Leila Notash, PhD, PEng, FEC For Councillor-at-Large A Proud PEO Volunteer for over 20 years (since 2003)
Highlights of my Contributions to Kingston Chapter |
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At the Chapter level, I promoted awareness of the role of the Association among the Chapter members with the goal of member engagement. As well, I was promoting the PEO Equity and Diversity Policy and Code of Ethics. I believe the engineering profession will further thrive by reinforcing the values of Code of Ethics, Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity, and have supported genuine initiatives in this regard. Serving on the Chapter Executive, while being a faculty member, also inspired me to reach out to the engineering undergraduate and graduate students at the Queen’s University and Royal Military College and promote PEO values. These further enhance how the engineering profession is perceived in general. While on the Chapter board, I organized annual information sessions on the Licensure Process for the Canadian and International Engineering Graduates, the Legal Responsibilities of an Engineer and the Duty to Warn (among members, Engineering Interns – EITs, and my students), with speakers from the PEO Admissions, Enforcement and Standards.
I raised my concerns about the CASL (Canada's Anti-Spam Legislation) and chapter eblasts, and was pleased when PEO revisited its position on and initiated the lists of Chapter members and EITs who would consent for receiving eblasts with monetary info on chapter events. As the memberships were renewed and the lists were populated throughout 2019, it should have further improved communications with and engagement of members/EITs in the Chapter activities/events.
To further improve the communications among the Chapter board members, I prepared the first Terms of Reference for the Kingston Chapter committees: Terms of Reference of PEO Kingston Chapter Communications Committee.
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I am a good listener, and an active and informed councillor. I have always fought to maintain PEO's relevance in a changing world through Trust, Transparency and Accountability.