Dr. Surgenor has a BSc in Mechanical Engineering from Queen's, an MEng from McMaster, and his PhD from Queen’s – earned while working as a sessional instructor. He has been instrumental in driving innovative research and teaching in the department since his arrival. Dr. Surgenor has held several administrative positions including Head of the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (1993-2002), Acting Head in 2007 and Associate Dean (Graduate Studies, Research and External Affairs, 2008 – 2013) and Vice-Dean (Research and Graduate Studies, 2013-2016). Dr. Surgenor believes in the importance of multi-disciplinary approaches, innovation and growth which was evident while he served as a Project Manager during the design and construction of Mitchell Hall and is currently an active member of Ingenuity Labs Research Institute.
Keyvan Hashtrudi-Zaad received his PhD in electrical and computer engineering from the University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, Canada, in 2000. As well as heading up the MRE program, he is co-director of BioRobotics Research Laboratory and a member of the Ingenuity Labs Research Institute. Dr. Hashtrudi-Zaad's research interests include control systems design for telerobots and haptic interfaces, biomedical robotics, autonomous vehicles, and system dynamics identification and modeling.
Beamish-Munro Hall, Room 112
mre.undergrad@queensu.ca for all MRE Undergraduate Program inquiries
Beamish-Munro Hall, Room 113
mre.undergrad@queensu.ca for all MRE Undergraduate Program inquiries
Contact us at mre.undergrad@queensu.ca for more information.