Engineers have to duty to:

  • Act at all times with devotion to the high ideals of personal honour and professional integrity
  • Give proper credit for engineering work

Professional Engineers Ontario Code of Ethics, Section 77 of the O. Reg. 941
As engineers, it is expected you behave with integrity when completing your work. These policies are not meant to prohibit collaboration among students. Instead, they are implemented to ensure credit is given to the author(s). Queen’s University takes a firm stand against plagiarism and other forms of academic dishonesty. It is expected that any and all work submitted bears the names of all those contributing to it, and that you do not permit others to copy your work.

All students are expected to familiarize themselves with these policies and to conduct themselves accordingly.

Academic Integrity is a commitment to the fundamental values of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility. Academic Integrity concerns refer to issues that may involve a departure from those fundamental values. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Plagiarism
  • Use of unauthorized materials
  • Facilitation
  • Forgery
  • Falsification

Coursework-Related Departures from Academic Integrity

Should a student’s submitted coursework be suspected of containing evidence of academic dishonesty, action shall be taken, as required by Smith Engineering at Queen's or the School of Graduate Studies, or both.

Should a student be found guilty of departing from academic integrity, an instructor has the authority to impose any of the following sanctions:

  • An oral or written warning
  • A requirement that the student attend an educational program/workshop
  • A requirement that the student submit a revised or new piece of work
  • A partial or total loss of marks for the originally submitted piece of work
  • A reduction of the final grade in the course, which may include failure of the course

Master’s Essay, Master’s Thesis, Doctoral Dissertation Related Departures from Academic Integrity

Should a student be found guilty of departing from academic and/or research integrity for the research conducted for an essay, thesis, or dissertation, and/or an essay, thesis, or dissertation document itself, the Associate Dean of the School of Graduate Studies may:

  • Recommend withdrawal from the university for the maximum allowable period of time
  • Recommend that the student’s degree be rescinded

All students are recommended to review the School of Graduate Studies Academic Integrity Policy.

More information can be found by consulting Smith Engineering’s policy on Departure From Academic Integrity (DFAI), the School of Graduate Studies Academic Integrity Policy, or the University Secretariat and Legal Counsel’s Academic Integrity Policy Statement. Further information can also be found by contacting the Graduate Program Assistant in Civil Engineering.

Applying to Graduate Studies in CIVL

For general information on applying to graduate studies at Queen's, please see the School of Graduate Studies website on Application Process. The School of Graduate Studies is responsible for the initial application process.

Full details including awards/scholarships, testing requirements, preparing for graduate studies, and other documentation are clearly outlined on the School of Graduate Studies website.

Applicants are responsible for monitoring their own application process via the School of Graduate Studies portal. The department does not send updates on application status. Only successful applicants will be contacted.

The Department of Civil Engineering does not use Graduate Record Examination (GRE) to assess applications in any way. We ask that you do not submit GRE's with your application. Applicants are asked to submit two references/referees. This is to be done after the application fee is paid. At this point, an email will be sent to your references, asking them to respond.

Students can upload their transcripts electronically to the Graduate School's website. If the CIVL department determines we are willing to admit you, you will be asked to mail or courier an official, original transcript to the Queen's School of Graduate Studies at:

School of Graduate Studies
Gordon Hall, Room 425
74 Union Street
Queen's University
Kingston, Ontario
Canada K7L 3N6

Course Selection

How do I decide which courses to take?

Look at the list of courses offered for fall, winter, and summer terms. Once the schedule is arranged, decide which courses best suit your education/background. If you cannot decide on your own, set up an advising appointment. See the MEng Coordinator for the MEng program, or your supervisor if you are in a thesis-based program (MASc and PhD).

How do I register in my graduate courses?

Graduate students in CIVL register for their courses on paper using an Academic Change Form (ACF). Your name, student ID number, and program are important – please write that information at the top of the form. Where it says, “ADD” (near the bottom left side of the form) you'll see a place to fill in the courses that you wish to take.

When do I register in my graduate courses?

Graduate students in CIVL register for their courses during the first 3 weeks of the semester. We recommend students talk to instructors by attending the introductory classes for all courses they are interested in during the first few weeks of the semester. There is no pre-registration for new students in the fall term.

Can I take any course offered?

Talk to the Graduate Assistant about the requirements for your degree program in CIVL. There are limits on the level, type, or number of courses you can take. Also, you may need your supervisor’s approval and the signature of either the MEng Coordinator or Graduate Coordinator. See the degree requirements for your program above.
For the most up-to-date information, please refer to the School of Graduate Studies Application Process - Step 3: checking for any Testing Requirements.

Any applicant who has recently studied for at least one complete year at a university where English is the official language of instruction may be exempt from the English language proficiency test.

An applicant requesting a waiver of the English language proficiency test for this reason should do so in writing and submit it with the application. The Registrar of the School of Graduate Studies, in consultation with the department, will make a decision in this case.

To make this request, send your email to the Director of Admissions, School of Graduate Studies and include your full name and your applicant ID number (not the Queen’s student ID number). You will need to include your reasons for making the request in your email.
SOLUS is the online tool used by all students and staff at Queen's primarily to manage your academic and financial details during your academic career at Queen's University. It is very important to ensure your address is up to date as well as check your registration status at the start of each term. Your tuition charges will also show here. If you are ever in doubt about your student status, SOLUS is the first place to review your account.

For more information and tips, please see Queen’s Registrar- SOLUS Central. 

Queen's University International Center (QUIC) 

The International Center at Queen’s is a helpful resource for all international students. Their office has a housing registry as well as a visa advisor who may be able to assist you when you apply for a visa. They also manage the University Health Insurance Plan and many other social and informative activities.

Learn more about how QUIC can help with:

Queen's Community Housing

Queen’s University owns and maintains housing for students including two apartment complexes and a variety of apartments and houses. They operate a housing listing service where landlords can post listings specifically for students.
Students may direct inquiries to, phone 613-533-2501.


The Office of the Registrar looks after issues related to student financial accounts. Learn more about:

Additional financial assistance may be available from the Society of Graduate and Professional Students, including bursaries and opt-out options on your student fees.

Students are responsible for checking their financial status (tuition fees, student activity fees, etc.) via the Queen's University SOLUS portal. It is recommended that students check their SOLUS accounts regularly.