An array of desks and chairs in the Design Studio

Room 109

  • Seats 80
  • 12 thin-client computer terminals
  • Sound system and lapel microphone
  • Lectern with thin-client computer and document camera
  • Data projector with HDMI and Mac connections

The Design Studio support teams of students working on major design projects. It is equipped with 12 thin-client computer terminals on which specialized design software is installed, including Solid Edge, Solid Works, SIMSCI Pro, Algor, CREAX, and ANSYS analysis software. The room is laid out so that instructors and teaching assistants can circulate and discuss projects with each individual team, and where class instruction and discussion can occur. The room also provides a location where faculty and students from different departments can collaborate and interact on multidisciplinary designs. The Design Studio can be used in conjunction with the Prototyping Centre, which provides staffing and equipment for manufacturing designed objects.

The room seats 80. It has whiteboards, screen and data projector. Booking is available through Queen's Central Booking.