For 125 years, our graduates have influenced Canada and the world. Designers. Executives. Programmers. Doctors. Inventors. Astronauts. With over 20,000 Queen’s Engineering alumni around the world, we have leaders in nearly every sector and community. It’s time to come together and celebrate our accomplishments in all of the diverse ways that our graduates improve the world around us.

In 2018-2019, the Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science marked its 125th anniversary with a series of events to celebrate outstanding alumni, students, faculty, and staff.

black/white photo of football players with Queen's on back of jerseys

Community Involvement

Our students, alumni, faculty and staff have done some incredible things over the years. Check out the 125th Anniverary Awards listed below!

Queen’s Engineering 125th Anniversary Awards

In honour of our 125th anniversary, we asked our community to nominate classmates, colleagues, family, and friends who are leading interesting lives and making noteworthy contributions to society. The response was overwhelming and indicative of the calibre of our Engineering community. Engineering excellence takes many forms, and our award recipients are being honoured for their commitments to engineering, to industry and business, to their communities, and to our world.

Erum Afsar, BSc'95
Paul Amyotte, MSc'79
Ian Baines, BSc’74
Eric Baker, BSc'56
Russ Barss, BSc'83
Robert Beamish, BSc'60, LLD'11
Ross Beaty, Parent
Gordon Bell, BSc'80
Edward Birchnall, BSc'99
John Brace, BSc'80
Richard Brock, BSc'69
Robert Buchan, MSc'72
Jennifer Buechel, BSc'92, BA'97
Robert Burnside*, BSc'56
Michael D. Carson, BSc'69
Bruce Chernoff, BSc'87
Michael Chernoff, BSc'59
Joan Chinnery, BSc'83
Emily Colombo, BSc'12
Andrea Corey, BSc'98
Katherine Crewe, BSc'81
Dessy Daskalov, BSc'08
Mitchell Debora, BSc'14
Shelly Deitner, BSc'03
Jerry del Missier, BSc'85, MBA'87
David Dempster, BSc'81
Robert Dengler, BSc'65, DSc'88
Gururaj 'Desh' Deshpande, PhD'79, DSc'17
Mervin Dewasha, BSc'71
Richard Dobson, BSc'68
John (Jay) Doering, BSc'84
Hendrik Doornekamp, BSc'73
Kevin Doucette, BSc'02
Andrew Dunin, BSc'83, MBA'87
Vello Ehvert, BSc'83
Catherine Ella, BSc'83
Blair Erskine, BSc'54
John Estey, BSc'72
William (Mac) Evans, BSc'64, LLD'14
David Field, BSc'84
Donald Gamble, BSc'68
John Gamble, BSc'87
Ryan Grant, BSc'04, MSc'07, PhD'12
Alan Hallworth, BSc'59
Caroline Hargrove, BSc'89
Keith Harman, BSc'67, PhD'72
David Hayes, BSc'14
Evan Hazell, BSc'81
Greg Heath, BSc'96
Jerry Heffernan, LLD'79
Max Howarth, BSc'14
Jon Jennekens, BSc'56
Heather Kennedy, BSc'80
Tom Kennedy, BSc'73
Brenda Kenny, BSc'83
Lindley Kenny, BSc'15
Peter Kenny, BSc'55
Douglas King, BSc'69
Tim Kitchen, BSc'86
F.C. Kohli, BSc'48, DSc'07
Marvin Kriluck, BSc'59
Bruce Lampard, BSc'91
Brian Lee, BSc'88
Frank Lee*, BSc'45
Erica Lee Garcia, BSc'00
Douglas Little, BSc'92
Brian Livingston, BSc'76
Kathleen Llewellyn-Thomas, BSc'81
Norman Loveland, BSc'65
Stephen Lucas, BSc'84
Donald MacDiarmid, BSc'82
Susan MacDougall, BSc'05
Allan MacRae, BSc'71
David Malcolm, BSc'80, MSc'94
Janet Mason, BSc'81
Thomas McCavour, BSc'52
Richard McCreary, BSc'85, MSc'90
David McDonnell, BA'92, BSc'93, MBA’01
Donald McGeachy*, BSc'40
Michael McNally, BSc'68
Laurie Metcalfe, BSc'97
Bruce Miller, BSc'72
Diane Neil Mills, BSc'81
Bruce Mitchell, BSc'68
Kevin Musselman, BSc'04
Mark Nelson, BSc'08, PhD'13
Joel Nodelman, BSc'78, MSc'81
Michael Norris, BSc'75
Michael O'Connor, BSc'68, PhD'76, DSc’92
David Pakrul, BSc'69
David Parkes, BSc'68
Scott Parkes, BSc'92
Robert Peterson, BSc'59, MSc'61
James Pillsworth, BSc'09
Anne Poschmann, BSc'78
Kalev Pugi*, MSc'55
Queen's Young Engineering Alumni (QYEA)
Veena Rawat, PhD'73
Donald Raymond, BSc'84, PhD'88
Theresa Redburn, BSc'85
Robert Rehder, BSc'50
David Evans Reid, BSc'65
David Reid, BSc'67, MDiv'70
Sue Riddell-Rose, BSc'86
Elizabeth Rivera Hartling, BSc'08
Ronald Roberts, BSc'65, MSc'66
H. Barry Robins, BSc'64
Michele Romanow, BSc'07, MBA’08
Phil Sager, BSc'03
Chris Sattler, BSc'98
Wayne Savigny, BSc'71
Nancy Scarth, BSc'49
David Sanborn Scott, BSc'59, MSc'63
Mark Semple, BSc'12
Kathleen Sendall, BSc'77
Mike Serbinis, BSc'96
Ayon Shahed, BSc'08, MEng'10
William Slavin, BSc'84
Stephen Smith, BSc'72, LLD'17
Frank Smoke, BSc'45
Ted Splinter, BSc'91
Lora Sprigings, BSc'90, B.Ed.'13
Robert Strickert, BSc'71
Kim Sturgess, BSc'77, DSc'16
Kathleen Surra, BSc'05, MEng'07
Michelle Thompson ArtSci'11, BSc'11
Adam Timmermans, BSc'11
Mary Ann Turcke, BSc'88, MBA'97
Jeff van Steenbergen, BSc'77
Anita Vandervalk Ostrander, BSc'89
Bert Wasmund, BSc'61, MSc'63, DSc'08
Rebecca White, BSc'01
Alan Winter, PhD'74
Bill (William) Young, BSc'77
Peter Zandbergen, BSc'03

* Awarded Posthumously

Dr. Barrington deVere Batchelor*
Dr. Tim Bryant
Dr. John Cartledge
Dr. Michael Cunningham
Dr. Mark Diederichs
Dr. Genevieve Dumas
Dr. Mark Green
Dr. John Hanes
Dr. Patrick Oosthuizen
Dr. Raymond Price
Dr. Kerry Rowe
Dr. Paresh Sen
Dr. Carolyn Small*
Dr. Ralph Whitney

* Awarded Posthumously

crowd cheering at Homecoming game