Prior to joining Queen’s as an Assistant Professor in 2020, Charlotte held various roles in the mining industry across Canada, the United States, and Australia. She has worked in mine operations, mineral processing flowsheet development, mineral processing technology development, and data analytics for a number of companies including SGS, Barrick Gold, and Vale. She now leads the Critical Minerals Processing Lab in The Robert M. Buchan Department of Mining, where her research group develops processes to concentrate critical minerals from primary and secondary resources.
The concentration of critical minerals; oxide mineral flotation with a focus on spodumene, lepidolite, pyrochlore, scheelite, and rare earth oxides mineral systems; machine learning applications in mineral processing; and the re-processing and re-purposing of mine tailings.
APSC 151: Earth Systems Engineering
MINE 201: Introduction to Mining and Mineral Processing
MINE 331/335: Methods of Mineral Separation
Publications for Dr. Gibson available on Google Scholar.