The Spine Biomechanics Laboratory operates under the direction of Genevieve A. Dumas.


Our research spans a wide domain of biomechanics including occupational and clinical applications. Areas of interest include musculoskeletal disorders associated with pregnancy and with various occupational hazards, anthropometry in different populations, and related research addressing population health in developing countries.

Current Projects

Interdisciplinary Collaboration


Prof. Geneviève Dumas (Professor)

  • Dr. Andrea Hemmerich (NSERC Post-doctoral Fellow)
  • Tara Diesbourg (Ph.D. candidate)
  • Erika Jackson (M.Sc. student)

If you are a student thinking of applying to the Queen's Graduate School and are interested in pursuing a project in the area of spine biomechanics, or a related field, then send a letter of interest along with a resume to Dr. G.A. Dumas (