We invite graduate students to apply for a Teaching Assistantship. These positions involve a combination of lab instruction, running tutorials and marking of assignments and exams over the course of the 12-week term.
Teaching assistants will be required to work 84 hours of work over 1 term (12 weeks) of study. They will participate in lab and marking components as required by each course. Teaching assistants will report to the department head.
Currently enrolled in a graduate program with Queen's ECE.
Provide a valid SIN number.
This year we'd like to use a survey method to collect your responses. Prior to moving to the survey, complete the following steps:
- Download and read the TA Application Instructions below. The document contains:
- Responsibilities and Terms of Employment for Graduate Teaching Assistants;
- Notes and Important Reminders for Teaching Assistants;
- ECE Undergraduate Course Offerings List, 2022-2023;
- Additional notes related to the first year engineering course APSC 143.
- Familiarize yourself with available for selection ECE undergraduate courses, follow the detailed ELEC and SOFT undergraduate course summaries (can be found on the ECE Department website Undergraduate Studies section.
- Identify your TA-ship courses of interest with ranking. Rank at least4 courses (1, 2, 3, 4, …) in the Fall, and at least 4 courses (1, 2, 3, 4, …) in the Winter term. Please note, some courses have both laboratories practical elements (L), as well as marking and/or tutorial support ( M/T).
- Once you have your choices confirmed, complete the survey.
Complete the Survey