The Department of Civil Engineering has multiple initiatives that thrive through the support of our loyal and passionate alumni. These initiatives strive to improve undergraduate education by supporting the improvement of equipment, teaching facilities, and field education. The contributions of our alumni support us in purchasing new lab equipment, updating computing facilities and teaching laboratories, as well as offering student awards, student conference sponsorships, team sponsorships and more.

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The David J. Turcke Fund in Civil Engineering

The David J. Turcke Building Partnerships Fund in Civil Engineering recognizes one of the Smith Engineering’s most distinguished leaders. David, head of Civil Engineering from 1995 to 2005, emphasized industry partnerships and shaped the department into one of the most successful in the country.

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  • Civil Engineering Alumni News


    Alumni Conversations: Michael Chiu, Sc’82

    September 13, 2021
    Over the last four decades, Michael Chiu has been a part of planning and designing of many important transportation infrastructures in Ontario and overseas such as highways and roads, bridges, transit and transportation master plans. In this Q&A, we learn what he wishes he could have learned in his undergrad as an international student, and he shares how to find fun and opportunity in any job.