The former Physical Education Centre has been dramatically transformed to accommodate three of the Principal’s top priorities, including establishing a new space for Smith Engineering at Queen's, a home for campus-wide innovation initiatives, and a contemporary and integrated space for a centralized student wellness centre.

Situated in Mitchell Hall, the Engineering Innovation Commons is a dedicated space for bringing our engineering community together. This leading-edge facility combines innovative undergraduate teaching facilities, world-leading research facilities, and innovation programming in one space.

The generous donors who contributed to the “Inspiring Spaces” building fund understand the value of an inclusive, interdisciplinary environment – and their generosity is providing the necessary physical space to build community and stimula te new ideas. New undergraduate teaching and design studios, interdisciplinary research clusters, and flexible innovation spaces bring together professors, undergraduate and graduate students from a range of disciplines to collaborate in a dynamic and academic social environment.

Mitchell Hall is home to Ingenuity Labs Research Institute, an interdisciplinary initiative at Queen’s focused on combining Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Human Machine Interaction, as well as the Beaty Water Research Centre (BWRC), an interdisciplinary centre dedicated to furthering its key pillars of research, education, and outreach around water-related issues. The BWRC fosters and supports activities under four themes: water governance, water use, water resources and water quality.

With a combined capacity of 240 students, our Technology-Enabled Active Learning Spaces, located on the second floor, are designed to promote working collaboratively.  


mocked up version of Mitchell Hall exterior
proposed second level of Mitchell Hall
Artist rendering of the interior of the Innovation and Wellness Centre
Artist rendering of the interior of the Innovation and Wellness Centre