Smith Engineering - Current Students
General information and resources for all Smith Engineering students
Smith Engineering - Current Students
General information and resources for all Smith Engineering students
We have prepared fillable summary sheets based on your graduation year to help you keep track of your courses. The current Academic Advising tool in SOLUS has a hard time recognizing the details of our program and is often incorrect.Please use these summary sheets to track your status. Always ensure it is up to date when discussing your program with one of our program assistants.
Click on your class below to review a visual guide to your core program requirements and necessary prerequisites. This is important when considering an alternate path to graduation.
Class of 2024
Class of 2025
Class of 2026
Class of 2027
Academic Advising is available to facilitate your success in the program. The most obvious role of the Advisor is to assist students in program planning and course selection. We can also help you to understand academic regulations and/or connect you to other student services at the university.
As Student Advisors, we are happy to provide you with assistance and advice; however, please note that each student is personally responsible for meeting the graduation requirements of their own program.
Contact one of the MME Undergraduate Program Assistants if you have administrative issues concerning course registration, forms submission, schedule conflict requests, verifying your degree planning spreadsheet and other related administrative tasks.
Book an Appointment with a Program Assistant or send an email to mme.advisor@queensu.ca
Contact your MME Undergraduate Chair when you are seeking advice about the technical aspects of your program, course content and special circumstances.
Chair of Undergraduate Studies: Dept. Head & Professor, Dr. Keith Pilkey, PhD, P.Eng