Course work and optional project

2 academic terms (fall & winter) and a project

The department does not provide funding for MEng students. MEng students are entirely self-funded.

Program Overview

With a mixture of technical and professional skills, our Master of Engineering is designed to give you a distinct career advantage. In this coursework-based graduate program, you will learn advanced engineering skills in a specific area of specialization.

The Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering’s MEng degree has three (3) different options: course-based, course-based with academic project, and course-based with internship. Once accepted into the program, students can apply to enter the internship route.

You do not require a supervisor to apply for and be admitted to the MEng program.


Program Options

The course-based MEng program option requirements are 8 term-length graduate courses, ELEC 891 seminar course, and APSC 801 Master of Engineering Foundations course. The students must attend department seminars to complete ELEC 891, the mandatory seminar series course.

  • 4 courses must be graduate courses offered in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • 4 remaining courses may be chosen from the courses listed by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, another Queen's department, or the Royal Military College.
  • Of the 4 remaining courses a maximum of 2 fourth-year Queen's undergraduate courses or 2 double numbered graduate courses (also known as combined undergraduate/graduate course), or a combination thereof, may be taken provided that:
    1. The courses are approved by the student's supervisor or the graduate coordinator.
    2. The student has not received credit for similar courses in their bachelor's program.

 The requirements are set at the department's discretion according to the student's background. The supervisor(s) and department must approve all programs of study.

The requirements for the course-based MEng program with the academic project option are 6 term-length graduate courses, ELEC 898 Academic Project (equivalent to 2 graduate courses), ELEC 891 seminar course, and APSC 801 Master of Engineering Foundations course. The student must attend department seminars to complete ELEC 891, the mandatory seminar series course.

  • 2 courses must be graduate courses offered in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • 4 remaining courses may be chosen from the courses listed by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, another Queen's department, or the Royal Military College.
  • Of the 4 remaining courses a maximum of 2 fourth-year Queen's undergraduate courses or 2 double numbered graduate courses (also known as combined undergraduate/graduate course), or a combination thereof, may be taken provided that:
    1. The courses are approved by the student's supervisor or the graduate coordinator.
    2. The student has not received credit for similar courses in their bachelor’s program.

 The requirements are set at the department's discretion according to the student's background. The supervisor(s) and department must approve all programs of study.

ECE MEng Project Proposal Form


The requirements for the course-based MEng program with the Internship option are 7 term-length graduate courses, ELEC 895 Internship (equivalent to 1 graduate course), ELEC 891 seminar course, and APSC 801 Master of Engineering Foundations course. The student must attend department seminars to complete ELEC 891, the mandatory seminar series course.

  • 3 courses must be graduate courses offered in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
  • 4 remaining courses may be chosen from the courses listed by the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, another Queen's department, or from the Royal Military College.
  • Of the 4 remaining courses a maximum of 2 fourth-year Queen's undergraduate courses or 2 double numbered graduate courses (also known as combined undergraduate/graduate course), or a combination thereof, may be taken provided that:
    1. The courses are approved by the student's supervisor or the graduate coordinator.
    2. The student has not received credit for similar courses in their bachelor's program.

 The requirements are set at the department's discretion according to the student's background. The supervisor(s) and department must approve all programs of study.

Admission and Application

A bachelor’s degree in engineering or a closely related field.


Minimum grade requirements

Domestic Applicants

75% or B+ or Upper Second Class Standing


International Applicants

P.R. China: 75% or GPA of 3.0/4.0

India, Bangladesh & Pakistan: First class or 60%

Iran: 15/20

All others: 75%

Curriculum Vitae

Please provide a curriculum vitae with your application. We are asking for an academic curriculum vitae, which gives an overview of a student’s academic experience and academic qualifications. For example, you would include any extracurricular activities which involved applying your engineering education.


English Proficiency Requirements

Proficiency in English is a requirement for admission. Applicants whose native language is not English will be required to obtain satisfactory standing in English language proficiency tests before their application can be considered for admission. We require a minimum of 7.0 on IELTS or 65 on PTE or for TOEFL; 580 (paper-based); 237 (Computer-based); and 88 (Internet-based) with a minimum score in each of the components: Writing test 24/30, Speaking test 22/30, Reading test 22/30 and Listening test 20/30. The results must be no more than two years old.

How to Submit English Language Test Scores

The School of Graduate Studies is able to access test scores directly from TOEFL, IELTS, PTE Academic and CAEL CE databases. We do not require hard copies of your test scores sent from the testing center if we can obtain them directly from TOEFL, IELTS, PTE or CAEL.

TOEFL, PTE Academic and CAEL CE

Please ensure that you have the testing center release the TOEFL, PTE Academic, or CAEL CE score to Queen’s University (0949) and inform the School of Graduate Studies (following submission of your application) that your score report is available to retrieve electronically from the official testing center site. Email:  


Please provide the School of Graduate Studies with the TRF number found on your IELTS score report (following submission of your application) in order for us to obtain your IELTS test score electronically from the IELTS site. Email:

Hard copy test results: If you did not arrange to have the results of your English language proficiency test accessible to the School of Graduate Studies, you must request that the testing agency send us a hard copy official test results document either by email at or through regular mail (address below).

We do not require the GRE. Please do not send us official GRE scores.

Master of Engineering

  1. Fill out the application
  2. Send original, official transcripts to the School of Graduate Studies (SGS)
  3. Indicate accurate email addresses for your referees. They will be contacted and asked to supply an electronic reference.
  4. Submit payment by credit card online. 
  5. Contact professors who work in your area of interest to increase your chance of receiving an offer.

Before you begin your application, please review the graduate studies application process.

Fall Admission only

Application due: January 31 (international), March 1 (domestic).

Notification of acceptance: usually the end of April for international students.



The department does not provide funding for MEng students. MEng students are completely self-funded.

Frequently Asked Questions - coming soon

  • Career Opportunities

    Our graduates have found careers:

    • As university professors, including at the University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, Carleton University, and Institut national de la recherche scientifique (INRS)
    • With high tech companies such as AMD, BlackBerry, Ciena, Cisco Systems, Google, Huawei, IBM, Intel, Infinera, Microsoft, Nokia
    • With startup companies
    • In service sectors such as financials, pension, actuarial, intellectual property

    Interested in learning more about becoming a postdoctoral fellow? Learn more through Queen’s School of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs.


Program Contacts

  • Graduate Program Assistant
    Cheryl Wright
    613-533-6000 ext. 79307
    Walter Light Hall, Room 416

  • Graduate Program Assistant
    Debie Fraser
    Walter Light Hall , Room 416A