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  • Samie, M., Aparece-Scutariu, V., Lavoie, P., Shin, D-H., and Pollard, A. Three-dimensional large-scale and very-large-scale coherent structures in a turbulent axisymmetric jet, Jn. Fluid Mechanics, Vol
  • Dorostkar, A., Boegman, L., Schweitzer, S.A. and Pollard, A. Three-dimensional numerical simulation of basin-scale internal waves in a long narrow lake. Environ Fluid Mech(2022).


  • Samie, M., Lavoie, P., Pollard, A. Quantifying eddy structures and very-large-scale motions in turbulent round jets, Jn. Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 916, A2, doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.183 February, 2021 People/Pollard/Samie-et-al-JFM-2021.pdf


  • Samie, M., Lavoie, P. and Pollard, A. A scale-dependent coherence analysis of turbulent round jets including the effects of shear layer manipulation, Intl. Jn. Heat and Fluid Flow, Vol. 82, 2020, 108524. Samie et al.IJHFF 2020.pdf


  • Pollard, A. Turbulent Round Jet Entrainment – A Historical Perspective. Invited Contribution to Professor D.B. Spalding Commemorative Volume: 50 Years of CFD in Engineering Sciences, Runchal (ed.), Springer, 2019 Pollard2019.pdf


  • Xu, M., Cheong, K-P., Mi, J. and Pollard, A. Local dissipation scales in turbulent jets, Experimental Thermal Fluid Science,May 2018, Vol. 93, Pages 178-185
  • Sadeghi, H., Lavoie, P. and Pollard, A. Effects of finite hot-wire spatial resolution on turbulence statistics and velocity spectra in a round turbulent free jet, Experiments in Fluids, March 2018, Vol. 59, Pages 40-50,


  • T. Panidis, T., Pollard, A and Schwab, R.R. The role of vorticity in the near field development of sharp-edged,    rectangular, wall jets, International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow,
  • Dorostkar, A., Boegman, L., and Pollard, A. “Three-dimensional simulation of high-frequency nonlinear internal in Cayuga Lake”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans. January 2017 DOI: 10.1002/2016JC011862
  • Davis, J., Matovic, D. and Pollard, A. The performance of resistance, inductance, and capacitance handheld meters for determining moisture content of low-carbon fuels, Fuel, 188(15) January 2017, Pages 254-266 (


  • Pollard, A., L. Danaila, L. Castillo and M. Glauser (eds.), “Whither Turbulence and Big Data in the 21st Century?”, Springer Verlag, Berlin ISBN 978-3-319-41217-7
  • Lavoie, P., Pollard, A. and Sadeghi, H. “Turbulence and Data Analytics in the 21st Century: The Round Free Jet.  In Press, Whither Turbulence and Big Data in the 21st Century? Pollard, Castillo, Danaila and Glauser (eds.) Springer Verlag, Berlin 2016
  • Sadeghi, H., Lavoie P. and Pollard, A. “Scale-by-scale budget equation and its self-preservation in the shear-layer of a free round jet”, Accepted for publication, International Journal of Heat and Fluid FlowVolume 61, Part A, October 2016, Pages 85–95. (Note parts of this paper appeared in TSFP-9)


  • Pollard, A. and P-A. Krogsted (eds.) Wall Turbulence: A colloquium under the midnight sun, Special Issue, J. Turbulence, June 2015
  • A. Vouros, T. Panidis, A. Pollard and R. Schwab, Near field vorticity distributions from a sharp-edged rectangular jet, International Jn. Heat and Fluid Flow, doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2014.10.002 (Print version: 51:383-394 2015)
  • F. Secretain, A. Pollard, M. Uddin, C. Ball, M. Ali, B. Milne, A. Hamilton and R. Tanzola, A novel software program for in vivo detection of potential air emboli during cardiac surgery, J. Cardiac Ultrasound, 13:3, January 2015 doi:10.1186/1476-7120-13-3
  • Andrews, R., Pollard, A. and Pearce, J. “Photovoltaic System Performance Enhancement With Non-Tracking Planar Concentrators: Experimental Results and Bi-Directional Reflectance Function (BDRF) Based Modelling”, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, DOI:10.1109/JPHOTOV.2015.2478064
  • H. Sadeghi, P. Lavoie and A. Pollard, Equilibrium similarity solution of the turbulent transport equation along the centreline of a round jet,  J. Fluid Mechanics, 772:740-755, May 2015 doi: 10.1017/jfm.2015.224
  • G. Leslie, A. Rutter, A. Pollard, J. Davis and D. Matovic, The Effects of Weathering on the Pyrolysis of Low-Carbon Fuels: Railway Ties and Asphalt Shingles, Fuel Processing Technology doi:10.1016/j.fuproc.2015.06.022 (June 2015)


  • H. Sadeghi, P. Lavoie and A. Pollard, The effect of Reynolds number on the scaling range along the centreline of a round turbulent jet, J. Turbulence, April 2014 DOI:10.1080/14685248.2014.906810
  • Andrews, R. W., Pollard, A., & Pearce, J. M. Photovoltaic system performance enhancement with non-tracking planar concentrators: Experimental results and BDRF based modelling. In 2013 IEEE 39th Photovoltaic Specialists Conference (PVSC) (pp. 0229–0234). IEEE.    doi:10.1109/PVSC.2013.6744136
  • J. Davis, A. Pollard and A. J. Chandler, Comparison of Variability in Dioxin and Furan Data acquired using Single Train and Simultaneous Multiple Train Stack Sampling Methods, J. of the Air and Waste Management Assoc., Accepted, May 2014
  • G. Leslie, A. Pollard*, D. Matovic, Calorimetric and heat transfer studies of the spontaneous combustion of two low carbon fuels, J. Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Vol 32:44-51, August, 2014
  • D. Nicksy, A. Pollard, D. Strong and J. Hendry, In-Situ Torrefaction and Spherical Pelletization of Partially Pre-Torrefied Hybrid Poplar, J. Biomass and Bioenergy, Volume 70, November 2014, Pages 452–460, DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.08.011
  • A. Pollard, F. Secretain and B. Milne Air and blood fluid dynamics: at the interface between engineering and medicine, J. Physics: Conference Series, Vol. 530 2014, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/530/1/012005


  • R. Andrews, A. Pollard and J. Pearce, A new method to determine the effects of hydrodynamic surface coatings on the snow shedding effectiveness of solar photovoltaic modules, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells 113 (2013) 71–78 Doi: 10.1016/j.solmat.2013.01.032
  • R. Andrews, A. Pollard and J. Pearce, The effects of snowfall on solar photovoltaic performance, J. Solar Energy, 92:84–97, Jun. 2013
  • M. Xu , A. Pollard, J. Mi, F. Secretain , H. Sadeghi, Effects of Reynolds number on some properties of a turbulent jet from a long square pipe, Phys. Fluids 25, 035102 (2013)
  • A. Mahdavifar, A. Pollard, J. Pharoah and S. Beale, Wall Proximity Effects on Flow over a Simple Membrane Spacer, Computers and Fluids, Volume 88, December 2013, Pages 180–188.
  • M. Mojab, A. Pollard, J. Pharoah, S. Beale and E. Hanff, Unsteady laminar to turbulent flow in a spacer filled channel, Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, October 2013. (DOI) 10.1007/s10494-013-9514-4
  • J. Zhang, M. Xu, A. Pollard and J. Mi, Effects of external intermittency and mean shear on the spectral inertial-range exponent in a turbulent square jet, Physical Review E, 87(5) 2013. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.87.053009


  • H. Sadeghi and A. Pollard, Effects of shear layer and potential core modifications on turbulent round jet flow using passive control rings, Phys. Fluids 24, 115103 (2012); 
  • A-M. Shinneeb and A. Pollard, Investigation of the Flow Physics in Human Pharynx/Larynx Region, Experiments in Fluids, DOI 10.1007/s00348-012-1336-y, July 2012.
  • C.G. Ball, H. Fellouah and A. Pollard, The Flow Field of a Turbulent Round Jet, Progress in Aerospace Sciences 50:1-26, February, 2012.
  • L. Wei and A. Pollard, Direct numerical simulation of low Mach number turbulent wall bounded flow with favourable and adverse pressure gradients, J. Turbulence, DOI: 10.1080/14685248.2011.652305 February 2012.
  • A. Pollard, M. Uddin, A. Shinneeb and C. Ball, Recent Advances and Key Challenges in Investigations of the Flow Inside Human Oro-Pharyngeal-Laryngeal Airway Invited article for Special Issue of Multi-disciplinary CFD in Intl J. CFD, C. Mavriplis (ed) May 2012 DOI:10.1080/10618562.2012.668616
  • A-M. Shinneeb and A. Pollard, Identification of Vortical Structures inside the Human Pharynx/Larynx Region from POD-Reconstructed Velocity Fields, Experiments in Fluids, March 2012 DOI: 10.1007/s00348-012-1293-5.
  • A. Duncan, A. Pollard and H. Fellouah, Torrefied Biomass Pellets through the use of Experimental Design, J. Applied Energy, March 2012,
  • R. Andrews, A. Pollard, and J. Pearce, Improved parametric empirical determination of module short circuit current for modelling and optimization of solar photovoltaic systems, Solar Energy, , May 2012


  • D. Bespalko, A. Pollard and M. Uddin, Analysis of the pressure fluctuations from an LBM simulation of turbulent channel flow, Computers and Fluids, October 2011 doi:10.1016/j.compfluid.2011.10.008
  • L. Wei and A. Pollard, Direct numerical simulation of compressible turbulent channel flows using discontinuous Galerkin method, Computers and Fluids, 47(1):85-100, 2011.
  • H. Raiesi, U. Piomelli and A. Pollard Evaluation of turbulence models using large-eddy simulation data, ASME, J. Fluids Engineering, February 2011 -- Volume 133, Issue 2, 021203 (10 pages) doi:10.1115/1.4003425
  • L. Wei and A. Pollard, Interactions among pressure, density, vorticity and their gradients in compressible turbulent channel flows, J. Fluid Mechanics, doi:10.1017/S0022112010006166, February 2011


  • R.K. Rowe, A. Hoor and A. Pollard, Examination of a Method for Reducing the Temperature of MSW Landfill Liners, ASCE, J. Environmental Engineering, 136(8): 794-803. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)EE.1943-7870.0000212 (2010)
  • D. Bespalko, A. Pollard and M. Uddin Direct numerical simulation of fully-developed turbulent channel flow using lattice Boltzmann method and analysis of OpenMP scalability, High Performance Computing Systems and Application, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, volume LNCS 5976, 2010, pp 1-19
  • L. Wei and A. Pollard, Direct numerical simulation of a turbulent flow with pressure gradients, Progress in Turbulence III, Proceedings of the iTi Conference in Turbulence 2008, Springer Proceedings in Physics , Vol. 131, Peinke, Joachim; Oberlack, Martin; Talamelli, Alessandro (Eds.) 2010