Teaching Assistants

Teaching Assistant Positions

Three times a year, the Department hires Teaching Assistant to support our courses. Notifications will be shared via email and online. To apply, please follow the directions shared in the emails/postings.

Applicants will be required to submit the following:

  1. A CV
  2. An unofficial transcript
  3. A Cover Letter
  4. Ranking of their course preferences.

Also, first-time TAs will have to complete TA training. The training is five hours, and new TAs will be compensated.

Teaching Assistant Resources

Graduate Students Seminars

As part of MINE 897, M.A.Sc and Ph.D. graduate students are required to make a presentation on their research to the Department. These talks are open to all faculty, graduate students, and guests. Typically, the seminar runs during the fall and winter terms but may extend into other terms. It takes place in a regular lecture slot and the date and time varies from year to year.

MINE 897: Information for Students Presenting

The purpose of the graduate seminar is to expose the graduate students to the broad range of research carried out in the field and also to give them the opportunity to present their research to the Department. In addition to presentations by graduate students, there may be some invited speakers. Typically, M.A.Sc students give a seminar in the second year of their program and Ph.D. students in their fourth year. A seminar is a presentation of a student’s graduate research and consists of a 30-to-40-minute presentation followed by about ten minutes of questions. The seminar is evaluated by both the graduate students enrolled in the course and the Faculty.

Students must submit the title of their talk, an extended abstract, and a short biography one week before their presentation to the Graduate Assistant at mine.grad@queensu.ca. All graduate students should attend ninety percent of the presentations. If a student cannot attend the graduate seminar for a valid reason, then they should inform the Graduate Chair. Students who miss a seminar without a reasonable excuse will be deducted one mark from their presentation mark. Those who fail the seminar will be required to repeat the course.

The Paul Chick Award is given to the best graduate student presentation in MINE 897.

  • Grad Program Contact

    Graduate Program Assistant
    Araceli Zapata Perez
    613-533-6000, 76875
    Goodwin Hall, Room 354