At the Turbulence Simulation and Modelling Laboratory (TSM Lab) Professor Piomelli and his collaborators are developing new methodologies to enable the analysis and prediction of turbulent flows, and applying these methods to study the physics of turbulence in real-life applications.


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Current members

  1. Dr. Zvi Hantsis (Postdoctoral Fellow)
  2. Mr. Nam Hoang (PhD Student)
  3. Mr. Michael Kelly (MASc Student)
  4. Mr. Antonio Mezzacapo (PhD Student)
  5. Dr. H. Katie Schreiner (Postdoctoral Fellow)

From left to right: Ambrogi, Salomone, Kelly, Secchi (visitor from KIT) Hantsis, Schreiner, Mezzacapo, Hoang.

Past members

  1. Dr. Teresa Salomone (Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford University)
  2. Dr. Francesco Ambrogi (Adjunct Professor, Queen's University)
  3. Ms. Claire MacDougall (PhD student, Stanford University)
  4. Dr. Vishal Kumar (Postdoctoral Fellow, Argonne National Laboratory)
  5. Dr. Gianmarco D'Alessandro (Lecturer, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology)
  6. Dr. Ming Teng (Postdoctoral Fellow, Barcelona Supercomputing Centre)
  7. Dr. Wen Wu (Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi, USA)
  8. Dr. Amirreza Rouhi (Lecturer, Nottingham Trent University, UK)
  9. Dr. Junlin Yuan (Associate Professor, Michigan State University, USA)
  10. Dr. Rayhaneh Banyassady
  11. Dr. Mohammad Omidyeganeh (Senior Lecturer, City University, London UK)
  12. Dr. Carlo Scalo (Associate Professor, Purdue University, USA)













Upper Right: Graduation, Teresa Salomone (PhD) and Nam Hoang (MASc), November 2024

Lower Right: Graduation, Francesco Ambrogi (PhD) June 2024





  • Ugo Piomelli delivered a talk at the 77th Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the American Physical Society in Salt Lake City, Utah USA, November 2024.
  • Teresa Salomone was hooded by Dr. Piomelli during the graduation ceremony, November 2024.
  • The paper "A dynamic subgrid-scale eddy viscosity model" by M. Germano, U. Piomelli, P. Moin, and W. H. Cabot (Phys. Fluids A, 3:1760–1765, 1991) reached 10,000 citations (October 2024).
  • Ugo Piomelli delivered a keynote lecture entitled "The good, the bad and the ugly: Leonardo's studies of turbulence" at the Burgers Symposium, College Park, MD, September 2024.
  • On July 31 Teresa Salomone defended her PhDdissertation, and now has two PhD degrees, one from Queen's and one from the Università della Campania Luigi Vanvitelli.  Congratulations Teresa!
  • Ugo Piomelli delivered a semi-plenary lecture entitled "The good, the bad and the ugly: Leonardo's studies of turbulence" at the World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM 2024 (Vancouver, BC, July 2024)
  • Teresa Salomone delivered a talk entitled "Advancing Wall-Modelled Large-Eddy Simulations: A Lagrangian Relaxation Approach for Rough Surfaces" at the 13th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, TSFP13 (Montreal, Canada, June 25–28, 2024).
  • Francesco Ambrogi participated in the graduation ceremonies, and was hooded by Dr. Piomelli, June 2024 (see photo).
  • Teresa Salomone attended the Summer School on Turbulence organized by the Burgers Program for Fluid Dynamics, University of Maryland (College Park, MD, June 2024).
  • Ugo Piomelli participated in the "Lecture Series on LES and related techniques" held at the von Karman Institute, Rhode-St-Genese, Belgium, delivering 6 lectures.
  • Teresa Salomone, Francesco Ambrogi, Zvi Hantsis and Ugo Piomelli gave talks at the 76th meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics of the American Physical Society in Washington, DC, USA, November 2023.
  • Teresa Salomone and Claire MacDougall presented their work at the CSME/CFDSC  International Congress, May 28-31, 2023, Sherbrooke, QC.
  • Claire MacDougall successfully defended her MASc on May 13, 2023, and is now joining Stanford University as a PhD student.  Congratulations Claire!
  • Ugo Piomelli gave a seminar on Leonardo da Vinci's work in fluid dynamics at the University of Ottawa on January 27 2023, at Arizona State University on February 3, 2023, at Stanford University in August 2023, and at TU Eindhoven (the Netherlands) in May 2024.