Mining Society

The Mining Society is a student-run group that plans and hosts activities for mining students. We bring mining students together and encourage everyone to get involved. We also work as a liaison between mining students, faculty members, and university groups including the Engineering Society.

Social and Academic Events

The Mining Club hosts social events to build a strong sense of community within the department. Typical events include:

We also host academic events, including a mining-focused AutoCAD workshop to help students work on their software skills.

Mining Competitions

The Mining Society puts teams together for three mining competitions:

Associations and Conferences

The Mining Society encourages participation in mining industry associations and conferences. These include the Canadian Institute of Mining (CIM); the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration (SME); the Canadian Mineral Processors (CMP); and the Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC).

Mining Society on Facebook



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    Smith Engineering Clubs  

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