Bruce Anderson PhD

Professor Emeritus, Adjunct 1

Emeritus Faculty, Civil Engineering
Phone: (613) 533-6000

Expertise: Sustainable stormwater management, green infrastructure, low impact development, decentralised wastewater treatment, watershed control of harmful algae
Bruce  Anderson
Biography Research Publications Open Positions

2019-present: Professor Emeritus and Adjunct 1, Department of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University

2021-present: Adjunct Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture (School of Architecture), Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

2018-2021: 1000 Plan Expert Professor, Department of Landscape Architecture (School of Architecture), Tianjin University, Tianjin, China

2015-2017: Appointee, College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University (High End Foreign Expert Recruitment Program, SAFEA), Beijing, China

2015-2016: Coordinator of Graduate Studies, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University

2013-2015: Associate Head, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University

2012-2015: Director, Collaborative Masters in Applied Sustainability (CMAS) program, Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science, Queen’s University

2011-2015: Visiting Professor, College of Environment and Resources, Jilin University, Changchun, China

2009-2018: Co-director, Fudan-Queen’s Sino-Canada Centre for Environment and Sustainable Development

2009-2011: Coordinator of Graduate Studies, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University

2008-2019: Cross-appointed Professor, School of Urban and Regional Planning (Department of Geography and Planning), Queen’s University

2006-2009: Visiting Professor, State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University, Shanghai, China

2004-2005: Visiting Senior Scholar, Institute of Biodiversity Science, Fudan University, Shanghai, China

2004-2019: Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University

2000-2004: Coordinator of Graduate Studies, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University

2000-2008: Visiting Member, School of Urban and Regional Planning, Queen’s University

2000-2003: Associate Head, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University

1999-2000: Part-time Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Royal Military College of Canada, Kingston ON

1998: Visiting Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Civil Engineering, University of the West Indies, Trinidad, W.I.

1995-2004: Associate Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University

1990-1995: Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil Engineering, Queen’s University

1984-present: Environmental science and engineering consultant

Prior to his retirement, Dr. Anderson’s research program focused on the use of natural and engineered biological systems for environmental control and watershed/source water protection, with application to the problems of urban and semi-urban stormwater and agricultural runoff management (diffuse pollution), and the treatment, discharge or reuse of wastewater from small-scale unserviced areas and industries (e.g. fish hatcheries, greenhouses). These activities were part of a focus on integrated green/sustainable urban and semi-urban areas, for the protection of human health and environmental health in Canadian and international settings (with a major focus in China). A recent significant research activity was the development of watershed beneficial management practices to deal with the emerging problem of cyanobacteria growth in small Canadian freshwater lake systems.  
Many of these projects were conducted at the field scale and carried out in collaboration with other environmental scientists and engineers. Dr. Anderson is or has been a co-principal investigator in the Queen’s/National Water Research Institute Stormwater Quality Enhancement Group; a co-founder and co-principal investigator in the Fudan-Queen’s Co-laboratory of Environmental Research on Urbanization; and principal investigator of the Queen’s Natural FLOWS Research Group. A significant collaborative program was with the Centre for Alternative Wastewater Treatment (CAWT) at Fleming College (Lindsay ON). 
Specific to China activities, in 2005 he was a Visiting Senior Scholar at Fudan University (supported by a China-Canada Scholars Exchange Program scholarship), where he developed new partnerships in the research theme area. He has been a Visiting Professor in the State Key Laboratory of Estuarine and Coastal Research, East China Normal University (Shanghai), and he is a co-founding member of the Fudan-Queen’s Sino-Canada Center for Environment and Sustainable Development. Through this Centre, new relationships and research collaborations have been formed with China Agricultural University (2010), Jilin University (2010), Tianjin University (2011), Nankai University (2015) and Sichuan Agricultural University (2012). Continuing research partnerships mainly focus on the development of appropriate and sustainable passive technologies (e.g. constructed wetlands), as an approach for resolving the substantial need for source water protection in China. A significant milestone was achieved in 2015 with Dr. Anderson’s appointment in the High End Foreign Expert Recruitment program of the State Administration for Foreign Expert Affairs, held with the College of Water Sciences, Beijing Normal University. In June 2016 Dr. Anderson was nominated as a Fellow of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering, based in large part on his China work. He is currently an Adjunct Professor in the School of Architecture (Dept. of Landscape Architecture), Tianjin University, where he continues research, teaching and supervisory activities. 

Recent publications (student authors in italics)

i) Refereed Journals

Liu Y, Yang D, Anderson BC 2022. How social capital influences community resilience management development. Environmental Science and Policy, 136:642-651.

Yang, D, Zhao X, Anderson BC 2022. Integrating Sponge City requirements into the management of urban development land: An improved methodology for Sponge City implementation. Water, 14: 1156.

Liu Q, Yang D, Cao L, Anderson BC 2022. Assessment and prediction of carbon storage based on land use/land cover dynamics in the tropics: A case study of Hainan Island, China. Land, 11: 244.

Zhang K, Qing J, Chen Y, Liu X, Fu X, Jiang B, Luo H, Yang J, Xue R, Anderson BC, Li M, Li X, Wei Chen, Fan L, Zhang X 2022. Treatment try of simulated agricultural surface runoff pollution by using a novel biomass concentrator reactor. J Environmental Management, 304:114272.

Luo H, Li X, Chen Y, Liu X, Zhang K, Fu X, Jiang B, Xue R, Yang J, Li M, Li X, Chen W, Fan L, Chen F, Zhang X, Anderson BC 2022. Field engineering application of agricultural farmland surface runoff pollution treatment by combined bioreactor and constructed wetlands. International J Environmental Science and Technology, 19:5493-5510.

Fan L, Wang J, Liu X, Luo H, Zhang K, Fu X, Li M, Li X, Jiang B, Chen J, Fu S, Mo Y, Li L, Chen W, Cheng L, Chen F, Ji L, Ma D, Zhang X, Anderson BC 2020. Whether the carbon emission from green roofs can be effectively mitigated by recycling waste building material as green roof substrate during five-year operation? Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27:40893-40906.

Xue R, Liu X, Fu X, Luo H, Zhang K, Anderson BC, Li M, Huang B, Yu L, Li X, Fu S, Pu A, Fan L, Chen W 2020. Characteristics of methane emissions in the Living Water Garden in Chengdu City from 2012 to 2017. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 27:39531-39546.

Fatehi-Pouladi S, Anderson BC, Wootton B, Wallace SJ, Bissegger S, Rozema L, Weber KP 2020. Influence of plant species on microbial activity and denitrifier population development in vegetated denitrifying wood-chip bioreactors. Plants, 9(3):289.

Xie E, Wei X, Ding A, Zheng L, Wu X, Anderson BC 2020. Short-term effects of salt stress on the amino acids of Phragmites australis root exudates in constructed wetlands. Water, 12(2):569.

Liu X, Wang J, Fu X, Luo H, Anderson BC, Zhang K, Li M, Huang B, Fan L, Yu L, He G, Zou L, Fu S, Hu L, Jiang M 2019. Methane emissions driven by adding a gradient of ethanol as carbon source in integrated vertical-flow constructed wetlands. Water, 11(5):1086.

Yang D, Han Y, Cao L, Anderson BC 2019. Research of urban community road system layout optimization strategy based on simulation analysis of generation and concentration. Landscape Architecture, 26(10):101-106.

Liu X, Fu X, Pu A, Zhang K, Luo H, Anderson BC, Li M, Huang B, Hu L, Fan L, Chen W, Chen J, Fu S 2019. Impact of external carbon source addition on methane emissions from a vertical subsurface-flow constructed wetland. Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, 9:331-348.

Fatehi-Pouladi S, Anderson BC, Wootton B, Button M, Bissegger S, Rozema L, Weber KP 2019. Interstitial water microbial communities as an indicator of microbial denitrifying capacity in wood-chip bioreactors. Science of the Total Environment, 655:720-729.

Li X, Ding A, Zheng L, Anderson BC, Kong L, Wu A, Xing L 2018. Relationship between design parameters and removal efficiency for constructed wetlands in China. Ecological Engineering, 123:135-140.

Liu X, Zhang K, Fan L, Luo H, Jiang M, Anderson BC, Li M, Huang B, Yu L, He G, Wang J, Pu A, 2018. Intermittent micro-aeration control of methane emissions from an integrated vertical-flow constructed wetland during agricultural domestic wastewater treatment. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 25:24426-24444.

Wang M, Zhu Y, Cheng L, Anderson BC, Zhao X, Wang D, Ding A 2018. Review on utilization of biochar for metal-contaminated soil and sediment remediation. J Environmental Sciences63:156-173.

Husk BR, Sanchez JS, Anderson BC, Whalen JK, Wootton BC 2018. Removal of phosphorus from agricultural subsurface drainage water with woodchip and mixed-media bioreactors. J Soil and Water Conservation73(3):265-275.

Pouladi SFAnderson BC, Wootton B, Rozema L 2017. Evaluation of passive reduction of nitrate from greenhouse effluent by planted bioreactors. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply17(6):1764-1773.

Yu L, Li C, Anderson BC, Zhang S, Shi X, Zhao S 2017. A modified QWASI model for fate and transport modeling of mercury between the water-ice-sediment in Lake Ulansuhai. Chemosphere176:117-124.

Husk B, Anderson BC, Whalen JK, Sanchez JS 2017. Reducing nitrogen contamination from agricultural subsurface drainage with denitrification bioreactors and controlled drainage. Biosystems Engineering, 153:52-62.

Paul AS, Anderson BC 2016. Batch sorption experimental study for phosphorus removal mechanisms using wetland gravel medium. International J Environmental Protection6(1):104-109.

Pouladi SFAnderson BC, Wootton B, Rozema L 2016. Evaluation of phytodesalination potential of vegetated bioreactors treating greenhouse effluent. Water8(6):233.

Wu J, Feng Y, Dai Y, Cui N, Anderson BC, Cheng S 2016. Biological mechanisms associated with triazophos (TAP) removal by horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands (HSFCW). Science of the Total Environment553:13-19.

Xie E, Ding A, Zheng L, Dou J, Anderson BC, Huang X, Jing R 2016. Screening and characterizing a denitrifying phosphorus-accumulating bacterium isolated from a circular plug-flow reactor. Environmental Technology37(22):2823-2829.

Chouinard AAnderson BC, Wootton BC, Huang JJ 2015. Comparative study of cold-climate constructed wetland technology in Canada and northern China for water resource protection. Environmental Reviews23:367-381.

Li C, Champagne P, Anderson BC 2015. Enhanced biogas production from anaerobic co-digestion of municipal wastewater treatment sludge and fat, oil and grease (FOG) by a modified two-stage thermophilic digester system with selected thermo-chemical pre-treatment. Renewable Energy83:474-482.

Luo H, Liu X, Anderson BC, Zhang K, Li X, Huang B, Li M, Mo Y, Fan L, Shen Q, Chen F, Jiang M 2015. Carbon sequestration potential of green roofs using mixed-sewage-sludge substrate in Chengdu World Modern Garden City. Ecological Indicators49: 247-259.

Huang J, Gao X, Balch G, Wootton B, Jørgensen SE, Anderson BC 2014. Modelling of vertical subsurface flow constructed wetlands for treatment of domestic sewage and stormwater runoff by SubWet 2.0. Ecological Engineering74:8-12.

Chouinard A, Yates CN, Balch GC, Jørgensen SE, Wootton BC, Anderson BC 2014. Management of tundra wastewater treatment wetlands within a lagoon/wetland hybridized treatment system using the SubWet 2.0 wetland model. Water6:439-454.

Li C, Champagne P, Anderson BC 2014. Anaerobic co-digestion of municipal organic wastes and pre-treatment to enhance biogas production from waste. Water Science & Technology69(2):443-450.

Kozuskanich JC, Novakowski KS, Anderson BC, Crowe AS, Balakrishnan VK 2014. Anthropogenic impacts on a bedrock aquifer at the village scale. Ground Water52(3):474-486.

Li C, Champagne P, Anderson BC 2013. Biogas production performance of mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic co-digestion with fat, oil and grease in semi-continuous flow digesters: effects of temperature, hydraulic retention time and organic loading rate. Environmental Technology34(13-14):2125-2133.

Li C, Champagne P, Anderson BC 2013. Effects of ultrasonic and thermo-chemical pre-treatments on methane production from fat, oil and grease (FOG) and synthetic kitchen waste (KW) in anaerobic co-digestion. Bioresource Technology130:187-197.

Speer S, Champagne P, Anderson BC 2013. Using fundamental hydrogeological equations to monitor the effects of clogging and media consolidation on the hydraulic regime of a vertical subsurface flow treatment system. J Env Management118:11-20.

Kozuskanich JC, Novakowski KS, Anderson BC 2012. Influence of piezometer construction on groundwater sampling in fractured rock. Ground Water50(2):266-278.

Kozuskanich JC, Novakowski KS, Anderson BC 2012. Discretizing a discrete fracture model for simulation of radial transport. Water Resources Research 48(3), W03602, doi:10.1029/2010WR010364 (published on-line 16 March 2012).

Speer S, Champagne P, Anderson BC 2012. Pilot-scale comparison of two hybrid-passive landfill leachate treatment systems operated in a cold climate. Bioresource Technology104:119-126.

Snow AAnderson BC, Wootton B 2012. Flow-through land-based aquaculture wastewater and its treatment in subsurface flow constructed wetlands. Environmental Reviews20:54-69.

Sikdar AAnderson BC 2011. Phosphorus removal by blast furnace slag and cement clinker - flow cell studies for estimation of sorptive capacity for use in constructed treatment wetlands. Water Quality Research J Canada46(4):300-311.

Speer S, Champagne P, Anderson BC 2011.  Treatability study of two hybrid-passive treatment systems for landfill leachate operated at cold temperature. Water Quality Research J Canada46(3):230-238.

Li C, Champagne P, Anderson BC 2011. Evaluating and modeling biogas production from municipal fat, oil and grease and synthetic kitchen waste in anaerobic co-digestions. Bioresource Technology102(20):9471-9480.

Kozuskanich J, Novakowski K, Anderson BC 2011. Fecal indicator bacterial variability in samples pumped from monitoring wells. Ground Water49(1):43-52.

Song J, An D, Anderson BC 2010. A survey of current drinking water supply for Shanghai. Int J Advanced Materials Research113-114: 68-70.

An D, Song J, Anderson BC 2010. Integrated treatment methods for safe drinking water purification in Shanghai. Int J Advanced Materials Research113-114: 100-102. 

Pierre J, Bisby L, Anderson BC, MacDougall C 2010. Thermal performance of green roof panels in sub-zero temperatures. J Green Building5(2):91-104.

ii)Refereed Conference Proceedings

Fatehi-Pouladi S, Anderson BC, Wootton B, Rozema L, Bissegger S, Weber KP. Microbial catabolic activity and denitrifier population characterization in vegetated denitrifying wood-chip bioreactors 2018. IWA Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control (ICWS 2018), Valencia, Spain: 317-320.

Anderson BC 2018. Recent advances in agricultural end-of-field treatment systems for nutrient control. Qingdao International Water Conference 2018, Qingdao, China (invited Keynote).

Yang D, Zhao X, Cao L, Anderson BC 2018. Investigation of sponge system construction and operation by coupling green and grey infrastructure for stormwater management. 6th Annual Int Conf on Architecture and Civil Engineering (ACE 2018), Singapore (abs).

Anderson BC, Cao L, Yang D 2018. Regional planning and public participation for successful green infrastructure and low impact development (LID) implementation. 4th Int Conf on Water Resource and Environment (WRE 2018), 17-21 July 2018, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan (invited).

Anderson BC, Husk B, Whalen J, Pouladi SF, Sanchez JS, Wootton B, Luo H 2017. Innovative treatment options in agricultural areas and agri-food industries for sustainable source water protection. ABS 2017 (3rd Int Conf on Agricultural and Biological Sciences), Qingdao, Shandong, China, 13-14 (abs; invited).

Pouladi SFAnderson BC, Wootton B, Rozema L, Weber K, Bissegger S 2017. Assessment of microbial community function and development of denitrifying capacity in vegetated wood-chip bioreactors treating greenhouse effluent. CSCE Annual Conference (15th Int Conf on Environmental Engineering), Vancouver BC (on-line; 10p).

Anderson BC, Husk BR, Whalen JK, Sanchez JS, Hulley M, Wootton B 2016. Protecting freshwater lakes by reducing diffuse agricultural pollution with end-of-field technologies. The National Water and Wastewater Conference (CWWA/CAWQ), Toronto ON (on-line ppt).

Pouladi SFAnderson BC, Wootton B, Rozema L 2016. Evaluation of passive reduction of salts and nitrate from greenhouse effluent by planted bioreactors. 13th IWA Specialized Conf on Small Water and Wastewater Systems/5th IWA Specialized Conf on Resource-Oriented Sanitation,  Athens, Greece (10p).

Anderson BC 2016. Improved application of green infrastructure and low impact development (LID) through regional planning and public participation: Canadian case studies. SATEC 2016 (Sino-American Technology & Engineering Conf), Jinan, China (9p).

Anderson BC 2015. Balancing urban development and water eco-environmental protection in the city of the future. Chinese Hydraulic Engineering Society Annual Conf (International Session, Keynote Address), Hohai University, Nanjing, China (abs).

Anderson BC, Husk B, Duteau M, Wootton B, Hulley M, Whalen J 2014. Integrated passive watershed-based approaches to restoration of algae-impacted freshwater lakes. 13th IWA Specialist Conf Watershed and River Basin Management, San Francisco, CA (4p).

Anderson BC 2014. Linking urban development, wetland conservation and source water protection: the case for integrated green infrastructure. SATEC ’14 (Sino-American Technology & Engineering Conf), Suzhou, China (9p).

Li C, Champagne P, Anderson BC 2013. Enhanced biogas production from anaerobic co-digestion of municipal sludge and fat, oil and grease (FOG) by upgraded two-stage thermophilic digester system with thermo-chemical pre-treatment. IWA Holistic Sludge Management, Västerås, Sweden (12p).

Li C, Champagne P, Anderson BC 2013. Enhanced biogas production from anaerobic co-digestion of municipal wastewater treatment sludge and fat, oil and grease (FOG) by a modified two-stage thermophilic digester system with selected temperature, hydraulic retention time, organic loading rate and thermo-chemical pre-treatment. 14th Int Waste Management and Landfill Symp, Sardinia, Italy (10p; invited speaker).

Sansford LMAnderson BC, Wootton B 2012. Field scale performance of phosphorus removal in post-wetland slag filters treating aquaculture wastewater in cold climates. IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery 2012: Trends in NRR, Harbin, China, CD (10p).

Anderson BC, Husk B, Duteau M, Wootton B, Hulley M 2012. Lake restoration through integrated watershed management: nutrient control in agricultural field drainage. IWA Nutrient Removal and Recovery 2012: Trends in NRR, Harbin, China, CD (8p).

Li C, Champagne P, Anderson BC 2012. Using anaerobic co-digestion processes to enhance biogas production from municipal organic wastes at wastewater treatment plants. 12th Int Env Specialty Conf (CSCE), Edmonton AB, CD (10p).

Speer S, Champagne P, Anderson BC 2012. Naturalized leachate treatment systems for source water protection in a cold climate. 5th Int Perspective on Water Resources & the Env (Env & Water Resources Institute, ASCE), Marrakech, Morocco, CD (4p).

Speer S, Champagne P, Anderson BCMaier A 2012. Optimization of a pump-and-treat management plan for a closed landfill using hydrologic modeling techniques: Belle Park, Kingston, Ontario, Canada. 5th Int Perspective on Water Resources & the Env (Env & Water Resources Institute, ASCE), Marrakech, Morocco, CD (5p).

Major J, Husk B, Anderson BC 2010. The use of biochar as a soil amendment in Québec: Potential for crop yield improvements and the reduction of phosphorus mobility on highly manured soils. DIPCON 2010 (14th Int Conf, IWA Diffuse Pollution Specialist Group), Quebec City QC (poster).

Anderson BC, An D, Lucas A 2010. Demonstrating water stewardship through integrated wastewater management: the City of Kingston, Ontario, Canada. 2nd Int Conf on Waste Engineering and Management, Shanghai, China, 865-874.

Snow AAnderson BC, Wootton B 2010. Treatment performance of a cold climate hybrid subsurface flow constructed wetland receiving land-based aquaculture wastewater during the first 2 years of operation.  12th Int Conf on Wetland Systems for Water Pollution Control (IWA), Venice, Italy, 957-964.

Li C, Champagne P, Anderson BC 2010. Evaluation of municipal organic waste biogas production potential in anaerobic digestion processes. Venice 2010 3rd Int Symp on Energy from Biomass and Waste (Int Waste Working Group), Venice, Italy, CD (19p).

Li C, Champagne P, Anderson BC 2010. Enhanced methane production from municipal organic waste using anaerobic co-digestion processes. Pacifichem 2010 (Int Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies), Honolulu HI (poster).

Anderson BC, Husk B, Wootton B, McClure CSnow A 2010. Watershed approaches for nuisance algae control in small freshwater lakes: field investigations. CSCE 2010 Int Env Specialty Conf, Winnipeg MB, CD (10p).

Speer S, Champagne P, Anderson BC 2010. From problem statement to pilot scale: a hybrid passive treatment system for landfill leachate in North Bay, Ontario, Canada. ASCE Env and Water Resources 2010 Congress, Providence RI, CD (12p).


iii) Refereed Contributions: Books/Chapters in Books

Luo H, Liu X, Zhang K, Li M, Huang B, Zhang F, Anderson BC, Fan L, Chen F, Fu S, Pan Z 2015. Driven Mechanism and Emission Control on Methane Greenhouse Emission during Rural Sewage Non-point Source Pollution Treatment by Vertical-flow Constructed Wetlands. Science Press (China), ISBN 978-7-03-045590-1.

Chouinard A, Balch GC, Wootton BC, Jørgensen SE, Anderson BC 2014. Sub-Wet 2.0: Modelling the performance of treatment wetlands. Chapter 19, Ecological Modelling and Engineering of Lakes and Wetlands (Developments in Environmental Modelling Vol. 26). Jørgensen SE, Chang N-B, Xu F-L (eds), Elsevier B.V., Oxford UK.

Anderson BC 2009. Sustainable Infrastructure: Ravensview Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade. In The Story of Brownfields Development and Smart Growth In Kingston, Ontario: From Contamination to Revitalization, Welbourn P, Cleghorn H, Davis J, Rose S (eds), Classroom Complete Press, 325p.

Ren W, Meligrana J, Zhang Z, Anderson BC 2009. Balancing Economic Development and Environmental Protection: A Discussion of China’s Hydroelectric Dam Projects. In Economic Transitions with Chinese Characteristics: Thirty Years of Reform and Opening Up, Zhang J and Sweetman A (eds.), McGill-Queen’s University Press, Vol 1:183-198.

iv)Non-refereed Contributions: Conference Proceedings, Forum Publications (np = no paging of conference proceedings; ab = abstract published; ppt = slideshow published)

Lui Q, Yang D, Anderson BC. Assessment and distribution of ecotourism development potential in ecologically fragmented areas: An empirical study in a tropical city. Urban Transitions 2022, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain (accepted).

Han Y, Anderson BC, Yang D 2019. What’s the best way to protect cities from stormwater problems? The Beaty Water Research Forum, Queen’s University, Kingston, ON (poster).

Han Y, Yang D, Anderson BC, Cao L, Liu Y 2018. Impact of road layout patterns on the processes of runoff generation and concentration: Case study of a collection of residential areas in Tianjin, China. Urban Transitions 2018, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain (poster).

Liu Y, Yang D, Anderson BC, Cao L, Han Y 2018. How social capital supports urban resilience: Developing a community involvement management framework. Urban Transitions 2018, Sitges, Barcelona, Spain (ab).

Anderson BC 2018. Stormwater management, low impact development and resilient cities: Canadian approaches to ‘Sponge City’. Chinese Society of Landscape Architecture, Annual Meeting of the Specialized Committee on Urban Greening, 29-30 July 2018, Zhuhai, China (invited).

Anderson BC 2018. Recent advances in agricultural end-of-field treatment systems for nutrient control. Nankai University SCWE 2018 International Talent Forum, Nankai University, Tianjin, China (invited).

Jewitt NAnderson BC, Wootton B, Balch G 2014. A metal oxide sorbent study for use at a land-based fishery to reach protective phosphorus discharge limits. 6th Canadian Wastewater Management Conf & 49th Central Canadian Symp on Water Quality Research, Niagara-on-the-Lake ON (ab).

Fatehi Pouladi SAnderson BC, Wootton B, Rozema L 2013. Enhanced management of greenhouse effluents using passive treatment technologies. 28th Eastern Canadian Symp on Water Quality Research, Kingston ON (poster).

Husk B, Anderson BC, Hulley M, Sturley B 2013. Demonstration low impact development project for control of nutrient loadings to an algae-impacted lake. 28th Eastern Canadian Symp on Water Quality Research, Kingston ON (poster).

Jewitt NAnderson BC, Wootton B 2013. Comparison of ferric and aluminum oxides as a phosphorus adsorbent for land based fisheries. 28th Eastern Canadian Symp on Water Quality Research, Kingston ON (poster).

Anderson BC, Husk B, Duteau M, Wootton B, Hulley M, Whalen J 2013. Passive nutrient control in agricultural field drainage: an important component of the restoration of algae-impacted freshwater lakes. NALMS 2013Lake Management in an Era of Uncertainty, San Diego CA (ab).

Anderson BC 2013. Linking urban development, wetland conservation and source water protection: the case for green infrastructure. Wetland Conservation and Green Transformation, Yangtze Wetland Protected Area Network Annual Conference 2013 and Sub-forum of Eco-Forum Global, Guiyang (Guizhou), China (ppt).

Sansford LAnderson BC, Wootton B, Jewitt N 2013. Passive on-site approaches for effective nutrient removal from aquaculture wastewaters to provide enhanced source water protection in remote locations. Aquaculture Canada 2013, Guelph ON (4 pg).

Luo H, Anderson BC, Liu X, Zhang K, Huang B, Li X, Hu L, Zhang W 2013. Methane emissions during constructed wetland treatment of stormwater runoff from a comprehensive agricultural production exchange market. 5th Canadian Wastewater Management Conf & 48th Central Canadian Symp on Water Quality Research, Hamilton ON (ab).

Chouinard AAnderson BC, Wootton B, Rozema L, Huang J 2013. Exporting Canada’s constructed wetland technology for surface water improvement in urbanized northern China. 5th Canadian Wastewater Management Conf & 48th Central Canadian Symp on Water Quality Research, Hamilton (poster).

Anderson BC, Husk B, Duteau M, Wootton B, Hulley M 2012. Field-based proof of concept for control of diffuse nutrient loadings to small freshwater lakes impacted by harmful algae blooms. CAWQ 27th Eastern Regional Symp, Sherbrooke QC (ab).

Yang DAnderson BCChouinard A 2012. Multi-functional wetlands and landscape design to advance Chinese ecological infrastructure development. CAWQ 47th Central Canadian Symp on Water Quality Research, Burlington ON (ab).

Kozuskanich JC, Novakowski KS, Anderson BC 2011. The potential for anthropogenic contamination of groundwater in a bedrock aquifer having variable overburden cover in a semi-rural setting. National Groundwater Assoc Groundwater Summit, Baltimore MD (presentation).

Shane AAnderson BC, Wootton B 2011. Floating wetlands for improved treatment in stormwater ponds. AD Latornell Conservation Symp, Alliston ON (poster). 1st place Poster competition.

Anderson BCKolijn D 2011. Successful low impact development: reducing stormwater runoff through public engagement, consultation and participation. 2nd Edition Int Forum on Integrated Water Management (Tools for Action), Sherbrooke QC (ab).

Anderson BCShane A, Wootton B, Clark J 2011. Cost effective applied phytotechnologies for improved treatment in stormwater management ponds.  2nd Edition Int Forum on Integrated Water Management (Tools for Action), Sherbrooke QC (ab).

Anderson BC 2011. The routes (and roots) to China’s water security: applied phytotechnologies for source water protection. China Hydraulic Engineering Society Annual Academic Conf – Int Session. Beijing, China (presentation).

Speer S, Champagne P, Anderson BC 2011. Sustainable landfill leachate treatment in a cold climate hybrid-passive system at the Merrick Landfill in North Bay, Ontario, Canada. 242nd ACS National Meeting (American Chemical Society), Denver CO (ab).

Li C, Champagne P, Anderson BC, 2011. Biogas production from municipal available organic wastes in wastewater treatment plants: co-digestion, pre-treatment and modeling. 94th Canadian Society for Chemistry Conf, Montreal QC (np).

Anderson BC, Wootton B 2011. The use of constructed wetland treatment technologies for land-based fish hatchery wastewaters. 4th Canadian Wastewater Management Conf (CWWA), Toronto ON (ppt).

Snow ASansford LAnderson BC, Wootton B, Rozema L 2011. The use of a constructed wetland for the treatment of concentrated effluent from a salmonid raceway fish hatchery. Aquaculture Canada 2011 (Aquaculture Assoc of Canada), Quebec City QC (ab).

Shane AAnderson BC, Wootton B 2011. Floating wetlands for enhanced treatment in stormwater management ponds. CAWQ 46th Central Canadian Symp on Water Quality Research, Burlington ON (ab).

Sansford LAnderson BC, Wootton B, Blowes D 2011. Phosphorus removal performance in field scale slag filters providing secondary treatment in an integrated constructed wetland treating aquacultural wastewater in cold climates. CAWQ 46th Central Canadian Symp on Water Quality Research, Burlington ON (ab).

Speer S, Champagne P, Anderson BC 2011. Treatability study of two hybrid passive systems for control of landfill leachate at cold temperature. CAWQ 46th Central Canadian Symp on Water Quality Research, Burlington ON (ab).

Baker J, St. Marseille J, Anderson BC 2010. A recycled media on-site sewage treatment system. Ontario Onsite Wastewater Assoc Annual Conf, London ON (ab).

St. Marseille J, Harvey T, Sterne L, Anderson BC 2010. Planning for advanced secondary treatment upgrades in the Quinte RAP - Napanee Water Pollution Control Plant. 17th Annual Conf on the Great Lakes/St. Lawrence River Ecosystem, St. Lawrence River Institute of Environmental Sciences, Cornwall ON (ab).

Anderson BC, Meligrana J 2010. The Fraser River: A Canadian case study in sustainable estuary management. 1st World Estuary Alliance Conf 2010, Shanghai, China (extended ab).

Please note: As of 1 January 2019 I have retired from Queen’s University and I am unable to accept new personnel into my research program

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