We invite graduate students to apply for a Teaching Assistantship. These positions involve a combination of lab instruction, running tutorials and marking of assignments and exams over the course of the 12-week term.


Teaching assistants will be required to work 84 hours of work over 1 term (12 weeks) of study. They will participate in lab and marking components as required by each course. Teaching assistants will report to the department head.




Currently enrolled in a graduate program with Queen's ECE.
Provide a valid SIN number.

How to Apply

This year we'd like to use a survey method to collect your responses. Prior to moving to the survey, complete the following steps:

  1. Download and read the TA Application Instructions below. The document contains:
      1. Responsibilities and Terms of Employment for Graduate Teaching Assistants;
      2. Notes and Important Reminders for Teaching Assistants;
      3. ECE Undergraduate Course Offerings List, 2022-2023;
      4. Additional notes related to the first year engineering course APSC 143.
Download TA Application Instructions
  1. Familiarize yourself with available for selection ECE undergraduate courses, follow the detailed ELEC and SOFT undergraduate course summaries (can be found on the ECE Department website Undergraduate Studies section.
  2. Identify your TA-ship courses of interest with ranking. Rank at least4 courses (1, 2, 3, 4, …) in the Fall, and at least 4 courses (1, 2, 3, 4, …) in the Winter term. Please note, some courses have both laboratories practical elements (L), as well as marking and/or tutorial support ( M/T).
  3. Once you have your choices confirmed, complete the survey.

Complete the Survey