Looking to get a head start on your Master's?

In this program, you will complete a research project course and earn graduate course credits that will shorten the time it takes to complete your MASc degree.


Program Overview

The Accelerated Master's Degree program (“Combined BASc/MASc” or the 4+1 Program) allows MME students to begin work towards a master’s degree while completing their final year of the undergraduate degree. Under this program, undergraduate students must successfully complete a fourth-year individual research project course and may complete up to 6.0 graduate course credits that will count towards their MASc degree. Typically, the research project will be supervised by the MME faculty member who intends to become the student’s MASc thesis supervisor. It is expected that the Accelerated Master’s program will reduce the time required to complete MASc degree by one or two academic terms. The MME department will review transcripts each year and invite suitable candidates to apply for this program in their third year of study.

Admission Requirements

Students must have first class grades (GPA 3.5 and higher) and follow the application process.

How to Apply

The department invites students to the Accelerated Master’s information/recruitment session in the fall term of their third year. Undergraduate students apply to the Accelerated Master's Program during the winter term of their third year. Students accepted to the program will complete their BASc with their class cohort and are expected to complete the MASc degree 16-20 months later.

Application form coming soon. If interested, please contact the Graduate Assistant at mme.graduate@queensu.ca.

Program Timeline

Year 4 (Undergraduate)

September: Students prepare a proposal for MECH 461 (Winter term) and enroll in 2 graduate courses (1 per term).

January 31: Students submit an application to the School of Graduate Studies for admission into the MASc program.

Year 5 (Graduate Studies)

May to August: Students take 2 more graduate courses, enroll in MECH 897 (Graduate Seminar) and MECH 899 (Master's Thesis). Students will continue to research and work on their master’s thesis while funded with a minimum MASc stipend and at graduate student tuition rates. Please contact the Graduate Program Assistant for specific details on your funding.

To learn more about the program, please contact our graduate assistant.