conference on Surface Support Liners, Quebec City, Quebec, August 22-26, 2003, 22 pages, 2003. (In Progress)
"Networking Tertiary Education and Industry." presented at the 104th Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Vancouver, B.C., May, 2002. (In Progress)
"Advances in the Use of Thin, Spray-on Liner Systems." presented at the 104th Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Vancouver, B.C., May, 2002,. (In Progress)
"Reduction in Airflow Resistance Characteristics with Thin Spray-on Liners." proceedings of North American -9th U.S. Mine Ventilation Symposium, Kingston, June, 2002. (In Progress)
"Assessing Acceptance Criteria for and Capabilities of Liners for Mitigating Ground Falls." Mining Health and Safety Conference Sudbury, Ontario, 2001,. (In Progress)
"Comparison of Reinforcement Benefits of Spray-on Linings in Side-by-Side Unconfined Compression Failure Tests on Rock." 103rd Annual General Meeting of the CIM, Quebec City, Quebec, May, 2001. (In Progress)
"Spray-on Lining Support in Canadian Underground Mining - A Research Summary." CIM Bulletin, 94(1050), May, 2001. (In Progress)
"Canadian Laboratory and Field Testing." proceedings of the International Seminar on Surface Support Liners (Section 23 - Laboratory and Field Research Session), Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, Australia, August, 2001. (In Progress)
"The Canadian Mining Education Council." presented at the Canadian Conference on Engineering Education, University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., August, 2001. (In Progress)
"Validation of Rock Reinforcement Capacity Offered by Spray-on Mine Coatings." 102nd Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Toronto, Ontario, March, 2000. (In Progress)
"Mine Backfill, An Operator's Guide - An interactive CD-ROM for mine operators and engineers." 102nd Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum - CD-ROM Publication, Toronto, Ontario, March, 2000. (In Progress)
"Recent Canadian Advances in the Application of Spray-on Polymeric Linings." Mining Health and Safety Conference 2000, Sudbury, Ontario, April , 2000. (In Progress)
"Environmental Effects on the Behaviour of Wrapped Concrete Cylinders." 3rd International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Ottawa, Ontario, August 15-18 , 2000. (In Progress)
"The Status of Canadian University Programs in Mining Engineering." Accepted for publication in the CIM Bulletin, September, 2000. (In Progress)
Economic and Productivity Comparison of Bolt & Screen, Shotcrete and Spray-on Liner Rock Support Methods. 102nd Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum. Toronto, Ontario, March, 2000.
"Use of Ground Waste Glass and Normal Portland Cement Mixtures for Improving Slurry and Paste Backfill Support Performance" Journal of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM Bulletin), V. 92, No. 1030, May, 1999. (In Progress)
"Rockburst Damage Mitigation Benefits Deriving from Use of Spray-On Rock Linings." Archibald, J. F., Baidoe, J. B. and Katsabanis, P.T., 3rd. International Conference on Surface Support Liners, Quebec City, Quebec, August 22-26, 2003, 22 pages.
"Comparative Assessment of Conventional Support Systems and Spray-On Rock Linings in a Rockburst-prone Environment." Archibald, J. F., Baidoe, J. B. and Katsabanis, P.T., 3rd. International Conference on Surface Support Liners, Quebec City, Quebec, August 22-26, 2003, 18 pages.
"Industry and higher education - meeting the needs of the mining engineering sector." Heuchan, J. E. and Archibald, J. F., presented at the 105th Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Montreal, Quebec, May, 2003.
"Comparative use of shotcrete, fibrecrete and thin, spray-on polymer liners for blast damage mitigation." Archibald, J. F. and Katsabanis, P. T.; presented at the 105th Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Montreal, Quebec, May, 2003.
"Economics and perspectives of underground backfill practices in Canadian mining." DeSouza, E. M., Archibald, J. F. and Dirige, P.; presented at the 105th Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Montreal, Quebec, May, 2003.
"Effectiveness of conventional support systems and polymer spray-on liners for reducing hazards associated with rockbursting." Archibald, J. F.; presented at the Mining Health and Safety Conference 2003, Sudbury, Ontario, April, 2003.
"Reduction in Airflow Resistance Characteristics with Thin Spray-on Liners." DeSouza, E. M., and Archibald, J.F.; Proceedings of North American -9th U.S. Mine Ventilation Symposium, Kingston, June 2002, Balkema, 51-56.
"Advances in the Use of Thin, Spray-on Liner Systems." Archibald, J. F., presented at the 104th Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Vancouver, B.C., May, 2002.
"Networking Tertiary Education and Industry." Archibald, J. F., Scoble, M., Hassani, F. P., Hadjigeorgiou, J., Corthesy, R., Singh, P. , Bawden, W. F., Frimpong, S., Stevens, R. And Butt, S.; presented at the 104th Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum, Vancouver, B.C., May, 2002.
"The Canadian Mining Education Council" Scoble, M., Archibald, J., Hassani, F., Frimpong, S., Hadjigeoriou, J., Singh, P., Yemenidjian, N., Corthesy, R., Bawden, W. and Stevens, R.; presented at the Canadian Conference on Engineering Education, University of Victoria, Victoria, B.C., August, 2001, 8 pages.
"Canadian Laboratory and Field Testing" Archibald, J. F.; Proceedings of the International Seminar on Surface Support Liners (Section 23 - Laboratory and Field Research Session), Australian Centre for Geomechanics, Perth, Australia, August, 2001, 36 pages.
"Spray-on Lining Support in Canadian Underground Mining - A Research Summary." Archibald, J.F. and DeGagné, D.O., 2001. CIM Bulletin, 94(1050), May, 59-56.
"Comparison of Reinforcement Benefits of Spray-on Linings in Side-by-Side Unconfined Compression Failure Tests on Rock." Archibald, J.F. and Nicholls, T., 2001. 103rd Annual General Meeting of the CIM, Quebec City, Quebec, May, 13 p.
"Assessing Acceptance Criteria for and Capabilities of Liners for Mitigating Ground Falls" Archibald, J., 2001. Mining Health and Safety Conference 2001, Sudbury, Ontario, 30 p.
"The Status of Canadian University Programs in Mining Engineering." Archibald, J., 2000 Accepted for publication in the CIM Bulletin, September, 93(1044).
"Environmental Effects on the Behaviour of Wrapped Concrete Cylinders", Callery, K., Green, M. F. and Archibald, J. F.; 3rd International Conference on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Ottawa, Ontario, August 15-18, 2000.
"Recent Canadian Advances in the Application of Spray-on Polymeric Linings", Archibald, J. F. and DeGagne, D. O.; Mining Health and Safety Conference 2000, Sudbury, Ontario, April, 2000, 21 pages.
"Use of Ground Waste Glass and Normal Portland Cement Mixtures for Improving Slurry and Paste Backfill Support Performance"; Archibald, J. F., Chew, J. L. and Lausch, P.; Journal of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum (CIM Bulletin), V. 92, No. 1030, May, 1999; pp. 74-80.
"Mine Backfill, An Operator's Guide - An interactive CD-ROM for mine operators and engineers"; Archibald, J. F., Hassani, F., Nantel, J. H. and DeGagne, D. O.; 102nd Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum - CD-ROM Publication, Toronto, Ontario, March, 2000.
"Validation of Rock Reinforcement Capacity Offered by Spray-on Mine Coatings"; Archibald, J. F. and Nicholls, T.; 102nd Annual General Meeting of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum - CD-ROM Publication, Toronto, Ontario, March, 2000.